
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, March 16, 2009

Sweat Pants & Witch Powers

I committed a total fashion faux pas today! I wore sweat pants to work!! Now these aren't your cute velour sweat pants with matching jacket. No - these are capri length regular ol' sweat pants with which I wore one of Alec's really big t-shirts. pretty! I'm done with maternity jeans! I can't even get them on - Alec has to help me put on jeans! The thought of wearing maternity jeans makes me want to cry (but what doesn't these days?). So I have a few stretchy pants that I think I can alternate for the next 3 or 4 weeks - completely avoiding maternity jeans!

My sister and I have what we call witch powers - may just be really strong intuition, but it can be a bit creepy at times. Like when I think about her, my phone will ring and she's on the other end! Or I'll be reading a book and a word I just read is said at the same time on TV - just weirdo stuff like that. Well Alec's driver side window broke this weekend - not the glass, just the mechanical stuff. He fixed it about 1/2 way this evening and was going to wait till tomorrow evening to finish. My mom called earlier saying she had thought of me all day and was worried about me. After I hung up the phone, Alec headed out to the garage. He said he knows my family's witchiness and he wasn't going to chance not having his car fixed and I go into labor tonight! I'm good with going into labor now - I just wanted to get past the Ides of March!

On another note, Alec made a compost bin this weekend. He picked up a few free pallets and added some plastic fencing. Total cost - $14! I tried to clean the house so I didn't get as many pictures I would've liked. It seemed to be quite the undertaking though!

We'll use this to make up a nice compost mixture to use on our garden which we're hoping to begin planting in the next few weeks.

Looking forward to warm evenings with Tucker and pink lemonade on the porch!

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