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 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, October 31, 2008

I'm like a bird

I've read about how my nesting instincts will kick in, but I didn't think I could nest more than I already do! I normally clean and organize on a regular basis, but last Sunday, I cleaned the house for 4 hours! And that was just downstairs!

I think my nuturing instincts are starting up too. Last week, we had a chocolate cake incident - Berman took a big ol' bite of my made-from-scratch chocolate cake! I had to rush him to the animal ER where they made him throw up everthing he had eaten. Then this week, he had another seizure. Our vet decided it's time to put him on Phenobarital to help keep the seizures at bay. Needless to say, I can't stop kissing or snuggling my baby boy! I think he's absolutely exhausted from my all my mothering!

This morning, I found a yellowjacket buzzing around our dining room window. I wasn't scared for me - I was scared for the furkids! I mustered up all the courage I had and killed it with a flyswatter! Normally when I try to kill a spider or wasp, I shake so bad that I usually miss whatever it is altogether! But today I was brave - like a momma bear protecting her cubs!

Oh - and it still hasn't hit me that I'm pregnant and we're having a baby. I'm hoping that realization will hit me once the baby starts kicking...which should be any time now!

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