
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, March 30, 2009

We're Ready!

I think we're as ready as we're gonna be. The carseat and suitcases are in the car. We have everything we think we'll need to survive at least the first day we bring Tucker home!

He'll start off in our bedroom. We have a bassinet for him to sleep in and a glider for late night feedings. I'll dust off the ol' treadmill at some point and attempt to get back into shape.

After a few months, we'll move Tucker upstairs to his bedroom. There are still a few things I'd like to add, but for the most part, his room is ready to go!

And we can't forget the toys!

Now if I can just stop freaking out about the fact that I'm getting ready to be a mom, I think I'll be ok!

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