
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Ting Ting Ting

My grandma Violet gave me a wind chime a few years ago. I don’t remember the occasion – maybe my birthday or Mother’s Day. The wind chime had a bear on it and wasn’t quite “my style” so I tucked it away somewhere in the garage. I remember the wind chime was moved to different spots in the garage but never on display.

My grandma asked me if I hung up the chime. Yes (lie). Does it go ting ting ting? Yes (lie – how would I know? I never hung it up.).  I hung up the chime when Grandma came to my house for Tucker’s birthday. As soon as she was out the door, the chime came down and back to the garage.

A few months ago, I heard a ting ting ting. Hmmm… So I went outside to find what was making this sound and sure enough, there was the chime hung up on the patio just outside our bedroom window. Alec had cleaned out the garage and came across the chime. He decided it needed to go in its rightful place – on display for all the world to see and hear.

I love that wind chime now. It’s funny how its simple ting ting ting immediately makes me think of my grandma. Sometimes when I’m lying awake at night stressing out and not able to sleep, I’ll hear a little ting ting ting and I know Grandma is there watching over me. A few days ago I realized I hadn’t heard the ting ting ting in a while. I ran outside to make sure the chime hadn’t broken. It was hanging there – just fine. I guess it just wasn’t windy – if you can imagine that in Oklahoma. I gave it a little jiggle to hear the ting ting ting.

Grandma passed away 2 years ago today. I think about her every day and I strive to be her living legacy to Alec and our boys. I hope one day our boys will understand the importance of family and to cherish every gift they receive even if it’s not their style. 
Grandma Violet and a very pregnant Me!

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