I woke up Sunday thinking my water had broken so I called my doctor's office and the doctor on call suggested I come in to get checked out. So we ate breakfast and completed all of the things on our list. We took all of our "the day our baby was born" pictures and were off!
When I got to the hospital, I changed into a gown and had all sorts of monitors connected to me and climbed into bed. Well it turns out my water hadn't broken and I had still made no progress so we were sent home.
Sunday night we checked in for our scheduled induction. The Cervidil began around 8pm and at 12:50am, my water broke! This time I was sure it had broken and the nurse confirmed! She took me off of the Cervidil and I layed in bed having contractions until Monday morning around 7am. Neither one of us could sleep because we were so excited and because contractions hurt! Early Monday morning, the nurse gave me Pitocin which was supposed to make me start dilating and contracting more. I barely dilated Monday and by 3:00 my doctor decided it would be best to have a Caesarean section.
I was so nervous and scared. I just cried and cried. The doctor gave me an epidural and Alec changed into scrubs and we were off to the OR.
The operating room was just a frenzy of activity! There were at least 10 doctors there and they all seemed to be rushing around. I had to try to move from my bed to an operating table. Being numb from the waist down, this was not an easy thing to accomplish! I could only see Alec, the anestetiologist and a big blue sheet. I started shaking really bad and was so cold and scared! Alec just kept telling me to look at him and so I looked at him the entire time and just cried and cried.
Then all of a sudden, I felt a lot of pressure on my belly then heard Tucker crying! I thought he sounded like me when I cry! They cleaned him off and brought him to me. My arms were strapped down so all I could do was kiss him and cry.
Alec watched them clean up Tucker and he cut Tucker's umbilical cord then took him out to meet our families. I had to stay behind and get sewn up. They wheeled me back to my labor and delivery room where Tucker and Alec were waiting on me. They had made our families wait in the waiting room so Alec and I could spend a few minutes alone with Tucker.
So now we're in recovery. We've had a few complications, but nothing too major. We have a super sweet and adorable baby boy and our little family is now complete!
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