I've been home alone with Tucker since Tuesday and so far mommyhood is proving to be a pretty hard job! I first tried to work from home and take care of him at the same time and hit my wall pretty early in the day. I haven't logged on to work since Wednesday. Hopefully I can get caught up with work this weekend.
Tucker likes to nap in the morning but not in the afternoon - when I'm super tired! In the afternoon he pees, poops, eats and fusses - all afternoon long! I think if I felt better, I wouldn't get so frustrated but all the getting up and down is really taking a toll on my back and my stomach. I keep a heating pad in the rocking chair where I feed Tucker so I get a little relief each time he eats. I'm hoping to get a lot of rest in this weekend and next week will be much better.
This afternoon, my sister came to town and took Tucker and me out to lunch and to a few stores. Tucker slept the entire time! Of course when we got home, he was wide awake and not willing to take even a little tiny nap! When I fed him, we both fell asleep and I woke up with Tucker snoozing away on the Boppy pillow with my boob just laying there. Nice. I didn't want to wake him so we just laid there till Alec got home and rescued me! Of course Alec picked up Tucker, swaddled him real good and laid him back down and Tucker's been asleep ever since and now I'm wide awake!
Who knew an 8 lb baby would be more demanding than all of my supervisors combined?!?
Friday, April 24, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Tucker is 1 Week Old!
I can't believe our sweet boy is already 1 week old! He had his first pediatrician appointment today and everything looks good. He's already gained 5 ounces back and is at 8 lbs now!

He likes to do things like snuggle, eat, pee, poop and sleep. He's such a good boy - rarely fussy and eats like a little pig! He also sleeps quite a bit at night - waking every 3 hours or so.
I still can't believe he's here and he's ours. He was certainly worth the wait!
He likes to do things like snuggle, eat, pee, poop and sleep. He's such a good boy - rarely fussy and eats like a little pig! He also sleeps quite a bit at night - waking every 3 hours or so.
I still can't believe he's here and he's ours. He was certainly worth the wait!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
We're Home!
We were released on Thursday and were so excited to get home and begin the next chapter of our life!

We made it home safely and Tucker was certainly tuckered out from all the excitement! Alec has mastered the swaddle...this baby isn't going anywhere! We've nicknamed him the Tuckerito!

The first night was a bit rough since we didn't really know what to expect. Tucker would cry and we'd feed him and change him. Sometimes that didn't help and we just didn't know what else to do! At one point, Alec took a crying Tucker into the living room and I'm not sure what kind of "come to Jesus" moment they had, but the next thing I knew, Alec was sleeping beside me and Tucker was asleep in his bassinet. I think it was the first Davis man power struggle!
The second night was much better! We were much better prepared (i.e. my pain pills close at hand!) and had a bit of a system in place. When Tucker was ready to get up, Alec would change him then pass him off to me for feeding. Alec went back to sleep while I fed Tucker. After Tucker was full, he'd go back to Alec for burping and another diaper change then we all 3 went back to sleep. We were all much more rested Saturday morning.
Saturday, Alec's mom stopped by to watch Tucker for a couple of hours while we ran some errands. I teared up a bit when we left him but managed to pull myself together and we were off! Our first stop was Babies R Us. As soon as I saw pictures of babies, I started another crying fit. We thought that may be our only stop for the day, but I pressed on and we were able to stop by Atwoods for vegetables to plant in our garden. When we got home, I was soooo happy to see Tucker!
Last night was good except I missed my evening ibuprofen and woke up around midnight with a crazy sharp pain in my stomach - right around the area that the doctor thought was where I had my internal bleeding. But Alec got me my crackers, water and meds and I feel much better this morning.
The dogs haven't been able to get too close to Tucker just yet. They are certainly curious and we're working on a slow introduction.
Mango keeps a close eye on her new baby brother.

Today we're having all sorts of grandmas and grandpas coming over to visit. We're very excited for everyone to come see our sweet baby boy!
We made it home safely and Tucker was certainly tuckered out from all the excitement! Alec has mastered the swaddle...this baby isn't going anywhere! We've nicknamed him the Tuckerito!
