This is a picture of Brandt Pointe Lighthouse - where we got married. I know the picture is all blurry and out of focus and doesn't really say much, but it brings back so many memories!
We were on the last leg of our cross-country journey that began at 7am on Sunday morning. It was about 9 in the evening. (Don't look at the date/time on the pictures. I still haven't figured out how to fix that!) The ferry was just pulling into the harbor and I saw this beacon of light through the cold mist that had settled in. I ran up the stairs to the top of the ferry and asked a random person "Is that Brandt Pointe?" He said yes and I started snapping away. It was so dark I couldn't really see what I was taking pictures of. I just aimed my camera in the general direction. When I was finished, I proudly said "I'm getting married there on Tuesday." The guy shook my hand and said "Congratulations!" in his thick New England accent.
I just remember being so happy and so full of warm fuzzies that I really didn't feel cold! I remember the taste of the Cape Cod beer (we drank during the ride on the ferry) still on my tongue. I remember being so tired but so excited at the same time. I remember the smell of the ocean and the tingle of the cold mist.
I look at every other picture I have and none of them can bring back so many memories and emotions. I think this will definitely be the picture I take with me. Now if I can just remember to focus...
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