Thursday, December 30, 2010
Postpartum Not So Pretty
The glowing has turned into dry skin speckled with blemishes.
The cute little round belly is now a big half deflated spare tire around my midsection.
The "ohmygosh it's gonna pop" belly button is now a smooshy gaping hole.
And that line down my belly - it seems to grow darker every day.
The thick lustrous hair...well, I still have that. But soon it'll start falling out like a sheepdog shedding in July - or better yet, like our furkid Mango (seriously, how does this dog lose that much hair?!?).
Every night I wake up (several time thanks to my ever starving child) in a pool of sweat - completely soaked from head to toe.
Gotta love raging out of whack hormones! I'm ready to be normal again!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Don't Blink
There's a song by Kenny Chesney called "Don't Blink" that tells us to cherish every moment because life passes us by so quickly - if you blink, you may just miss it! This song always reminded me of my sweet baby Tucker and how fast he's growing. I can't believe he's already 20 months old and has experienced so many of life's "firsts".
A few weeks ago, my grandma suddenly became very ill and this song took on a whole different perspective for me.
Towards the end of my pregnancy with Thatcher, I decided it was time to go back home to Wynona and visit my mom and grandparents. I hadn't seen them for a few months and I knew my time to travel was diminishing with each passing week of my pregnancy. On the Saturday before Halloween, I told Alec that I needed to go visit so we loaded up Tucker and headed to Wynona.
We visited my mom then stopped by my grandparents house. Grandma had made a fresh batch of brownies which I inhaled (one last pregnant hoorah!) Wynona was trick or treating that night so we sat on the front porch while Grandma and Grandpa passed out candy. Grandma had made up treat bags to pass out - she always went a little above and beyond with her generosity! But then again, she was picking out the good Tootsie Rolls to keep and enjoy later!
We left that evening with the idea that the next time we'd see my grandparents, I'd have a new little great-grandson for them to meet! Little did we know, how fast things would change with the next "blink."
The following Friday, my mom called to let me know my Grandma had gotten sick and was in the hospital. The diagnosis was something wrong with her liver - maybe jaundice. Alec and I went to visit Grandma on Saturday (just 1 week since we'd last seen her) and she was in good spirits. We talked about my pregnancy and she assured everyone she felt fine. Did she really feel fine? She wasn't one to complain or worry anyone so we'll never know.
On Sunday after more tests, the doctors found a spot on Grandma's intestines. She was set for surgery on Tuesday. Our family filled the waiting room on the day of surgery and we were prepared to stay as long as we needed to. The surgery didn't take as long as we thought. The doctor found cancer in my grandma's pancreas, liver and intestines. There wasn't much they could do. Grandma was given 6 weeks - 6 months to live. I never wanted to blink again.
During this entire time - from the time I found out Grandma was sick until the day of the surgery - I kept playing "Don't Blink" over and over in my head. I clung to my family and leaned on them for support. We were told that my sweet Grandma - who was so strong and vivacious just a few days earlier - was now very very sick. Everyone kept reminding me that she was 85 and she may not be able to bounce back. But my Grandma was no regular old grandma! She was full of life and had never been sick or had anything wrong with her! I didn't care that she was 85! My Grandma was supposed to be around for at least 10 more years - at least long enough to see my boys grow up - at least long enough meet her new great-grandson!
When Grandpa and I went to see Grandma in the ICU after surgery, he said he didn't think she'd pull out of this - that this could really be the end. I told him we just have to have faith and everything is out of our hands now. The constant playing of "Don't Blink" changed to "Have a Little Faith." I don't even know the words to that song, but I just kept playing over and over in my head "Have a little faith in me..." For some reason, I thought if I stayed optimistic and put all my faith in the right hands, my grandma would pull through.
After Grandma's surgery, I visited her in the hospital as often as I could. I went to see her during my lunch breaks and in the evenings. The Sunday after her surgery - just 2 weeks after we had last seen her so full of life in Wynona - we took Tucker to see Grandma. We were sure he'd lift her spirits and I made a special card for her from Tucker. Grandma had taken a turn for the worse the night before and wasn't awake when we visited. She had emergency surgery that night.
The next day, on Monday - just 16 days after our Wynona visit - we lost our sweet grandma. "Don't Blink" returned.
I'm not sad by time not spent with my Grandma. I have a thousand memories from the time I did spend with her. I'm sad my boys will never know this amazing person. They'll never understand why their mama thinks it's important to make homemade jam and to sit down at the dinner table each night. They'll think it's silly that their mama has to kiss daddy every morning, every night and every other chance she gets. They'll get tired of how many times she says "I love you" to them. But these are just a few of the thousands of things I got from my grandma that I hope my boys will remember about me.
Now I'm trying to cherish each moment life offers and each crazy thing it throws our way. I want to make sure that with each blink, I have a thousand memories to last me until my next blink.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
World, Meet Thatcher!
Because I had a c-section with our 19-month old Tucker, I was scheduled for another c-section for our second baby. I had received a form letter in the mail - your "surgery" is scheduled for Monday, November 22. The idea of having another c-section had already upset me and this letter didn't help things. There was no drama or element of surprise with a scheduled c-section. Never would I experience the craziness of rushing around to get to the hospital or trying to calm down a freaked out husband. Or so I thought...
Thatcher's birth story begins a few days before his birth. My dear sweet grandma had unexpectedly gotten very ill (blog about this to follow) and at our final OBGYN appointment on Monday, November 15, I spoke to my doctor about possibly rescheduling my c-section. I knew my grandma wouldn't be with us much longer and there was no way I would miss her service in case we lost her before our scheduled c-section. The doctor was very empathetic as she had lost her own grandma recently and she said we could reschedule as necessary. When we left the doctor's office, my step dad called to let me know they were taking grandma off of life support. We were just leaving the parking garage at the same hospital so we drove around the block then back to the hospital. I got to say my final good-bye to my sweet grandma while Thatcher kicked away in my belly. It was such a surreal moment.
Grandma's service was held on the following Thursday and I just kept telling baby that we just had to wait till Thursday. If he could give me that, I would be forever grateful! At my grandma's service, my niece Laney kept saying she wanted me to have the baby on Saturday so I could make it to Thanksgiving dinner the next week. All I cared about was paying my final respects to my grandma. If I could make it past that, then I was ready to have the baby at anytime.
On Friday, November 21, I rushed around at work to catch up from missing work when my grandma was sick and when I took off for her service and to get somewhat prepared to take some sort of maternity leave. When we got home from work that evening, Alec's parents took us out to eat but Tucker didn't feel well so we had to call it an early night.
Saturday I woke up feeling like a not-so-great mom. Whenever anyone in my family feels sick, I immediately want to clean and sanitize my house. So I started on the kitchen and I scrubbed it from top to bottom! I pretty much wore myself out and rested the rest of the afternoon. Later that afternoon, I went upstairs to finish up some work on the computer. Alec and Tucker came up and played while I worked.
Alec and I had tickets to see Brad Paisley at the BOK Center Saturday night and we went back and forth about going. I had told him several months before - if Brad Paisley ever comes to town, I want to go see him! I'm pretty sure Alec writes the songs Brad Paisley sings...I mean - all of those songs are about me - right?
Anyway, I was tired from my crazed nesting earlier that day and I was super swollen and huge. I was still on the computer trying to figure out parking around the BOK Center. I had total pregnant brain so Alec wanted on the computer to check things out. Before I stood up, I felt something weird. Later, a nurse asked if I heard a "pop" but I think maybe I felt it instead. When I stood up, holy cow, my water had broken! Alec sat down and I just stood there - frozen.
Me: water just broke
Alec: No it didn't. (I had been the "girl who cried water broke" for a few weeks now and he was on to me!)