The first night was a bit rough since we didn't really know what to expect. Tucker would cry and we'd feed him and change him. Sometimes that didn't help and we just didn't know what else to do! At one point, Alec took a crying Tucker into the living room and I'm not sure what kind of "come to Jesus" moment they had, but the next thing I knew, Alec was sleeping beside me and Tucker was asleep in his bassinet. I think it was the first Davis man power struggle!
The second night was much better! We were much better prepared (i.e. my pain pills close at hand!) and had a bit of a system in place. When Tucker was ready to get up, Alec would change him then pass him off to me for feeding. Alec went back to sleep while I fed Tucker. After Tucker was full, he'd go back to Alec for burping and another diaper change then we all 3 went back to sleep. We were all much more rested Saturday morning.
Saturday, Alec's mom stopped by to watch Tucker for a couple of hours while we ran some errands. I teared up a bit when we left him but managed to pull myself together and we were off! Our first stop was Babies R Us. As soon as I saw pictures of babies, I started another crying fit. We thought that may be our only stop for the day, but I pressed on and we were able to stop by Atwoods for vegetables to plant in our garden. When we got home, I was soooo happy to see Tucker!
Last night was good except I missed my evening ibuprofen and woke up around midnight with a crazy sharp pain in my stomach - right around the area that the doctor thought was where I had my internal bleeding. But Alec got me my crackers, water and meds and I feel much better this morning.
The dogs haven't been able to get too close to Tucker just yet. They are certainly curious and we're working on a slow introduction.
Mango keeps a close eye on her new baby brother.
Today we're having all sorts of grandmas and grandpas coming over to visit. We're very excited for everyone to come see our sweet baby boy!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Day 3 - much better!
Our first night in the hospital was a rough one that led to an even rougher day 2 in the hospital!
We decided to have Tucker stay in the nursery while we tried to get some sleep Monday night. Well we had nurses coming in every 2 hours to check me out then Tucker came in every 3 hours to nurse. I wasn't getting rid of as many fluids as I was taking in so they hooked me up to an IV and pumped me full of fluids all night long.
On Tuesday morning, my vitals (blood pressure, pulse, temperature) didn't look good so I had my blood taken for testing. The blood test showed my hemoglobin count really low - normal is around 10 or 11 and mine was a little over 3. Hemoglobin is what carries oxygen through the blood so apparently I was really pale - even my lips and gums were almost white. I never looked in a mirror but I looked bad enough that my doctor decided I needed blood to replinish what my body could, but much more quickly. So began my rough day. In all, I received 4 pints of blood and had my blood taken for testing 5 times (all the way until 8am this morning).
I had nurses and my doctor in and out of my room a million times all the while everyone was calling, texting and emailing about our new little bundle of joy. I wanted to tell everyone our labor story and brag on our super sweet baby, but I was so out of it and exhausted that I had to just disconnect from the world and focus on getting better.
Alec did an amazing job fielding all of the phone calls, texts and emails. He kept our worried family and friends updated on my progress throughout the day. I am certain that I'm the luckiest girl in the world!
I think basically what happened was maybe during my surgery or sometime Monday night, I had some internal bleeding - maybe a stich had come out or something. I'm still not real sure, I just know I was pretty much the talk of the maternity floor! Our pediatrician even knew about it when he came in to check on Tucker this morning!
The nurses at St. Johns did an amazing job and the nurse from Monday night even called in Tuesday to find out how I was doing. They all checked in on me today and were super sweet.
So we're hoping to be released tomorrow and this little set back doesn't keep us here 1 more day. I'm having my blood tested 1 more time tomorrow morning and if I'm still stable, then Tucker should be on his way home! Fingers crossed!
We decided to have Tucker stay in the nursery while we tried to get some sleep Monday night. Well we had nurses coming in every 2 hours to check me out then Tucker came in every 3 hours to nurse. I wasn't getting rid of as many fluids as I was taking in so they hooked me up to an IV and pumped me full of fluids all night long.
On Tuesday morning, my vitals (blood pressure, pulse, temperature) didn't look good so I had my blood taken for testing. The blood test showed my hemoglobin count really low - normal is around 10 or 11 and mine was a little over 3. Hemoglobin is what carries oxygen through the blood so apparently I was really pale - even my lips and gums were almost white. I never looked in a mirror but I looked bad enough that my doctor decided I needed blood to replinish what my body could, but much more quickly. So began my rough day. In all, I received 4 pints of blood and had my blood taken for testing 5 times (all the way until 8am this morning).
