
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Day 3 - much better!

Our first night in the hospital was a rough one that led to an even rougher day 2 in the hospital!

We decided to have Tucker stay in the nursery while we tried to get some sleep Monday night. Well we had nurses coming in every 2 hours to check me out then Tucker came in every 3 hours to nurse. I wasn't getting rid of as many fluids as I was taking in so they hooked me up to an IV and pumped me full of fluids all night long.

On Tuesday morning, my vitals (blood pressure, pulse, temperature) didn't look good so I had my blood taken for testing. The blood test showed my hemoglobin count really low - normal is around 10 or 11 and mine was a little over 3. Hemoglobin is what carries oxygen through the blood so apparently I was really pale - even my lips and gums were almost white. I never looked in a mirror but I looked bad enough that my doctor decided I needed blood to replinish what my body could, but much more quickly. So began my rough day. In all, I received 4 pints of blood and had my blood taken for testing 5 times (all the way until 8am this morning).

I had nurses and my doctor in and out of my room a million times all the while everyone was calling, texting and emailing about our new little bundle of joy. I wanted to tell everyone our labor story and brag on our super sweet baby, but I was so out of it and exhausted that I had to just disconnect from the world and focus on getting better.

Alec did an amazing job fielding all of the phone calls, texts and emails. He kept our worried family and friends updated on my progress throughout the day. I am certain that I'm the luckiest girl in the world!

I think basically what happened was maybe during my surgery or sometime Monday night, I had some internal bleeding - maybe a stich had come out or something. I'm still not real sure, I just know I was pretty much the talk of the maternity floor! Our pediatrician even knew about it when he came in to check on Tucker this morning!

The nurses at St. Johns did an amazing job and the nurse from Monday night even called in Tuesday to find out how I was doing. They all checked in on me today and were super sweet.

So we're hoping to be released tomorrow and this little set back doesn't keep us here 1 more day. I'm having my blood tested 1 more time tomorrow morning and if I'm still stable, then Tucker should be on his way home! Fingers crossed!

1 comment:

Teresa said...

I'm so glad you have your little bundle of joy and are hopefully at home and settling in. I shared the news with the Weiner Writings gang just now and gave them the link to the blog so they can see the pictures of this adorable, sweet, baby boy. I can't wait to hear what Berman and Lucy think of him! Congratulations. You have a new person to love and it is unlike anything you have ever experienced.