Me: (pointing to the puddle on the floor) Yes it did.
Alec: Ok...Ok...Ok...HAHAHAHA!!! Ok...Are you ok? OK!
Me: What do I do?!?! What do I do?!?!
So I waddled off to the bathroom, sat on the toilet and started making phone calls. Alec called our doctor who told him I didn't have time for a shower - she didn't want me contracting and miss out on my c-section. We needed to get to the hospital ASAP.
I thought it was a little silly I couldn't shower so...I took a shower. I'm not sure what Alec was doing while I was showering and getting my stuff together. I think he fed the dogs and loaded up all sorts of stuff in the car. Then we were off to the hospital!
Alec drove fast, but very well :-), to the hospital. We may have been on 2 wheels during the entire 6-story climb to the maternity floor at the hospital, but we got there fast and in 1 piece.
Let me tell you something about when your water breaks - which only happens with 1 in 10 pregnancies. When it breaks, there's no stopping it. So while Alec was getting Tucker out of the car and in his stroller and grabbing all sorts of bags, I did the "I gotta pee" dance in the parking garage. Of course I didn't have to pee - I just had amniotic fluid pouring out all over the place.
The distance between the parking garage and the labor and delivery area is incredibly long and I kinda power walked/ jogged the whole way while trying to hold my knees together and carry my purse and overnight bag. Pretty.
My water broke around 4:00, we checked in around 4:30 and were in surgery by 5:45 - super fast...and dramatic!
We had told everyone about missing Brad Paisley so during surgery, someone turned on the radio and just as Thatcher made his appearance at 6:17 pm, Brad's song "Little Moments" came on the radio. How very fitting. Later, after Alec took Thatcher out to meet the world and I was getting put back together, "Hillbilly Bone" came on. Not sure how that works into the story but I thought it was pretty funny.
Thatcher Rippy Davis officially joined the family at 6:17pm on Saturday, November 20, 2010 (our 2 1/2 year anniversary). He weighed 7lbs, 7 oz and was 21 3/4 inches long. I was surprised at his weight because when they delivered him, the doctors and nurses were amazed at how big he was and said he'd be a football player and that I better be glad I had him by c-section.
I finally made it to recovery and after the nurse scooted everyone but Alec and my boys out of the room, we sang Happy Birthday to Thatcher and he nursed for the first time. Such a sweet moment.
And so now here we are. Alec is back at work. Tucker is back in school. And Thatcher and I are trying to figure things out. He's such a sweet baby! He squeaks and grunts a lot and I pretty much have to strip him down to wake him up to eat, but we'll get it all worked out.
After the roller coaster of emotions I've had over the past few weeks, I'm just trying to cherish every little moment.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
It's Not Cute Anymore!
I'm done. I'm soooooo done! Several times a day, I wish with all I have for my water to break, but it won't. The bassinet is all set up, diapers are in the diaper holder, everything is washed and set up and ready for baby. Especially me! But baby could probably use a couple more weeks in the oven.
I get sad when I think about our family dynamic changing - only a few more weeks for Tucker to be any only child and the center of our universe. I feel like I'm sure every other mom of more than one feels - I hope I have enough love, time and energy to go around!
But I can't worry about any of that now. I just want this baby out and for our life with kids to begin!
Monday, October 11, 2010
33 Going on 39
I'm so over being pregnant. The ants in the pants that I got with Tucker during the 9th month has hit me early this time around. I totally have ants in the pants and absolutely no patience with this whole pregnancy / miracle of life stuff.
This weekend, the baby has decided to put his seat in the upright position and buckle his seat belt for his final decent. His head is low...I mean LOW so now he's in perfect position to kick the ever lovin' life out of my ribs.
I don't have a cute little bump anymore and I'm far from glowing. I'm a big ol' lump of mama just waddling around red faced and popping Tums like nobody's business.
My hands are swollen as well as my feet. The one pair of shoes that offer a tad bit of comfort make my feet look like popover muffins.
Nothing fits. My shirts are way too short and the waist bands on all of my jeans end up hovering somewhere on the dark side of the moon that is my ginormous belly.
I think I need a haircut, a manicure, a pedicure - fun pretty girl things like that, but who am I kidding? I need to get this baby out, lose about 30 pounds and get in my sassy red high heels again!
The only hope I have is that my water will break. There's no turning back then! They can't give me something and make me go home and wait. Once the amniotic fluid flood begins, the only thing that can be done is birthing of the baby!
But I know that's selfish of me. The baby isn't quite finished baking. It's like when you add shredded cheese to the casserole then you need to bake for 15 more minutes until the cheese is all melted and bubbly. The baby isn't quite bubbly just yet...but almost!
I'm just tired and miserable and gross. I keep promising Alec that in a year, I'm gonna be one hot mama, but I want that NOW!
I have no patience. I need week 39 to be here now - whether it be the beginning of week 39 or the end - I'm not picky.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Our Busy Weekend!
Alec took Berman to the vet for his annual shots and Tucker and I hustled around to get ready. Then we loaded up an headed off to the Brush Creek Bazaar!
This was the first time we've been to the BCB but we really had a good time! This place we went to was like a little ranch in town and absolutely beautiful! There was a huge pond with swans - actual swans - and all sorts of fall decorations everywhere.
When we pulled up, we smelled some yummy goodness in the air. Inside the grounds, there were crafts and food and entertainment. We walked around a bit and stopped by the little petting zoo. Tucker had fun feeding and petting goats, horses, ducks, rabbits, a calf and even a llama!
We sat down for a bit and I enjoyed my first brat with kraut for the season! It was soooo good! While we ate, we watched some clog dancers. Tucker really enjoyed them and danced along to their Lady Gaga number!
We picked up a cute little shelf for Tucker's big boy room and I got myself a cute purse. There was a lady there selling butternut squash for a $1 each! Couldn't pass that up so we got 2 plus a spaghetti squash!
When we got home, I figured Tucker would be worn out from the festivities but he wasn't but I so needed to recover! My feet were swollen and killing me!
Alec went straight to work outside! He cut several branches off of the trees in the backyard and mowed. The trees look so much better and now he won't have to duck to mow!
I whipped up butternut squash soup and it was pretty good! I've never had it before but I like what I made.
By the time bedtime came around, we were exhausted and sore. Baby in belly was super active all day. Not those cute little fluttery movements either. These are big scraping on the inside of my uterus movements. So uncomfortable! I was pretty sure I'd find myself planted to my recliner on Sunday!
Sunday morning was brisk and refreshing! Alec took Tucker to the store so I could have a little bit of peace and quiet before I started my day.
I'm not sure if it was the cool air or what, but I finally had a burst of energy and was able to get so much done! I opened up all the windows and got busy! I cleaned out the refrigerator; I cleaned the laundry room; I did all the laundry and put it away (huge accomplishment for me!); I bagged up some clothes to take to Goodwill; I swept and mopped the kitchen floor; I sorted through the never ending stack of papers that keep piling up on the kitchen counter...whew! I think I did more Sunday than I've done the past 2 or 3 weekends combined!
While I was busy in the house, Alec worked on his next project - replacing our sad tree rings with new tree rings! What a perfect day for this project! I was amazed how much better the new rings looked! Now I just need to plant my fall flowers and add a little mulch and we'll be all set!
I'm so glad I have a husband who not only does this stuff but actually likes doing it!
Oh - and Tucker knows how to take off his diaper now. Sunday he spilled lemonade on his pants so I took them off and when I came back from getting new pants, there was Tucker - diaper in hand and wearing nothing but socks and a goofy smile!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
The Sickos
On Sunday, we loaded up and headed to Wynona to visit my mom and grandparents. Alec and Tucker still had snotty noses but that was really it.
