
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

News from the belly

Not a lot happening on the pregnancy front. I've been feeling tiny kicks now and then - mostly right below my belly button. They’re not strong enough yet for Alec to feel though.

Alec's parents have graciously bought their first grandbaby a beautiful crib which is still in the box in the middle of the nursery. With the holidays and work being super busy right now, we've put nursery plans on hold till maybe after the first of the year.

We attempted to register but there's just so much stuff to think about! After 2 1/2 hours, we had only picked out 40 or so things! We certainly plan on adding to our registry, but again – it may have to wait till after the new year.

My sister made her amazing deviled eggs for Thanksgiving so I was able to satisfy my November deviled egg craving. My current craving seems to be sugar cookies. Hopefully I can get my fill of them before my gestational diabetes test in a few weeks!

After the first of the year, I think we’re going to be super busy! We’ll begin taking classes (I want to take as many as possible), decorating the nursery, registering and just preparing for our little boy to make his big debut in April!

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