
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

To Three Year Old Thatcher

Dear Bubba-

Today you turned 3 years old! Can you believe it? I can't! Some of my very favorite things about you are:

1. When you say "sit by me", I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. 
2. When we walk and you reach up and say "hold my hand".
3. When, just out of the blue, you tell me you love me. 
4. You copy EVERYTHING Tucker does and says, and I'm pretty sure most of the time you have no idea what you are doing or saying. 
5. When you first realize you're drinking chocolate milk and  you give me the sliest little smile and glance at me before saying "chockit mick".
6. At any mention of nuts or seeds, you immediately point out that you can't have either. 
7. You crawl around on the floor with your cars, trucks, trains - anything you can push around while making an engine sound. 
8. When you climb on top of Tucker and we tell you to get off of your brother, you say " but I love him!".
9. You are all boy - all rowdy, ornery, stinky, silly, sticky, sweet boy. 
10. You're our boy. 

Bubba I can't remember life before you and I don't want to. You will always be our sweet baby boy, and though you may be rough and rowdy, I hope you will always want me to sit by you and to hold your hand. 