On the way home, Tucker got fussy so we stopped at Sonic for some grub and I moved to the back seat to entertain Tucker for the rest of the drive home. Well Tucker had no appetite for his Wacky Pack and I had about 2 bites of my chicken sandwich and was done.
By the time we got home, I wasn't feeling well at all. I was hungry but food sounded awful. I had only had 2 biscuits for breakfast and that was it for the day. Not exactly my usual pregnancy pigout day.
I walked in and went straight to the bedroom. I told Alec I had to lay down for a while. I cried and whimpered and I think I eventually fell asleep.
When I woke up, everything I had eaten the day before was movin' on up and needed out - fast! Alec was amazed that the previous night's dinner was still in my belly. I really don't know how the whole digestion thing works, but it didn't seem very weird to me.
While I'm hugging the toilet, I can hear Tucker outside the bedroom banging on the door and yelling. Oh yeah - no time to be sick, I'm a mama! Tucker and I found Alec out on the couch. Apparently he wasn't feeling 100% either - I don't think he was even feeling 50%!
I'm not a person who gets sick. In fact, Alec and I were thinking about the last time I had actually thrown up and I think it was after Oktoberfest in 2006. And that was from, well, over-Oktoberfesting.
So because I'm rarely sick and I hate taking medicine, I have no idea what to do with myself. I start drinking water - must stay hydrated! Well needless to say, that didn't stay in my belly long either. I went to bed with a very empty belly and a very crampy belly - from all the heaving.
The next day, Alec and Tucker were feeling better so they left me at home to wallow in misery. I decided to follow the BRAT diet that we had given to Tucker when he had an upset belly a month or so ago. So for breakfast, I had a banana and toast; for lunch I had plain rice; and I had an apple for an afternoon snack. I kept all of that down plus 2 big bottles of water. So for my second afternoon snack, I had chocolate milk and a graham cracker with peanut butter. All better!
Alec and Tucker are still at war with the ragweed, but I'm totally better now. Hopefully I managed to shed off a couple of the 8 freaking pounds I've gained in 1 month! Silver lining!
Friday, September 10, 2010
All Aboard the Potty Train!
At first, the potty seat was a silly toy. Tucker would take it apart and throw the two pieces around. One time he took the little bowl out, stepped inside the seat and fell right on his face. Not a good beginning to potty training.
The potty seat moved from the living room to our master bathroom to eventually the bathtub in the master bathroom. It has since been resurrected and is back in the spotlight - well somewhat.
We sat it on the floor and told Tucker to sit on his potty seat - in a very excited and over the top voice. After all, sitting on a potty seat is the COOLEST THING IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD! WOOHOO!
Tucker walked up to the potty seat, turned around, hunkered down in a bear crawl position then backed up and lowered himself until he was sitting on the seat. Ok. That's one way of doing it. And this wasn't an isolated event. This is his preferred style of sitting on a potty seat. Whatever works for him - as long as he sits on it by himself!
Again - total excitement on our end. YEA! WAY TO SIT ON THE POTTY SEAT! GOOD JOB BUDDY! WOOHOO!
Now it was time for the big test - sitting him on the potty seat with no diaper on. Would he sit until something happened? Would something happen? The excitement was almost unbearable.
So it was bath time. While I ran Tucker's bath, I stripped him down and sat him on the potty seat. Have I mentioned how much he LOVES baths?!?! Needless to say, he would not stay on the potty seat and ran to the side of the bathtub where he managed to pee all over the side of the tub and my feet. yea. way to go. good job buddy. wah wah.
So the next time, we decided to move the potty seat out of the bathroom and into Tucker's room. Alec ran the bathwater and I helped Tucker get undressed in his room. Alec shut the door to the bathroom - pretty sneaky! There's no way that baby knows a nice bubbly warm bath is waiting for him! But alas, our 17-month old is much smarter than his Mama and Daddy. He wouldn't stay on the potty seat and screamed and ran buck naked out of the room to the bathroom door. But at least he didn't make a mess on the outside of the bathtub or my feet!
I've also added a couple of potty training books to our bedtime stories. One has a button you push and it makes the sound of the toilet flushing. Tucker's little finger isn't strong enough to push the button (though he has almost poked my eye out several times) so he moves my thumb over the button and while I'm reading, we flush the toilet about 20 times.
He also knows where to go when we ask if he needs his diaper changed and he knows what a diaper is. So I guess that's some sort of progress.
I know this takes a lot of patience...I just hope I have enough left when new baby gets here in 11 weeks!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Mom and Dad's Day Out!
As 12:30 (party time) approached, we all had baths and dressed in our nice "I have something to do" clothes. I even fixed my hair and put on make-up! This is a pretty big deal since most Saturdays are spent cleaning, laying on the couch, running errands and keeping Tucker away from the dogs. Rarely is there a bath involved and never hair and make-up!
Tucker was out the door with Gram and Tink and there we were - Mama and Daddy were now Jenny and Alec. Weird. And quiet - so quiet.
So what did we do during these magical hours we had alone?
1. Lunch at Asahi (only cooked sushi for this this mama in a delicate condition).
2. Ice cream at Sonic.
3. Naps.
I'm not much of a napper - too many things running through my head - but Alec is a great napper!
After 2 hours, Alec called Gram and Tink...uhm...when's Tucker coming home? Well he was swimming and eating watermelon and having a grand old time so...not anytime soon.
So we watched TV then called again...uhm...we miss Tucker. He's on his way!
Talk about ants in the pants! We sat and waited and waited. The 20 minute drive seemed to take FOREVER! I looked out the window about a thousand times and suggested we start walking in the direction of Alec's parents house so we can just meet Tucker on the road.
Finally, he was home!
And after Alec's parents left, we sat on the couch watching Tucker torment Lucy, Mango licking Tucker's head and Berman barking for someone to play with him and I smiled. This chaos is our life. And I love it!
What adventures will this day hold for us?
Thursday, September 2, 2010
A Mover and A Shaker!
I sometimes can't fall asleep at night because of the constant fluttering in my belly. Or even better - when Tucker wakes us up with a cough or a sneeze and baby in belly is just dancing away at 2:00 in the morning: "Oh, good morning Mama. I'm entertaining you! Won't you please stay awake for the next 4 hours while I show you my sweet new tap dance routine?"
The only time baby in belly seems to want to be still is when someone wants to feel him moving around. Then he's all of a sudden shy and still as anything!
When I was pregnant with Tucker, I don't remember him being quite this active. I even remember one time when I hadn't felt him move all day so I called my doctor's office in a panic! The nurse told me to drink a Coke and lay down for 20 minutes. I did this and sure enough, I felt a couple of little kicks and all was right in the world again!
Tucker is a bouncing off the walls, completely crazy, ball of energy these days. I wonder if baby in belly is getting all his craziness out now and he'll be my cool, calm and collected child. Nah...that's not my kind of luck!
Monday, August 30, 2010
It Has Happened
A girl I work with asked if it was different being pregnant in the summer vs winter. To be honest, I haven't really noticed the affect of the season. The only thing I know is that it's much much much different to be pregnant while chasing a toddler then to be pregnant without a little one around!
When I found out I was pregnant, I worried that I wouldn't have enough energy to keep up with a very active Tucker. I thought it was unfair for him that Mama couldn't play and be rowdy with him. I've carried around this little shred of hope that I would somehow maintain a high energy level throughout my pregnancy and not deny Tucker of any fun play-with-Mama time. But this weekend, the inevitable happened and I just can't keep up with him now.
Sunday while Alec mowed, I did my best to play with Tucker while maintaining the peace between Tucker and the wiener kids. I really wish the wiener kids would give in and let Tucker torment them as he does Mango (the lab kid). Anyway, I grew tired of trying to keep every one's hands and paws to themselves so Tucker and I went upstairs to the play room.