I had nurses and my doctor in and out of my room a million times all the while everyone was calling, texting and emailing about our new little bundle of joy. I wanted to tell everyone our labor story and brag on our super sweet baby, but I was so out of it and exhausted that I had to just disconnect from the world and focus on getting better.
Alec did an amazing job fielding all of the phone calls, texts and emails. He kept our worried family and friends updated on my progress throughout the day. I am certain that I'm the luckiest girl in the world!
I think basically what happened was maybe during my surgery or sometime Monday night, I had some internal bleeding - maybe a stich had come out or something. I'm still not real sure, I just know I was pretty much the talk of the maternity floor! Our pediatrician even knew about it when he came in to check on Tucker this morning!
The nurses at St. Johns did an amazing job and the nurse from Monday night even called in Tuesday to find out how I was doing. They all checked in on me today and were super sweet.
So we're hoping to be released tomorrow and this little set back doesn't keep us here 1 more day. I'm having my blood tested 1 more time tomorrow morning and if I'm still stable, then Tucker should be on his way home! Fingers crossed!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Tucker Joseph Davis
Our sweet boy finally decided to make his appearance Monday, April 13 at 3:48 pm.
I woke up Sunday thinking my water had broken so I called my doctor's office and the doctor on call suggested I come in to get checked out. So we ate breakfast and completed all of the things on our list. We took all of our "the day our baby was born" pictures and were off!
When I got to the hospital, I changed into a gown and had all sorts of monitors connected to me and climbed into bed. Well it turns out my water hadn't broken and I had still made no progress so we were sent home.
Sunday night we checked in for our scheduled induction. The Cervidil began around 8pm and at 12:50am, my water broke! This time I was sure it had broken and the nurse confirmed! She took me off of the Cervidil and I layed in bed having contractions until Monday morning around 7am. Neither one of us could sleep because we were so excited and because contractions hurt! Early Monday morning, the nurse gave me Pitocin which was supposed to make me start dilating and contracting more. I barely dilated Monday and by 3:00 my doctor decided it would be best to have a Caesarean section.
I was so nervous and scared. I just cried and cried. The doctor gave me an epidural and Alec changed into scrubs and we were off to the OR.
The operating room was just a frenzy of activity! There were at least 10 doctors there and they all seemed to be rushing around. I had to try to move from my bed to an operating table. Being numb from the waist down, this was not an easy thing to accomplish! I could only see Alec, the anestetiologist and a big blue sheet. I started shaking really bad and was so cold and scared! Alec just kept telling me to look at him and so I looked at him the entire time and just cried and cried.
Then all of a sudden, I felt a lot of pressure on my belly then heard Tucker crying! I thought he sounded like me when I cry! They cleaned him off and brought him to me. My arms were strapped down so all I could do was kiss him and cry.

Alec watched them clean up Tucker and he cut Tucker's umbilical cord then took him out to meet our families. I had to stay behind and get sewn up. They wheeled me back to my labor and delivery room where Tucker and Alec were waiting on me. They had made our families wait in the waiting room so Alec and I could spend a few minutes alone with Tucker.

So now we're in recovery. We've had a few complications, but nothing too major. We have a super sweet and adorable baby boy and our little family is now complete!
I woke up Sunday thinking my water had broken so I called my doctor's office and the doctor on call suggested I come in to get checked out. So we ate breakfast and completed all of the things on our list. We took all of our "the day our baby was born" pictures and were off!
When I got to the hospital, I changed into a gown and had all sorts of monitors connected to me and climbed into bed. Well it turns out my water hadn't broken and I had still made no progress so we were sent home.
Sunday night we checked in for our scheduled induction. The Cervidil began around 8pm and at 12:50am, my water broke! This time I was sure it had broken and the nurse confirmed! She took me off of the Cervidil and I layed in bed having contractions until Monday morning around 7am. Neither one of us could sleep because we were so excited and because contractions hurt! Early Monday morning, the nurse gave me Pitocin which was supposed to make me start dilating and contracting more. I barely dilated Monday and by 3:00 my doctor decided it would be best to have a Caesarean section.
