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 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Fat Fat Go Away!

So apparently owning a treadmill, weights and work out videos isn't enough - you have to use them! So begins the next leg of this journey called procreation.

I signed up for a Biggest Loser challenge on the Baby Center message board. About 50 girls who all had babies in April signed up for the challenge. It's kind of a contest but it's more about motivating one another. I didn't do so hot last week. I got so busy at work that I would forget to drink water and eat my snacks so when I got home, I was famished and ate everything in site!

Also I had a hard time jogging on the treadmill because a couple of things kept getting in my way and I had no way to restrain them. So let me mention my newest unmentionable - it's the biggest most confining sports bra known to man! I've never paid so much for something that no one will see, but it does the trick! I jogged today and everthing stayed in place!

I think I'll be much more successful this week. I'm going to do a "Couch to 5K" training program. I did the first workout today (in my new ginormous sports bra) and it wasn't so bad! I also have some great dinner ideas in mind - lots of veggies and chicken!

During my pregnancy I heard how lucky I was to be due in April because I missed being big fat and pregnant during Summer. But now I'm just big and fat during Summer - I can't blame it on pregnancy!

Hopefully I'll be out of my maternity stuff by the end of summer...just in time for big cozy sweaters!

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