As Tucker played with his toys, I sat in the floor and cried over this lazy blob of a mama I had become. My frustrations with Tucker and the dogs and my zero-energy level had gotten the best of me.
When Tucker was born, I envisioned myself as this fun, fit mom who played and played and played with her boy. But this person crying in Tucker's playroom was nowhere near that mom.
Then I heard something and there was Alec - Super Daddy - to save the day! He scooped Tucker and me off the floor, threw us in the car and we headed to the splash pad for some fun in the sun!
When we got home, Tucker and I were no longer fussy and we both laid down for much needed naps. And all was right in our little world again.
I know I only have a little bit longer in my current "delicate" condition. And it probably sounds totally insane, but I'm looking forward to the easiness of taking care of a baby.
And if you see me in about 4 months, remind me I said that!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
November 22
Surgery Date: 11-22-10 Hospital: St. Johns Check in time: 10:00am
Not...the miracle of birth shall happen; nor... welcome the new addition to your sweet little family; not even... meet your baby...
So sterile and date.
Ok to be a little more clear as to what is happening on November 22 around 10 am...our new sweet baby boy will make his grand entrance onto planet Earth!
So 3 months from today, we'll be singing "Happy Birthday" for the first time to our little bundle of joy.
As I write this, our sweet boy Tucker is eating blueberries and dancing in his highchair. I have a smile on my face and a full heart.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Braxton Hicks = Yowza!
This went on for maybe 10 or 15 minutes - rolling to side, SQUEEZE, roll to other side, SQUEEZE. Seriously! This stinks! Luckily this was well past my 9:30ish bedtime so I eventually succumbed to sleep and that was that.
These Braxton Hicks contractions stink because it's just pain pain pain nothing. With real contractions it's pain pain pain baby!
Since I'm having a c-section, this may be the only time I experience contractions with this pregnancy. Though my due date may not be right so there is a slim chance that I could go into labor before my c-section is scheduled and have contractions! Ok weird to hope for contractions & labor? Yes - but it's all part of the baby experience!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
I Feel Pretty!
I have on my cute maternity dress that I picked up for a whopping $4 at Goodwill last weekend. Hey! A deal is a deal! And not only do I help keep cash in dear hubby's pocket, but I also help keep perfectly good things out of the landfills. You're welcome dear hubby and mother Earth! My little kitten heals are being nice to my expanding and tired feet too. Yea!
And I was so well rested that I managed to fix my hair - with a blow dryer, a round brush and hair product! Fixed! Nice! I even have on makeup - eye shadow and everything!
I think I finally feel like I'm in my second trimester - happy and a wee bit energetic! Too bad my 2nd trimester ends in 3 weeks...or does it? Hmmm...wonder if my due date is off a bit? That's a whole other blog post!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Shut Your Mouth!
When you're pregnant, you obviously gain weight. And not a slow consistent weight gain. When pregnant with Tucker, I gained 45ish pounds in 10 months. The last time I gained 45 pounds, it took maybe 10 years.
Also, every doctor and book will tell you that "normal" weight gain during pregnancy is like 20 or 25 pounds. AND you're not really supposed to start gaining till your 2nd trimester, but really your 3rd is when you pack on the pounds. So when you've gained 10 pounds in the first trimester, you're not exactly feeling like the prettiest girl in the world. You kinda feel like you're already failing at this whole pregnancy thing.
So on top of feeling gross for being way too fat way too fast, you also worry - constantly - about your baby. Will my baby be ok? Did those 2 mojitos I had before I realized I was pregnant hurt my baby? Is this stomach ache a sign something is wrong with baby? Why is baby moving around less today? Will plowing through a box of cookies in 3 days hurt baby? I mean - constant worry!
So now you're feeling less than awesome about yourself (oh - I failed to mention the acne, gas, hairiness and inability to reach legs to shave and toes to make them pretty) and you've worked yourself into a frenzy about your baby. On top of all that, people want to share with you their nightmare birthing stories - and not just their own, but other people's nightmare birthing stories. I think I've held my tongue pretty well and not graced any soon to be moms with my own birthing story. A girl I work with posted on Facebook that she was going in for her induction - yea! I was like - Yeah...I was hurt like hell and 19 hours later, I had to have a c-section so don't get all excited that you're having a baby anytime soon!
I also now know why my close friends didn't tell me about the horrible last month. Had I known, I would've been eating Mexican food, drinking Castor oil and having lots of...well...doing everything possible to have the baby a wee bit early! I keep my lip zipped about the last month too!
Anyway - put all that together - feeling huge, worrying about baby, worrying about birth - and you get a pretty freaked out girl. So here are some things to NEVER EVER SAY TO A PREGNANT GIRL (EVER!):
1. I thought you looked pregnant (do not say this before the 4 month mark).
2. You're really filling out!
3. (when looking at ultrasound picture) - No deformities or anything!
4. My friend's epidural spot didn't close all the way and she found it seeping when she was in the shower later.
5. You're starting to look pregnant!
6. How many plates (of food) is that for you now?
Oh - and that "how big around is the mom-to-be" game that's played at showers. No. Don't do this. I know how big around I am. I'm reminded every time I put on something else that doesn't fit. I don't need a game made of this.
These are things that have been said to me or I've overheard being said to someone who is pregnant. I think it just goes back to putting oneself in the pregnant girl's shoes - even if you're a boy. You have to understand the enormous change taking place physically and emotionally and be ultrasensative.
And if you must comment on her appearance, tell her she looks pretty. Tell her she's glowing! Tell her her little belly looks so cute. Tell her what a lucky baby she is carrying to have such a healthy mama! Just be NICE! It's really that easy!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
A Mama's Love
No one told me about this when I was pregnant...along with what a contraction felt like or how horrible month 9 is. But I now know what a mother's love is all about. I don't just love my sweet boy, I'm totally head over heels in love with him. He's the absolute light of my life. Really the hugeness of this love is indescribable... but I'll try.
It's like you take the best of everything you have with other people and throw it all together. It's the passion I feel for my husband and our family. It's the respect and admiration I have for my grandparents. It's the awe I have for my mom raising two kids on her own. It's just the most heart pounding, gut wrentching, crazy love you could ever experience.
Of course the little booger drives me to the edge of insanity sometimes too! Alec and I have started to pitch in and help out when one of us needs a time out. If either one of us is on the verge of losing it and needs a break, then the other removes them from the situation and takes over. It seems to be working out pretty well - we're kinda yin yang like that.
And when the new baby arrives, I'm sure things will be even crazier. But there's nothing that will stop me from relishing in the love I'll have for him. And that makes it all worth it.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Cesarean Blues
1. The first time around baby/ body didn't quite cooperate so chances are second time around will be the same.
2. It's been too soon since last baby born so risk for complications would be greater.
3. Most doctors won't perform a VBAC (vaginal birth after Cesarean).
I feel like each time I tell someone our due date, I have to add the little disclaimer: *but I'm having a c-section the week before so..."
I asked my doctor if there was any chance at all that I could have a regular delivery. She said unless I show up in full labor and dilated to about an 8, then there's no way I'd have a regular delivery.
Before I had Tucker, I couldn't understand why everyone didn't have c-sections. I mean, you can schedule the exact day you want your baby to be born. There's no being in labor for hours and hours on end. There's no screaming and cussing out your poor hubby. There's no fainting hubby. There's no pushing out something the size of a watermelon. So many benefits - right?
But when I found out I was having a c-section with Tucker, I cried and cried. First of all, I was scared to death. I had never had any sort of surgery and I knew what the number one risk with any surgery is - death.
And secondly, having a baby the "regular" way is what I'm supposed to do. This is why my body is the way it is - why girls have babies and boys don't. It's the fundamental reason why God made girls the way he did.
