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 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Waiting Game

Since our appointment last Thursday resulted in absolutely no progress, we're now just playing the waiting game. I'm honestly sitting and waiting to feel something that I'm not even sure I'll recognnize. I thought I had a few contractions last night. They were like Braxton Hicks but a little more crampy feeling. I've felt the same thing today but there's no consistancy.

I wished on an eyelash Friday night - a very rare occasion for me. I usually miss on the finger/thumb part. But this time, Alec pulled the lash from my cheek, I guessed finger and was right! I got so excited that I started crying! I thought really hard on my wish and blew the lash off Alec's fingertip as hard as I could. But my wish didn't come true. I didn't go into labor Friday night.

Our next appointment is Tuesday - Tucker's due date. If we're not in labor by then, then we'll schedule an induction for the next week when I'm at 41 weeks. I'm so frustrated because I honestly thought he'd be early. I feel like I've been the same size for 2 months now and can't imagine how he's finding anymore room to grow!

I know inductions and c-sections happen all the time, but I'm still so upset and nervous at the thought of either of these procedures. If I end up being induced and I don't progress during labor, then I'll have to have a c-section. I really want to have some sense of normalcy again and a c-section will just delay that even longer. I'll have to stay in the hospital longer and the recovery is much longer. I've never had any sort of surgery or been in the hospital so I'm just freaking out a little bit.

Alec was nesting this morning. He just started cleaning the house like crazy! I managed to make the bed and put up some laundry and that was about it. I went grocery shopping with him and barely made it through the store! I was so tired and sore by the time we left that I immediately took a nap when we got home.

So now I'm sitting and waiting. I can't do much without getting out of breath or sore. I've never been a patient person and I really think my patience is being tested - perhaps being built up to prepare for the patience needed for motherhood.

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