
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Our New Baby!

Add featherbaby to our crew of furbabies! The other day, Alec discovered a nest of baby blue jays in one of our Bradford pear trees in the back yard. Well, they weren't exactly babies! They looked to be about 25 years old, jobless and still living at home!

Sunday morning we woke up to yet another Oklahoma flash flood with hail and everything. When we looked in out back flowerbed, we found one of the baby blue jays laying on the ground by a bush. I was sure he was hurt, but Alec assured me that he was just trying out his wings. Mango (lab furkid/ honorary wienerkid)didn't help much by immediately running up to the baby. I think she learned her leason when momma and daddy blue jay started dive bombing her! Regardless, the puppers were banned from the back yard for the day and only allowed out under close supervision.

The baby blue jay bounced around the yard all day trying out his wings. He would hunker way down then give it his all to get up on the bottom horizontal slat on the fence. It was so cute! Mom and dad were always close by to make sure he was safe. Mom even brought him some food to help get his strength up. We watched the little guy late into the evening and he looked just exhaused. There he was, in the middle of the yard, no where to go. His brothers and sisters had all flown away.

About 2am, I woke up to thunder and alas another flash flood! I told Alec I was worried about our little feathered friend. I began crying at the thought of him out in the middle of the yard getting soaked. I said I hope he doesn't drown! Alec said nothing. He got out of bed and headed toward the kitchen! I grabbed a bath towel and followed.

Alec went out into the pouring rain, at 2am and found the baby in the yard right where we had last seen him last night. He gently layed a tea towel over the baby bird and placed him on the bath towel I had laid out on the patio. That's the man I married. That's my husband!

This morning we moved the baby bird up to our patio table to keep him away from the furkids. His mom stopped by a minute ago and brought him a little breakfast and our little guy is already trying out his wings.

PS - I'm a bit worried that Berman may have lost his "hound dog-ness." Yesterday he was within 2 inches of the bird and didn't even notice! Geesh!

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