I find myself getting upset at the fact that I'll never have baby the way God intended me to. How weird is it that humans are the only animals on the planet that sometimes have their babies cut out of them?
I consulted my sister about this - also a 2-time c-section mom and she knew exactly how I felt! I feel like a little less of a woman.
It's funny that I sometimes find myself saying - when comparing someone else's pain -"Oh yeah? Try giving bir - oh wait - try having routine surgery with a local anesthetic, an epidural, a Demerol drip and feeling absolutely no pain whatsoever! Yeah! Take that!"
But maybe I do know a little something about pain that others don't. I know what it feels like to try to walk after a c-section then giving up after a 1/2 inch shuffle from my bed. I know what a clogged mammary duct feels like. I know what a "bad latch" feels like. I know what it feels like when a toddler stands on just the right spot on my scar. Yowza!
So now the only mystery left is what day and time my surgery will be. There will be no rushing around to get to the hospital. There will be no counting between contractions. There will be no focussed breathing or screaming at Alec "This is all your fault!". There will be no need for our family to sit for hours waiting and waiting.
There will only be a baby with a perfectly round head and beautiful color.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Feeling Very Pregnant
I keep thinking I'm not far enough along for the yucky stuff to start - since I now know what lies ahead of me. But I refer back to the Belly Book I kept with Tucker and I'm pretty much right on track.
Oh and baby in belly likes to kick - A LOT! And he likes to kick all hours of the day...and night! I don't remember Tucker being quite this active at 21 weeks though he is very very active now!
I feel like a wienie being all "woe is me" now at only 21 weeks. I know about that last month. No one told me about the last month when I was pregnant with Tucker. But I know about it now. Absolute misery.
So I'm just going to try to make myself as comfortable as possible and hunker down for 4 more months. And if you see a pregnant girl, be sweet to her. Hold the door open for her, offer her your seat, let her cross the parking lot. She may be feeling very pregnant too!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Over Half Way There!
We had our 21 week appointment on Monday morning. I wasn't a happy camper at work that morning and had gotten myself pretty worked up by the time we got to the doctor's office. Then in the elevator, some lady was just staring at me! Seriously! Just staring! I just about decked her and as we got off the elevator, I said to Alec (loudly)"Did you see that lady just staring at me?!?! I mean...she was just staring!!!"
I was pretty sure my blood pressure was going to be through the roof and this would be the day (fingers crossed) they would insist I be put on bed rest. But lo and behold, my blood pressure was almost perfect - the best they've seen with this pregnancy!
We heard the baby's heartbeat (perfect!) and my belly measured right on target. But I was still full of piss and vinegar so I tried to pick a fight with my doctor. I was sure my due date wasn't right, but she wouldn't budge and told me it was in ink and not changing. Poor Alec just let me go on my rant until I finally gave up.
I still think my due date is off. So when I have a c-section at 39 weeks and my baby is 45 weeks old, don't forget I told you so!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
When the ultrasound technician started exploring my belly with the magic wand, she found the baby and we saw its heart and spine but the little stinker wouldn't show us the goods. In the waiting room I had begged, please be sitting on a glass table. This is the only time in your life I'll ask you to do this so please comply. But alas, the wee one was being modest (he is his mother's son). So the technician started banging on my belly to get the baby to move. Really? Is that necessary? I offered to roll around but she was perfectly content taking out her frustrations on my bulging midsection.
And finally, she paused for a moment. We all looked at the screen and Alec yelled "WIENER!" I honestly don't know how anyone can see anything on those things but I went along with Alec and the technician and was like - oh yeah - I see it - a boy! While I cried, I think I may have heard a "cha-ching" and seen dollar signs in Alec's eyes.
And so begins (again) dodging fountains of pee.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Baby News
He had his wellness check-up today which included 4 shots. Boo! His head is big, he's a little bit short but his weight...well...he's a little feller. In my quest to feed Tucker only the best things, I inadvertently deprived my boy of calories! Is it my fault that the kid loves his fruits and veggies?
When I asked our pediatrician how to increase Tucker's calorie intake, his suggestion - butter. I love it! He said when we give him vegetables, put some butter on them! Better yet, how about a stick of butter covered with sugar? That should put a little fat on his bones! Just kidding!
So now we're trying to figure out how to beef up our baby without filling him with junk. Wouldn't it be nice to have that problem? I wish I was too skinny!
Speaking of nowhere near skinny, I have noticed that I'm a lot more pregnant than I realized! In the mirror, I look kinda pregnant. In pictures...oh my...I look ginormous! Maybe I should cut out the sugar coated butter sticks.
Baby in belly is moving and shaking like nobody's business - flutters and little kicks here and there. I'm still tired most of the time and I have been painfully reminded of leg cramps during pregnancy. But there's a sweet little prize at the end so it's all worth it!
We'll find out tomorrow (fingers crossed)if baby in belly is a boy or a girl! I can't believe we're already at 20 weeks! We're actually over 1/2 way there because I'll have a c-section at 39 weeks.
I remember the days leading up to Tucker's 20 week ultrasound. I was a complete mess! I felt like if we saw a little Tucker, then we were losing a little (insert girl name here) and vice versa. I would bawl my eyes out every morning in the shower. I hoped with all I had that I would somehow turn out to be pregnant with twins - 1 boy and 1 girl. But as soon as the ultrasound tech said "It's a boy!" and she and Alec tried to show me the "proof", I was on cloud 9!
We really don't have a preference - just a healthy sweet baby. I love my boy to pieces and certainly wouldn't mind having another one around. Boys are just so much fun! But a girl would be nice too - a little mini me. Can you imagine? Scary!
The ice cream is calling my name...and I think the cookies are too. I'll leave the sticks of butter for Tucker!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Colorado 2010
Frustrating moments:
1. Waking up at 4am to make our 6-something flight.
2. Entertaining a 15 month old from 5:45 am - 10:20 am when our delayed flight finally left Tulsa.
3. Fussy Tucker on the flight from Denver to Durango. Yes - we were "those people with the fussy baby".
4. Popping ears. My ears have never popped so much in all my life. I think they're still popping!
5. Snoring brothers-in-law.
6. Losing my contact lens in the bathroom...and failing to pack a spare pair.
7. Rain...sun...rain...sun...clouds...sun...rain...rain...clouds...I think Will Rogers was actually talking about Colorado - not Oklahoma - when he said the this: "If you don't like the weather, wait a minute and it'll change".
8. The fresh mountain air sending me home with some sort of cold or allergy condition.
Good times:
1. Tucker sleeping on the flight from Tulsa to Denver!
2. Finding my contact (though on the bathroom floor of a public restroom at a campground...still a highlight of our trip!)!
3. Spending time with my brothers-in-law whom we rarely get to see.
4. Waking up to a crisp mountain morning and not immediately sweating when stepping outside.
5. Tucker sleeping on my lap on the plane on the way home.
Lessons learned:
1. When dealing with bears, do not sleep in the clothes you are preparing and cooking food in. Seriously. Bears. In our camp.
2. 40 degrees at 2am really isn't that cold when you are snuggling with a 15-month old while rocking him to sleep in the front porch swing...and scared because you've mistaken the snoring guy in the tent next door for a bear.
3. Don't expect to accomplish much when a 15-month old, a public restroom, an open trash can and a plunger are involved. Thus the reason for dropped/ temporarily missed contact lens.
4. Mamas need naps. Babies REALLY need naps!
5. I'm a lucky girl to have such an amazing little family and wonderful in-laws!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
I Want an Alice!
