
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tucker's Due Date!

Today is Tucker's due date! Yea! But we've had no progress yet again. Boo! So much for giving my grandma a birthday gift today.

I got upset last night thinking about Tucker's due date. I remember back in early August when we found out we were expecting, I got out my "What to Expect When You're Expecting" book and used the little chart to try to determine our due date. I was so excited that it was my Grandma's birthday!

As the date got closer and I got bigger, I was sure (as were a lot of my family/ friends) that there was no way I'd make it to April 7! I was getting way too big and Tucker was running out of room. I just hoped I would make it to 37 weeks (term). After 37 weeks passed, I hoped I would make it to April. I didn't really want a March baby (April's birthstone is diamond!). When April got here, I was just ready already!

My doctor has already scheduled my induction for Sunday evening. Hopefully Tucker will be here on Monday but I'm not holding my breath! There's still a chance we could have him before Sunday - there's a full moon Thursday so that may help! I'm a little sad about having something on schedule - kinda ruins the element of surprise.

But hopefully by sometime next week, we'll finally welcome our sweet boy to the world!

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