I was so nervous and scared. I just cried and cried. The doctor gave me an epidural and Alec changed into scrubs and we were off to the OR.
The operating room was just a frenzy of activity! There were at least 10 doctors there and they all seemed to be rushing around. I had to try to move from my bed to an operating table. Being numb from the waist down, this was not an easy thing to accomplish! I could only see Alec, the anestetiologist and a big blue sheet. I started shaking really bad and was so cold and scared! Alec just kept telling me to look at him and so I looked at him the entire time and just cried and cried.
Then all of a sudden, I felt a lot of pressure on my belly then heard Tucker crying! I thought he sounded like me when I cry! They cleaned him off and brought him to me. My arms were strapped down so all I could do was kiss him and cry.
Alec watched them clean up Tucker and he cut Tucker's umbilical cord then took him out to meet our families. I had to stay behind and get sewn up. They wheeled me back to my labor and delivery room where Tucker and Alec were waiting on me. They had made our families wait in the waiting room so Alec and I could spend a few minutes alone with Tucker.
So now we're in recovery. We've had a few complications, but nothing too major. We have a super sweet and adorable baby boy and our little family is now complete!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Thinking Too Much!
I'm totally over thinking this baby thing. Alec has to keep talking me down from my freak outs. Last night it was parenting and today it's childbirth.
I hope I'm a good mom. I hope I have the patience and understanding to be a decent parent. I hope I know when to let things go and to accept my imperfections.
I hope Tucker is a nice boy - that he's compassionate and sweet and kind and has a good heart. I hope he's smart and ambitious. I hope we have enough life experience to teach him good morals and values. I hope he respects girls and appreciates all the strong independent women in his life.
And obviously inductions happen all the time or they wouldn't do them. I've never been in the hospital - never had an IV or anything like that. I'm scared out of my mind about this. Alec told me what he knows about IVs so at least I have some idea of what to expect with that aspect. I went from thinking I would have a drug-free childbirth to needing 2 different drugs just to jump start things!
I have no idea how to think of anything else right now. It would be better if I didn't know that in less than 24 hours, I'd be checking in to the hospital to begin this next step. I keep hoping, with everything I have, that my water will break or I'll start having contractions and not have to go through this final countdown. It's funny that I'm usually totally organized and plan everything I can, but for once, I want spontaneity and to be completely blind sided. I think Tucker owes us this much!
I hope I'm a good mom. I hope I have the patience and understanding to be a decent parent. I hope I know when to let things go and to accept my imperfections.
I hope Tucker is a nice boy - that he's compassionate and sweet and kind and has a good heart. I hope he's smart and ambitious. I hope we have enough life experience to teach him good morals and values. I hope he respects girls and appreciates all the strong independent women in his life.
And obviously inductions happen all the time or they wouldn't do them. I've never been in the hospital - never had an IV or anything like that. I'm scared out of my mind about this. Alec told me what he knows about IVs so at least I have some idea of what to expect with that aspect. I went from thinking I would have a drug-free childbirth to needing 2 different drugs just to jump start things!
I have no idea how to think of anything else right now. It would be better if I didn't know that in less than 24 hours, I'd be checking in to the hospital to begin this next step. I keep hoping, with everything I have, that my water will break or I'll start having contractions and not have to go through this final countdown. It's funny that I'm usually totally organized and plan everything I can, but for once, I want spontaneity and to be completely blind sided. I think Tucker owes us this much!
Friday, April 10, 2009
I decided the best way to let Alec know that "it's time" is to maybe have a fun catch phrase. My phrase of choice? Shamalamadingdong! That way instead of having to explain - time for what - he'll know what it's time for.
I told Alec yesterday that we should eat out every meal until the baby comes because each meal may be our last as a couple without a screaming baby. He said that probably wasn't a good idea. That's why I love Mr. Frugalpants! Last night, we ate at Ted's and the Mexican food just gave me heartburn and sent me straight to bed for a nap.
After my nap, I played fetch with Berman and his sad sad Santa Claus for about an hour. I had a morbid thought - these could be my last few moments on earth and this is what I'm doing? I'm doing none of the things Tim McGraw sang about - no skydiving, no Rocky Mountain climbing, no bull named Fu Man Chu. Alec said that's why we're having the baby in a hospital and not a barn.