I want someone like Alice from the Brady Bunch to come live with us. She could clean the house, do the laundry, cook, feed the dogs...well just about everything that keeps me from spending time with my family! And every now and then when I wanted to show my perfect wife/mama side, I'd bake a pie or something. Just the thought of someone to take care of all the behind the scenes stuff makes me a little sad. It seems like such a simple request but I know it's not realistic whatsoever.
And besides, I like cooking and cleaning for my family. It's just keeping up with it all is so very exhausting and never ending. Thank goodness I have a husband that does his best to take care of us. Honestly, I don't know how anyone without a husband like mine does it!
I think my frustration is how very little time we have to spend with our family. I hate to think time I could be spending with them is spent vacuuming or cleaning the stupid bathroom (I loathe this chore most of all!). I knew having a family would put things into perspective and I think I've really let a lot of things slide, but it would still be nice to at least get to a good starting point - a perfectly spotless home with everything in its place. Then maybe I could at least maintain some sense of order!
And what's it going to be like when the baby comes? Oh Alice...we could really use you!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Of course, just like every other milestone or first in Tucker's little 14 month life, I just about cried my eyes out! I'm not sure when I started - maybe sometime last week? But I didn't stop until I got to work this morning after dropping Tucker off. Poor kid! His mama's just a big 'ol baby!
I tried to give Tucker a pep talk on the way there but every time I tried to open my mouth, this huge sob just came rushing up my throat and I'd start crying again. I'm sure I had Tucker pretty freaked out by the time we stopped by the office to pick up Alec. There was no way I could drop Tucker off by myself the first day!
I honestly cried from the time we pulled into the parking lot until we got back to work. A few of the other mothers gave me sympathetic smiles and the director just kept reassuring me that Tucker would be fine.
We walked Tucker back to his room and he went into shy-mode when his teachers tried to talk to him. Finally we gave him a hug and a kiss and I handed him off to his teacher. And he cried. And I cried harder. This was not going well at all. We just had to leave - it was best for everyone.
When we stopped at the front desk, Tucker's crying died down and he was fine! However, I continued to cry!
We picked Tucker up later in the afternoon and we were told that he took a good nap in the morning, ate most of his lunch and was "such a sweet boy" which we already knew! We saw some of the same mothers and the director again and all were relieved that I was in much better spirits this time!
Hopefully dropping him off will get easier...until it's time to start real school!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Our Latest Happenings
This Saturday is Founders Day in my hometown of Wynona. Founders Day consists of a parade that's about 15 minutes long (mostly firetrucks, people on 4-wheelers and some horses) and then games and visiting in front of the town hall on main street.
One thing we like to do is sit in the shade with my grandparents and try to figure out who everyone is. It's funny how you forget someone's face when you haven't seen them in so long and they've put on weight and gotten gray headed. I wonder if I look different to everyone? I know I don't look like the same girl who grew up in this area, but I wonder if I'm recognizable?
Later in the evening, there will be the alumni banquet. Since our school is so small, we don't have class reunions. We have the alumni banquet every other year so all of the classes can attend. This is really the best way for all of us to get together since many of our friends are from classes other than our own.
Next weekend, we are going to the wedding of one of my very best college friends. I'm so happy she's found love! This will be one of the rare Tucker-free occasions so hopefully I can hold it together and only cry tears of joy for my dear friend and not separation anxiety tears!
Then the following weekend is the BIXBY GREEN CORN FESTIVAL!!! So excited this year! Last year, we drug poor 2-month-old Tucker out in the horrendous heat and only stayed long enough for the parade and 1 ear of corn. Hopefully the weather will be nice and we can stay a bit longer to really enjoy the food and festivities!
In July we'll be traveling with Alec's parents and brothers to Durango Colorado for a little family vacation. This will be Tucker's first time on a plane - can you believe it?!? First time flying at 14 months! I was 18 years old the first time I flew on a plane...and I've not gotten used to it since! I'm not a flier. I'm just not. I'm still a little fuzzy on what all this trip entails - some camping, some site seeing, some chasing a 14-month old around a campground, some stumbling across a campsite at 3am for my middle-of-the-night-pregnancy-pee...we'll just have to wait and see!
And just in time for all of these activities...Tucker has become quite the handful! Oh my lands - he's fast! His running is more like a really fast walk, but he's fast! And he hasn't seemed to learn his lesson from his monkeying ways. He climbs all over everything. And apparently, the more involved the fall is, the more fun it is! My heart stops every time he tumbles! I have a feeling one of those backpack leash things will make it into our home very very soon!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
I love you! What an exciting two years it's been! Can we slow down a little after November?
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Bad Baby Big Boy!
I've also had the pleasure of experiencing some crazy fits of hormonal rage. I told Alec it's best for him and all others to just get away from me and not talk to me during these fits. He tries to reason with me and even argues with me. Not smart. Save yourself - head for the hills.
My emotions run wild and I find myself crying at everything...but that's pretty typical of me. You really need to meet my family. We're a bunch of cry babies.
My baby bump has really taken off. yea me. I have the bump of someone who is maybe 20 weeks pregnant - not 12! Now you can ask me if I'm pregnant or assume I am. I'm ok with that. But don't do this when I'm not even a month in yet. I'm not supposed to have a bump then...that's just fat belly.
Tucker hasn't seemed to notice Mama is getting fat and crazy...or at least he hasn't added those words to his vocabulary. He now says Dada, Mama, nana (banana), doh (dog).
He's also able to show you his head, toes and belly. He can even show you these things on your body! When asked, "Where are the dogs?" He throws both hands up in the air and gives a big smile and we say "Everywhere!". So cute!
Tucker's latest trick is letting us know he's ready for bed. Last night just before 8 (his bedtime), he walked over to the bottom of the stairs and looked over at us as to say "Guys, I'm ready for bed now." He did this a couple of times last weekend too - around nap time. Such a big boy!
I really think Tucker will be quite the helper when the new baby gets here. He's just so careful and sweet. And I'm pretty sure if I'm crazy now...I'm gonna be even more crazy in a few months and I'll need all the help I can get!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Here we go again!
But this time was different than the last. We weren't busting at the seams to tell everyone. I didn't immediately start reading every single baby book, baby magazine, baby website. It just didn't seem possible that we were pregnant again!
The next few weeks, we just did normal stuff and only told a couple of people our big news. We still weren't 100% sure we were pregnant. It was just so surreal.
Though I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that I was pregnant, I felt pregnant! I was nauseous and super tired all of the time. I really wanted to be sure I was pregnant so I could tell people how I felt and get some sympathy!
Finally last Thursday, we got to see the newest member of our family! There was still a part of me that was sure the ultrasound technician wouldn't see anything and would be like - why did you think you were pregnant? I was pretty relieved to see that tiny baby and that beating heart!
Over the next couple of days, we told our family and friends and coworkers. I think I may be confusing Tucker by pointing to my belly one time and saying "belly" then pointing again and saying "baby". I think he'll eventually get it though!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Muscles, Toes and Bellies
A month or so ago, I asked Tucker where his toes were and low and behold, he hunkered down and grabbed his toes! But he can only show you his toes. He's not sure where anyone else's toes are - only his. I think maybe the key word is "where" and not "toes" because if you ask him where anything else is, he grabs his toes.
Me: Where are Daddy's toes?
Tucker grabs his own toes.
Me: Where are your ears?
Tucker grabs his toes.
Me: Where is the dog?
Tucker grabs his toes.
But...a few days ago, Tucker found his belly! When you ask him - where is your belly, he's able to show you exactly where! This entails pulling his shirt high up, patting his bare belly and grinning. It's very exciting! This weekend, he was able to show us where Daddy's belly was too. Again, he had to pull Alec's shirt up and pat his belly. When I asked where Mama's belly was, he just grinned at me. Obviously, I know where my own belly is - why am I so silly?
