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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Simple Life

**Something to keep in mind...I began this particular post over 2 weeks ago. No lie. 2+ weeks ago. enjoy...

Today I Googled on my Blackberry "how to live more simply." Uhm...there are so many things wrong with that. I asked Alec how people got answers before Google. He said they called other people...ah the lost art of conversation.

But I digress.

I'm on a quest to figure out how to slow things waaayyy down and have at least one freakin' second to smell the roses! I never knew how very valuable and precious time is until I had a family. Now every minute I work late is one less minute I can spend with my babies. Every second I'm stuck in rush hour traffic is one less second I can dance with Alec in the kitchen. Time has become a rare treasure that I feel is slowly slipping through my fingers. Perhaps like sands through an hourglass?

So I Googled...and found a couple of interesting things - like how to live like a monk. Not that I plan on becoming a monk - not at this time anyway. I did pick up a few ideas like doing things one at a time and completing them fully. I think multitasking is overrated. You don't give 100% to one thing - you just give a little bit to several things. I've been trying to focus on one task at a time this week and I think it's calmed my ADD mind.

I also found a blog about living simply. I was relaxed just by reading this blog!

Alec says I'm addicted to relaxation. I don't think that's the case at all. I'm constantly trying to relax but can never achieve pure relaxation. I'm always worried or stressed out about something. Perhaps I should get more pedicures, facials, massages, wine...just a thought.

Here's what I want to simple life wish list:

I want to take fiddle lessons again.
I want to enjoy the daily newspaper over a fresh cup of coffee each morning - and actually finish the paper and coffee in 1 swoop. (side note: Thatcher woke up starving at 4:30 this morning. I almost stayed up just so I could have a good 30 minutes of peace and quiet to read the paper and have some coffee. Almost. I mean - it is Saturday for Pete's sake!)
I want to sit down and have dinner every night with my family.
I want to dry and fix my hair every morning.
Alec would probably like me to shave my legs a little more often.
I'd like to blog more than once every blue moon.
And (yeah - I'll admit it)I'd like 10 minutes each day that doesn't revolve around babies, work, dogs, husband...just me.

I'm not sure how to achieve this simple life - or how to even get close. I'm trying to see the bigger picture and appreciate things more. Do I want to clean the kitchen or be silly with Tucker? Do I want to veg in front of the TV or read a book with Thatcher? Do I want to pick up the house or play fetch with Berman?

I don't want much and I think I'm pretty easy to please. So my goal at this time in life is to just slow down and smell the roses. Achieving this goal may be my biggest life challenge, but I really think I can get there...even more so with the help of a housekeeper!

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