
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Momma's Boy!

I'm pretty sure Tucker is going to be a momma's boy because he's not budging whatsoever! He's just clinging to me and not going anywhere! We had our weekly appointment today and there's been no progress at all. My doctor said she's never known anyone who was pregnant forever. I think there's a first time for everything!

I know - to be upset about a perfectly healthy pregnancy and going full term is a little bit crazy. But I'm tired and crampy and the novelty of being pregnant has worn off. I had to get a couple more pairs of comfy sweatpants at Target today because I attempted jeans yesterday and was in pain by lunch. And since I'm going to be pregnant forever, I need to expand my wardrobe a bit.

On another note, Alec began planting our garden last weekend. According to my grandpa and the Farmers Almanac, we were safe to plant anything underground (like root vegetables). Alec planted radishes and onions. The radishes have already started to sprout! We'll have to cover them up tomorrow (along with our azaleas and hydrangeas) because we're in Oklahoma so of course it's going to snow this weekend.

Berman got stuck under the couch last night. His squeaky ball had rolled under the couch and he attempted to retrieve it. We heard him growling and looked down. He was laying on his side and his head and little bit of his chest were out but the rest of his body was under the couch. We had to lift the couch up so he could get out. I was going to take a picture, but thought that may be cruel. He's ok now and is trying not to let the ball go back under the couch!

I'm petrified of mice. I honestly have a phobia or something. Well I found out that last night, one Miss Mango had killed a mouse outside then brought it into the house for all the world to see! I wasn't anywhere near the mouse and Alec played it smart and didn't say anything until today. I'm pretty sure I'll check everyone's mouths before they come in the house again!

Hopefully Tucker will make his appearance soon! I think we'll have him this weekend - it's supposed to snow and my sister is in Dallas for the weekend so it only makes perfect sense that labor day is just around the corner!

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