Well the full moon did nothing to help with Tucker's arrival. I asked Alec around sunset if he thought the moon had to be completely out and if the cloud coverage was hampering the full moon affect. My sister thought maybe I had to dance naked outside under the full moon and I swear for a second I thought "the concrete pad where the hot tub sat would be good for that." Then I remembered that I'm not really a free spirit who likes to be naked - especially outside for the world to see. So Alec grabbed me for an impromptu dance while he hummed Sweet Georgia Brown. That didn't help either - just made me out of breath.
I decided to take my maternity leave beginning today. It was mostly for my sanity and for the well being of my coworkers. I honestly thought I may hurt one of them if I stayed at work one more minute. So I'm at home today totally bored and hoping the furkids can sense any rage that boils up before I hurt one of them. I tried to go shopping - hoping I'd jinx myself and my water would break in the middle of Hobby Lobby - but again, I just got tired and waddled around for about 5 minutes then came home.
The Farmers Almanac says the most common day for births is Tuesday and the least common is Saturday or Sunday. This does not make matters better whatsoever. I'm still hopeful I'll go into labor on my own before we go in Sunday evening.
I thought I had a contraction last night and I said "Shamalamadingdong, baby! That hurt!" but it wasn't anything so I went back to playing fetch with Berman...and waiting.
I told Alec yesterday that we should eat out every meal until the baby comes because each meal may be our last as a couple without a screaming baby. He said that probably wasn't a good idea. That's why I love Mr. Frugalpants! Last night, we ate at Ted's and the Mexican food just gave me heartburn and sent me straight to bed for a nap.
After my nap, I played fetch with Berman and his sad sad Santa Claus for about an hour. I had a morbid thought - these could be my last few moments on earth and this is what I'm doing? I'm doing none of the things Tim McGraw sang about - no skydiving, no Rocky Mountain climbing, no bull named Fu Man Chu. Alec said that's why we're having the baby in a hospital and not a barn.
Well the full moon did nothing to help with Tucker's arrival. I asked Alec around sunset if he thought the moon had to be completely out and if the cloud coverage was hampering the full moon affect. My sister thought maybe I had to dance naked outside under the full moon and I swear for a second I thought "the concrete pad where the hot tub sat would be good for that." Then I remembered that I'm not really a free spirit who likes to be naked - especially outside for the world to see. So Alec grabbed me for an impromptu dance while he hummed Sweet Georgia Brown. That didn't help either - just made me out of breath.
I decided to take my maternity leave beginning today. It was mostly for my sanity and for the well being of my coworkers. I honestly thought I may hurt one of them if I stayed at work one more minute. So I'm at home today totally bored and hoping the furkids can sense any rage that boils up before I hurt one of them. I tried to go shopping - hoping I'd jinx myself and my water would break in the middle of Hobby Lobby - but again, I just got tired and waddled around for about 5 minutes then came home.
The Farmers Almanac says the most common day for births is Tuesday and the least common is Saturday or Sunday. This does not make matters better whatsoever. I'm still hopeful I'll go into labor on my own before we go in Sunday evening.
I thought I had a contraction last night and I said "Shamalamadingdong, baby! That hurt!" but it wasn't anything so I went back to playing fetch with Berman...and waiting.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are answers to some of our frequently asked questions:
Q: How are you feeling?
A: Like I'm 40+ weeks pregnant. My back hurts. My feet hurt. I have a full term baby punching my bladder and kicking my ribs. I can't get to sleep till after midnight now and wake up between 2am and 4am every morning and just lay there. I'm not exactly comfortable right now. Alec seems to be holding up pretty well.
Q: Are you excited?
A: In no particular order, we are (at any given minute):
not ready
freaking out
Q: When are you having the baby?
A: Unless something has changed since the beginning of time, pregnancy is very unpredictable. If I knew when Tucker would be here, I could be a much more productive person and not be scared to start new projects at work or wander too far from home or the hospital.
Q: Have you had any contractions?
A: No idea. Have I felt something that I've never felt before in my life? No.
Q: How do you pass time?
A: Nap, cry, sit and wait. Alec takes care of the dogs, the house, the yard and everything else. I just nap, cry and sit and wait.
