
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, April 24, 2009

Mommyhood is Hard!

I've been home alone with Tucker since Tuesday and so far mommyhood is proving to be a pretty hard job! I first tried to work from home and take care of him at the same time and hit my wall pretty early in the day. I haven't logged on to work since Wednesday. Hopefully I can get caught up with work this weekend.

Tucker likes to nap in the morning but not in the afternoon - when I'm super tired! In the afternoon he pees, poops, eats and fusses - all afternoon long! I think if I felt better, I wouldn't get so frustrated but all the getting up and down is really taking a toll on my back and my stomach. I keep a heating pad in the rocking chair where I feed Tucker so I get a little relief each time he eats. I'm hoping to get a lot of rest in this weekend and next week will be much better.

This afternoon, my sister came to town and took Tucker and me out to lunch and to a few stores. Tucker slept the entire time! Of course when we got home, he was wide awake and not willing to take even a little tiny nap! When I fed him, we both fell asleep and I woke up with Tucker snoozing away on the Boppy pillow with my boob just laying there. Nice. I didn't want to wake him so we just laid there till Alec got home and rescued me! Of course Alec picked up Tucker, swaddled him real good and laid him back down and Tucker's been asleep ever since and now I'm wide awake!

Who knew an 8 lb baby would be more demanding than all of my supervisors combined?!?

1 comment:

Karen Hening-Speedone said...

First of all, CONGRATULATIONS!! Second, LAY DOWN!! TAKE IT EASY! The slower you go at first, the better you wil feel.

Recovering from a C-Section is VERY different from a normal birth, so 1) stay off stairs as much as possible; and 2) don't drive until six weeks post-partum. The stairs put a lot of stress on your abdominal muscles. And not driving is a safety thing. If you have to suddenly slam on the brakes, you may cause enough abdominal pain that you might react by taking your foot OFF the brakes!

I had five C-Sections and six children - one set of twins. My best recovery was my second one; the doctor (back in 1978) believed in "Once a C-sec, always a C-Sec" so I did a lot of walking and swimming while pregnant. I was up and riding my bike around the Navy base we lived on about two weeks after. The next pregnancy was the twins and just about did me in.

Tucker is just stunning - enjoy these days! They fly by and before you know it, he'll be getting a learner's permit!!