I told Alec yesterday that we should eat out every meal until the baby comes because each meal may be our last as a couple without a screaming baby. He said that probably wasn't a good idea. That's why I love Mr. Frugalpants! Last night, we ate at Ted's and the Mexican food just gave me heartburn and sent me straight to bed for a nap.
After my nap, I played fetch with Berman and his sad sad Santa Claus for about an hour. I had a morbid thought - these could be my last few moments on earth and this is what I'm doing? I'm doing none of the things Tim McGraw sang about - no skydiving, no Rocky Mountain climbing, no bull named Fu Man Chu. Alec said that's why we're having the baby in a hospital and not a barn.
Well the full moon did nothing to help with Tucker's arrival. I asked Alec around sunset if he thought the moon had to be completely out and if the cloud coverage was hampering the full moon affect. My sister thought maybe I had to dance naked outside under the full moon and I swear for a second I thought "the concrete pad where the hot tub sat would be good for that." Then I remembered that I'm not really a free spirit who likes to be naked - especially outside for the world to see. So Alec grabbed me for an impromptu dance while he hummed Sweet Georgia Brown. That didn't help either - just made me out of breath.
I decided to take my maternity leave beginning today. It was mostly for my sanity and for the well being of my coworkers. I honestly thought I may hurt one of them if I stayed at work one more minute. So I'm at home today totally bored and hoping the furkids can sense any rage that boils up before I hurt one of them. I tried to go shopping - hoping I'd jinx myself and my water would break in the middle of Hobby Lobby - but again, I just got tired and waddled around for about 5 minutes then came home.
The Farmers Almanac says the most common day for births is Tuesday and the least common is Saturday or Sunday. This does not make matters better whatsoever. I'm still hopeful I'll go into labor on my own before we go in Sunday evening.
I thought I had a contraction last night and I said "Shamalamadingdong, baby! That hurt!" but it wasn't anything so I went back to playing fetch with Berman...and waiting.
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