Q: How will I know when Tucker is here?
A: We plan to let our loved ones know when we're in labor. It's up to them to decide if they want to hang out at the hospital the entire time we're in labor or not.
Q: How long will you be in labor?
A: Again - totally unpredictable. It could be a few hours or even days. My sister was in labor for 26 hours with her first child. A guy we work with's wife was in labor for 50+ hours. Labor includes 3 stages. Check this out then let me know how long I'll be in labor: http://www.babycenter.com/0_the-stages-of-labor_177.bc.
Q: How long are you taking off from work?
A: No idea. I've never given birth or had a newborn so I have no idea what life will be like after he gets here. I'm planning on being out of the office for 4 weeks but I'll be working from home during some of that time. Alec is planning on being out for 1 week (unless I have a c-section).
Q: Will you have a c-section?
A: No idea. I'd rather not but if I'm not progressing at a decent rate, then a c-section may be the only option to get this leech of a child out of me.
Q: How do the Cubs look?
A: Well 2-1 isn't a bad start but it's not a great start either. But you gotta, once again, put all of your faith and hope into those lovable losers and pray to God that the stupid goat curse would go away already!
Q: How are you feeling?
A: Like I'm 40+ weeks pregnant. My back hurts. My feet hurt. I have a full term baby punching my bladder and kicking my ribs. I can't get to sleep till after midnight now and wake up between 2am and 4am every morning and just lay there. I'm not exactly comfortable right now. Alec seems to be holding up pretty well.
Q: Are you excited?
A: In no particular order, we are (at any given minute):
not ready
freaking out
Q: When are you having the baby?
A: Unless something has changed since the beginning of time, pregnancy is very unpredictable. If I knew when Tucker would be here, I could be a much more productive person and not be scared to start new projects at work or wander too far from home or the hospital.
Q: Have you had any contractions?
A: No idea. Have I felt something that I've never felt before in my life? No.
Q: How do you pass time?
A: Nap, cry, sit and wait. Alec takes care of the dogs, the house, the yard and everything else. I just nap, cry and sit and wait.
Q: How will I know when Tucker is here?
A: We plan to let our loved ones know when we're in labor. It's up to them to decide if they want to hang out at the hospital the entire time we're in labor or not.
Q: How long will you be in labor?
A: Again - totally unpredictable. It could be a few hours or even days. My sister was in labor for 26 hours with her first child. A guy we work with's wife was in labor for 50+ hours. Labor includes 3 stages. Check this out then let me know how long I'll be in labor: http://www.babycenter.com/0_the-stages-of-labor_177.bc.
Q: How long are you taking off from work?
A: No idea. I've never given birth or had a newborn so I have no idea what life will be like after he gets here. I'm planning on being out of the office for 4 weeks but I'll be working from home during some of that time. Alec is planning on being out for 1 week (unless I have a c-section).
Q: Will you have a c-section?
A: No idea. I'd rather not but if I'm not progressing at a decent rate, then a c-section may be the only option to get this leech of a child out of me.
Q: How do the Cubs look?
A: Well 2-1 isn't a bad start but it's not a great start either. But you gotta, once again, put all of your faith and hope into those lovable losers and pray to God that the stupid goat curse would go away already!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Tucker's Due Date!
Today is Tucker's due date! Yea! But we've had no progress yet again. Boo! So much for giving my grandma a birthday gift today.
I got upset last night thinking about Tucker's due date. I remember back in early August when we found out we were expecting, I got out my "What to Expect When You're Expecting" book and used the little chart to try to determine our due date. I was so excited that it was my Grandma's birthday!
As the date got closer and I got bigger, I was sure (as were a lot of my family/ friends) that there was no way I'd make it to April 7! I was getting way too big and Tucker was running out of room. I just hoped I would make it to 37 weeks (term). After 37 weeks passed, I hoped I would make it to April. I didn't really want a March baby (April's birthstone is diamond!). When April got here, I was just ready already!
My doctor has already scheduled my induction for Sunday evening. Hopefully Tucker will be here on Monday but I'm not holding my breath! There's still a chance we could have him before Sunday - there's a full moon Thursday so that may help! I'm a little sad about having something on schedule - kinda ruins the element of surprise.
