
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, November 17, 2008

Uncontrollable Nesting

My name is Jenny and I'm a nester. My nesting is getting out of control. I've painted the front door and the living room and hallway. My hands are completely cramping, but I'm all set to start painting the dining room tonight.

Alec replaced our horrible living room ceiling fan and 2 other light fixtures and hung new curtains for me. I think our living room is finally done...and it only took 6 months - longer than it took us to sell a house, buy a house, get married and start our family!

Here are some before shots:

And during:

And after!

Hopefully the baby will cooperate on Thursday and we'll find out what we're having! Then I can move my nesting efforts upstairs to the nursery!

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