
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, April 13, 2012

And Now You're Three!

Dear Tucker-
Your birthday is today - Friday the 13th. When you were born 3 years ago, Grandma Violet said every now and then, your birthday would fall on a Friday - Friday the 13th - and that was okay.

She would've loved the little boy you've become as does every single person who's ever been lucky enough to meet you.

I never knew true love until you came along.  I also never knew how challenging and rewarding it is to be someone's momma. This past year you've certainly tested my patience and my willingness to let you grow up and be more independent.

You make me smile. In the middle of the work day, I'll find myself thinking of you and my face just lights up. All the best times of my day revolve around you - hugging you good morning, kissing you good-bye, hugging hello, story time before bed, kissing goodnight...

You make me want to be a better person. Is that a weird thing to say to a 3-year-old? I'm not sure but I know it's true. I want to be the person you would be proud to call your momma.

You've become such an amazing little boy - so smart and sweet. You've learned so much this past year but I'm most proud of your personality. You've shown so much compassion and love for those around you - your little brother, your dogs, your friends, your family...

I love how many friends you have. All the kids at school know Tucker! I have a feeling you're going to have lots of friends your whole life.

And now as I'm nearing the actual minute you were born (3:48pm) 3 years ago, I can still remember hearing you cry for the first time. I'll never forget that sound. Ever. I thought you sounded like me!

Oh my sweet boy how my heart bursts with love for you. You are one of the best things that has ever happened to me and I thank God he gave you to me. I am so very lucky to have you in my life.

Happy birthday my baby.


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