But hopefully by sometime next week, we'll finally welcome our sweet boy to the world!
I got upset last night thinking about Tucker's due date. I remember back in early August when we found out we were expecting, I got out my "What to Expect When You're Expecting" book and used the little chart to try to determine our due date. I was so excited that it was my Grandma's birthday!
As the date got closer and I got bigger, I was sure (as were a lot of my family/ friends) that there was no way I'd make it to April 7! I was getting way too big and Tucker was running out of room. I just hoped I would make it to 37 weeks (term). After 37 weeks passed, I hoped I would make it to April. I didn't really want a March baby (April's birthstone is diamond!). When April got here, I was just ready already!
My doctor has already scheduled my induction for Sunday evening. Hopefully Tucker will be here on Monday but I'm not holding my breath! There's still a chance we could have him before Sunday - there's a full moon Thursday so that may help! I'm a little sad about having something on schedule - kinda ruins the element of surprise.
But hopefully by sometime next week, we'll finally welcome our sweet boy to the world!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
The Waiting Game
Since our appointment last Thursday resulted in absolutely no progress, we're now just playing the waiting game. I'm honestly sitting and waiting to feel something that I'm not even sure I'll recognnize. I thought I had a few contractions last night. They were like Braxton Hicks but a little more crampy feeling. I've felt the same thing today but there's no consistancy.
I wished on an eyelash Friday night - a very rare occasion for me. I usually miss on the finger/thumb part. But this time, Alec pulled the lash from my cheek, I guessed finger and was right! I got so excited that I started crying! I thought really hard on my wish and blew the lash off Alec's fingertip as hard as I could. But my wish didn't come true. I didn't go into labor Friday night.
Our next appointment is Tuesday - Tucker's due date. If we're not in labor by then, then we'll schedule an induction for the next week when I'm at 41 weeks. I'm so frustrated because I honestly thought he'd be early. I feel like I've been the same size for 2 months now and can't imagine how he's finding anymore room to grow!
I know inductions and c-sections happen all the time, but I'm still so upset and nervous at the thought of either of these procedures. If I end up being induced and I don't progress during labor, then I'll have to have a c-section. I really want to have some sense of normalcy again and a c-section will just delay that even longer. I'll have to stay in the hospital longer and the recovery is much longer. I've never had any sort of surgery or been in the hospital so I'm just freaking out a little bit.
Alec was nesting this morning. He just started cleaning the house like crazy! I managed to make the bed and put up some laundry and that was about it. I went grocery shopping with him and barely made it through the store! I was so tired and sore by the time we left that I immediately took a nap when we got home.
So now I'm sitting and waiting. I can't do much without getting out of breath or sore. I've never been a patient person and I really think my patience is being tested - perhaps being built up to prepare for the patience needed for motherhood.
I wished on an eyelash Friday night - a very rare occasion for me. I usually miss on the finger/thumb part. But this time, Alec pulled the lash from my cheek, I guessed finger and was right! I got so excited that I started crying! I thought really hard on my wish and blew the lash off Alec's fingertip as hard as I could. But my wish didn't come true. I didn't go into labor Friday night.
Our next appointment is Tuesday - Tucker's due date. If we're not in labor by then, then we'll schedule an induction for the next week when I'm at 41 weeks. I'm so frustrated because I honestly thought he'd be early. I feel like I've been the same size for 2 months now and can't imagine how he's finding anymore room to grow!
I know inductions and c-sections happen all the time, but I'm still so upset and nervous at the thought of either of these procedures. If I end up being induced and I don't progress during labor, then I'll have to have a c-section. I really want to have some sense of normalcy again and a c-section will just delay that even longer. I'll have to stay in the hospital longer and the recovery is much longer. I've never had any sort of surgery or been in the hospital so I'm just freaking out a little bit.
Alec was nesting this morning. He just started cleaning the house like crazy! I managed to make the bed and put up some laundry and that was about it. I went grocery shopping with him and barely made it through the store! I was so tired and sore by the time we left that I immediately took a nap when we got home.
So now I'm sitting and waiting. I can't do much without getting out of breath or sore. I've never been a patient person and I really think my patience is being tested - perhaps being built up to prepare for the patience needed for motherhood.
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