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Thank You?
As far as his demeanor and personality, I think we can take a little credit. With the exception of our crazy-out-of-control furkids, we have a pretty calm household. Things don't get too loud and wild in our little suburbia cul-de-sac. So I will say thank you when people tell me how good he is. But when he starts getting ornery...that's not our fault!
Monday, April 19, 2010
It's Not Raining! It's Not Pouring!
Saturday wasn't so bad so we were able to hit a couple of neighborhood garage sales. I picked up a small vacuum for our upstairs. I also got Tucker a little booster seat which he's picked up and carried around more than he's sat in. Alec grilled out some barbeque chicken which was D-E-LICIOUS!
Sunday was the day I didn't leave the was just that nasty outside. I had no energy to do any gross-weather-baking either. I managed to thaw some old cookie dough and make a dozen peanut butter cookies, but that was about it!
Tucker has really taken to the cow's milk though his diapers have been very interesting! He also hasn't fussed at all about no more bedtime nursing. After Alec changes Tucker into his jammies, he passes him off to me. Tucker and I cuddle in the rocking chair and I read a book to him. He just lays there and looks at the pictures - it's super sweet! He even gave a couple of laughs when I read Mr. Brown Can Moo.
And today the sun finally came out! Hopefully our yard will dry out so next weekend, we can enjoy some time outside!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Uh-Oh! Weaning is harder than I thought!
I haven't really given Tucker the opportunity to get upset over the whole thing - I'm the one who's throwing a fit! I can't seem to wean myself off of nursing!
Usually while Alec is changing Tucker into his jammies, I'm hanging out in the rocking chair waiting to soothe Tucker to sleep. Well on Tuesday, as Alec was changing Tucker into his jammies, I stood there - helpless - with tears streaming down my face. I had no idea what to do! What was my role in the bedtime process now? There was nothing else to do! So Alec decided that since it was Tucker's birthday, I didn't need to stop nursing that night so Tucker and I climbed into the rocking chair and my tears dried right up.
Yesterday Tucker had his 1 year appointment and shots. He didn't feel very good by the time we got home last night. There was no question in my mind on whether or not to nurse Tucker before bed last night. That poor baby needed it!
So now bedtime looms before me. I thought maybe instead of nursing, I could rock Tucker to sleep and maybe read a book to him. Hopefully it'll be an easy transition for him. I just hope Alec is ready to hold me and read a book to me...cause I'm gonna need it!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Bring on the food!
I really don't know what's up with all these food allergies with kids these days. When I was growing up, I didn't know anyone who was allergic to anything - well except cats - but you don't eat cats. I sound old. Dagnabit!
I'm probably going to still be pretty (over)protective about what goes in his sweet belly. I think preparing healthy meals and snacks for Tucker will get us to eating better too. We could all stand to be a wee bit healthier...though I'm not giving up my peanut butter!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
One is Fun (so far)!
Tucker was so engaged in music class. He laughed and sang and danced! At the end of class, we all sang Happy Birthday to him. I think he was kinda like - what's up with this song I'm hearing all of a sudden?
After music class, we picked up Daddy and headed to the zoo! Tucker had been to the zoo when he was about 2 months old so really this was his first time to take it all in.
It was so cool to see him really checking out the animals. When he got one in his sites, he would pull on the front of his stroller and try to get as close as he could. Of course if the animal didn't really move (alligator, giant tortoise, etc), Tucker didn't notice it and wasn't interested.
By the time we got to the elephants, Tucker was all tuckered out. We stopped in the souvenier shop for a reminder of our special day and Tucker slept the whole time.
When we got home, Momma and Daddy were all tuckered out too! What a perfect day for our sweet baby's first birthday!
Tucker reaches for a turkey!
Hanging out with a goat.
Outside the rain forest
Daddy, Tucker, Tiger
A rhino
Birthdays are exhausting!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Has it really been a year?
I remember toward the end of my pregnancy, I would cry after each doctor's appointment because I hadn't progressed whatsoever. I remember being so bored out of my mind that all I could do was cry and nap. I remember being absolutely miserable the last month. I remember my due date coming and going and with each passing day praying that my water would break. I remember being so disappointed that I had to be induced.
I remember laying in the hospital watching this one commercial over and over. I remember my water finally breaking...believe me, no one can forget that! I remember the nurse giving me an Ambian so I could rest but I just laid there watching that same commercial all through the night. And after 19 hours of labor, I remember my doctor telling me I had dilated to a 4 and I would need a C-section.
I remember being so scared and just laying in my bed crying while Alec tried to comfort me and all our family sat around just talking. I remember seeing a nun peek her head in and later, when I was on the operating table, I remember wishing I had asked that nun to come in and pray with me.
I remember laying on the operating table with my arms strapped down and some scrubs hat thing barely sitting on my head. I remember asking for Alec over and over and everyone kept telling me he'd be right in - it seemed like an eternity! I remember Alec telling me to look at him. Look at him. And I remember I did - through streams of tears, I just looked at him.
Then I remember pressure on my stomach and the sweetest sound I've ever heard. I remember Tucker's cry. I remember hearing 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10, 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 as they counted Tucker's fingers and toes. Then I remember the nurse holding Tucker next to me so I could see my baby for the first time. He was perfect! Simply perfect.
I remember after our family and friends had gone home and we had like 5 seconds without a nurse in the room, we sang Happy Birthday for the first time to our sweet baby.
We've stumbled and bumbled along the way. There have been countless frustrating sleepless nights. Our patience has been tested again and again and our worries as expectant parents have quadrupled as parents of a baby. But it's been worth it - every single second has been worth it.
And I wouldn't mind if time would not fly quite so fast while we're having fun!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Tucker's Big Boy Car Seat
We checked out the car seats at Target first. Their prices seem to be a little bit lower than Babies R Us, but they don't have quite the selection.
After narrowing down to 3 seats that we liked the best, we called upon a BRU employee for his expert advice. He basically just read the features off of the little cards posted in front of the seats. was up to us to make the big decision!
And the winner is...the Evenflo Symphony 65 - sounds fancy doesn't it? The things we liked best about this seat is that it's rear facing up to 35 pounds, forward facing up to 65 pounds and forward facing without a harness up to 100 pounds. So basically Tucker can use this seat for a looonnnnggg time...unless he has a major growth spurt!
The price was about middle of the road - not the least expensive, but not the most expensive either. And lucky us...we had a 20% off coupon - woohoo!
Now Tucker needs to gain about 1 more pound and in 3 weeks, he'll be riding in style in his very own big boy car seat!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
What's for dinner?
I'm amazed when I call my sister and she tells me she's making something like a roast or chicken fried steak or a roasted chicken...for dinner...on a WEEKNIGHT!
I have 3 requirements when planning dinner (I try to hit at least 2 of the 3!):
1. Easy
2. Healthy (or at least not horribly bad for you)
3. Inexpensive
Two weeks ago, our grocery bill left me speechless...I know! Me - speechless! This is a rare occasion. So I thought - meal planning - that's the key. We need to start planning our meals for the week and really working with what we have.
So I feel compelled to share with you what we had for dinner this week (so far). Oh and: breakfast= Pop Tart & coffee / lunch= sandwich & salad or leftovers
Also, I try to make something Tucker can eat...and I have an endless supply of beef.
Monday - Hamburger Helper & green beans
Tuesday - Hamburger Helper leftovers
Wednesday - Chicken parmesan & peas
Here ares some sure fire helpers:
French bread - you can buy these for like $2 (on sale this week for $1.79-woohoo!) and they last for 2 or 3 weeks in your 'fridge.
"Cream of____" soups - really easy and quick recipes on the can - usually includes stuff you already have on hand.
Easily pleased hubby - will eat anything you put in front of him. This really helps with all of my experimental recipes!
