
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, December 11, 2008

My new craving

I think my sugar cookie craving has evolved into Peanut Butter Captain Crunch cereal cravings. OHMYGOSH - I forgot how absolutely delicious this cereal is! And it's not too bad for me either! I went through a box in a week so I had to get the bigger box on Sunday and I think I'll be through with it by next Sunday!

Last night we were watching some show about best bar foods and they kept showing these huge steak fries. YUMMY! It occurred to us that Alec hasn't had to make any special trips to get me anything crazy to eat (yet). I just put those fries out of my head and had some Captain Crunch instead.

I think Alec's had it pretty easy so far. I haven't had any crazy hormonal outbursts (yet) just some crying and bawling every now and then but no rage or anything too bad.

I have noticed people in general aren't very sensitive to pregnant girls. I don't know how many times I'm in public and I'm the one who has to step aside for someone. What's up with that?!? Don't they know that my feet and back are throbbing, my pregnant pants are cutting me in half and I feel ginoromous? I'm lucky to be standing upright and not laying on the floor sobbing.

I promise that after I get through this pregnancy, I will be much much nicer to pregnant girls. I will hold open doors, step aside for them - whatever it takes to make their day a little nicer.

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