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 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

You Say Tomato!

Alec has been working feverishly on getting our yard up to par and making our garden bountiful! Tucker thought it was most fitting that we buy Daddy a lawnmower for Father's Day! Alec has 2 broken down lawnmowers that he's been trying to fix (hmmm...I smell a penny pincher!) and 1 that he borrowed from his dad. The Blue Team at Sears fixed me right up and I think I got a pretty good deal!

Can you guess which is the new one?!?! ('s the shiny black one!)

Unfortunately, Alec mowed Friday night so the grass wasn't quite high enough to mow Sunday. But last night...

Alec has boasted quite the green thumb this year. While I was busy growing a baby in my belly, he grew this:

He planted 2 bell pepper plants, 1 jalapeno plant and 6 tomato plants which are just crazy out of control.

The leaves on the squash, zucchini and cucumber plants are HUGE!

The tomatoes are growing in clusters and I swear we have like 100 or 150 tomatoes!

We finally picked our first red tomato last night! It was DELICIOUS!

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