We made it home safely and Tucker was certainly tuckered out from all the excitement! Alec has mastered the swaddle...this baby isn't going anywhere! We've nicknamed him the Tuckerito!
The first night was a bit rough since we didn't really know what to expect. Tucker would cry and we'd feed him and change him. Sometimes that didn't help and we just didn't know what else to do! At one point, Alec took a crying Tucker into the living room and I'm not sure what kind of "come to Jesus" moment they had, but the next thing I knew, Alec was sleeping beside me and Tucker was asleep in his bassinet. I think it was the first Davis man power struggle!
The second night was much better! We were much better prepared (i.e. my pain pills close at hand!) and had a bit of a system in place. When Tucker was ready to get up, Alec would change him then pass him off to me for feeding. Alec went back to sleep while I fed Tucker. After Tucker was full, he'd go back to Alec for burping and another diaper change then we all 3 went back to sleep. We were all much more rested Saturday morning.
Saturday, Alec's mom stopped by to watch Tucker for a couple of hours while we ran some errands. I teared up a bit when we left him but managed to pull myself together and we were off! Our first stop was Babies R Us. As soon as I saw pictures of babies, I started another crying fit. We thought that may be our only stop for the day, but I pressed on and we were able to stop by Atwoods for vegetables to plant in our garden. When we got home, I was soooo happy to see Tucker!
Last night was good except I missed my evening ibuprofen and woke up around midnight with a crazy sharp pain in my stomach - right around the area that the doctor thought was where I had my internal bleeding. But Alec got me my crackers, water and meds and I feel much better this morning.
The dogs haven't been able to get too close to Tucker just yet. They are certainly curious and we're working on a slow introduction.
Mango keeps a close eye on her new baby brother.
Today we're having all sorts of grandmas and grandpas coming over to visit. We're very excited for everyone to come see our sweet baby boy!
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