I also always have all sorts of seasonings on hand. I feel very grown up when a recipe calls for something and I just so happen to have it! Corriander? Right in the cabinet. Rice wine vinegar? Let me get the bottle out of the pantry.
Anyway, I will start including some of my own recipes and tips to hopefully help others keep the grocery bill down and the belly full!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Tucker's Latest Accomplishments
He's a full time walker now, sometimes even standing still in the middle of his treks. He's also able to change directions with only a slight wobble in his step. He reverts to crawling every now and then - usually when he has fallen and doesn't want to mess with standing back up.
Tucker is also mastering the art of imitation! He has a funny monster (demon?) voice that he sometimes uses during his babbling rants. If he's babbling normally and you say something to him in a monster voice, he starts using his monster voice too! It's so funny!
We're working on not only weaning Tucker from nursing (only 2-a-days now!), but also weaning him from the bottle. He has really taken to the sippy cup which we now use for all formula and juice. I even sanitized all of his bottles and whatnots so they can be put away.
On Sunday, Tucker started clapping! So when we wanted him to clap, we would clap and he would just clap away! He would drop whatever he was playing with just so he could clap!
He's still working on waving bye-bye. Last Saturday, we were having breakfast and he started waving really big so I waved back. We did this for a good 2 or 3 minutes!
And yesterday, Tucker showed us he's quite the Casanova! He decided it was time to start giving kisses! He won't kiss on demand - only on his terms. But he opens his mouth and kinda just touches his face to yours. It's the sweetest kiss I've ever received!
Tucker continues to amaze us. It's like one day, he's doing this, and the next, he's doing the complete opposite! He'll be 11 months old on Saturday. He's accomplished so much in 11 months, I wonder what he'll do in the next 11?
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Spring is in the air!
I was chomping at the bit to start on whatever yard work needed to be done! Now I realize that there is a chance for one more winter weather storm. I remember last year when I was 5 million years pregnant, we had a huge snow storm the last weekend in March. I clearly remember this because I was sure I would go into labor and it would be a nightmare trying to drive in that crazy weather!
Anyway, I realize doing yard work this early in March is probably all for nothing, but I was determined to do something! Last year at this time, I was 5 billion years pregnant and could only sit on the sidelines with my glass of water and watch Alec do everything. I know this doesn't sound like a bad gig, but I like doing yard work!
So I got my gardening bucket (thanks, Santa!), slipped on my purple gloves I won at the Bixby Green Corn Festival Bingo 2 years ago and set out to clear all leaves from the flower beds! I worked feverishly and methodically to remove every single leaf! At the end I had 2 1/2 huge bags full of leaves and arms covered in scrapes, cuts and a rash. They seriously looked like I had stuck my arms in a box full of crazed cats!
After we finished our projects (Alec changed the oil in my car), we just enjoyed the sun and the warmth! Tucker hasn't really spent much time outside, but he seemed to like walking around and checking things out.

We loaded up Tucker in his stroller and walked down to the park. I think he liked watching all of the kids much more than this crazy swing! Alec swung him pretty high - especially when he did an underdog!

Just kidding!
When we got home, we opened all the windows to give the house a good airing out. Tucker found the perfect spot to enjoy some graham crackers!

We ended the day with what else, burgers on the grill! It was the kind of day we just needed to re energize and to get us super excited for spring waiting just around the corner!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Until We Meet Again
I'll clean up my fancy pump real good - maybe even replace the power cord that has a little snag in it. Better remember to take out the batteries - I think I still have the ones that nice flight attendant gave me in New York! I'll take down my temporary blinds in my office...hello co-workers! Time to pack everything away. Until we meet again, fancy pants pump!
I think Tucker and I will keep on keepin' on for at least another month. Right now we're just doing "good morning, Sunshine" and "good night, sleep tight" feedings. I'm not sure Tucker is even getting anything from me, but oh what I get from him! (I was sure I wouldn't cry writing this! Boo!).
But I did it. I didn't think I could, but I did. And I'll do it again!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Tucker and Mama's Day Out
After breakfast, I laid Tucker down for a quick morning nap and of course he finally fell asleep when we pulled in to Music to Grow By! Music to Grow By is a music class for Tucker-size kids. We sat in on one of the classes so we could decide if we wanted to sign up for an 8-week session.
I was worried with no nap, Tucker would be fussy. But my worries soon passed when we went in and Tucker just looked around - all big eyed and open mouthed! I sat him on the floor and he crawled to the basket of toys. As others arrived, the kids followed suit. This was the first time Tucker had been around so many babies and he did so good! He just sat and stuck toys in his mouth while we all sat around and sang songs and played. We played with rattles, balls, bubbles and stuffed animals. But Tucker's favorite was the scarves! That kid just loves a good round of peek-a-boo!
Tucker was quite the snuggler and charmer! He would walk and crawl to the other mamas and the teacher and hug them. I was a very proud mama of my sweet boy! Oh - and I only teared up a little bit at the beginning of class so I was pretty proud of myself too!
By the end of class, he was definitely ready for a nap! to the mall! While I ate lunch, Tucker just sat in his stroller - enjoying a bottle and Cheerios. He really likes to check everyone out so he stayed awake the whole time.
I had to watch how close I parked Tucker's stroller because he liked to grab hanging clothes and put them in his mouth. Sorry for the spittty clothes, ladies!
When we got home, Tucker was definitely ready for a nap and slept for 2 hours while I caught up on Oprah. A perfect day!
The best part of our day together was that I finally felt comfortable taking Tucker out in public by myself. I never once got frustrated with the stroller or panicked about getting in anyone's way. And it only took me 10 months!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Snod Node Kid
At 8:30, Tucker still hadn't fallen asleep. He's usually really good about falling asleep the minute his sweet bald head hits the hay. I thought maybe he needed a little bit more to eat so out of bed and up the stairs I went.
Tucker didn't want anything to eat so we gave him a little Tylenol and I snuggled him up and away we rocked. I rubbed his little back and worked out a couple of burps he was holding in. After a few minutes, I looked down at him - poor baby had his head thrown back, nose stopped up, mouth open and was sleeping away.
And this is one of my most favorite things about being a mama. I love soothing my sweet baby to sleep. I love when all he needs is a little snuggling and he's in complete comfort.
Now facing a snod node kid the next morning is another story!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Birthday!
We kinda messed up Tucker's nap schedule so he was a little tired, but not cranky - whew!
Tucker's favorite thing was the ball pit. Of course he just tried to eat all of the balls, but I was assured by the Bouncy Barn worker that they clean everything! Uhm...Tucker has tried to eat furkid Mango's foot, so I think we're a little past the whole germ thing.
The slide was a bit intimidating, but with Daddy up top and Mama down below, it wasn't too scary.
And since I'm still pretty (over)protective of what goes in Tucker's belly, we came well prepared. While the other kids chowed down on pizza and cake and ice cream, Tucker had Gerber puffs and yogurt bites and some apple sauce!
And now I get to spend the day with my two favorite Valentines! How lucky am I to have TWO fellas who want to be mine? My heart is full.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Nap Time - Mall Time?
Friday, February 12, 2010
Blog Update!
Then blogging became a window into our journey as newlyweds in suburbia. Of course we were on life's fast track so soon our blog reflected our first pregnancy and the birth of our first born.
So now we want our blog to be something more. I've rattled around ideas in my head - what do I know that I want to share with the world? I'm really not an expert in anything. I know a little about wiener dogs, fiddles, small towns and enough about cooking to keep us fat and happy. So the question is - what do I NOT know? That would be parenthood. We've never been parents before so each day, we're treading on unknown territory. Thus our new blog begins...enjoy the journey with us!
Bang Your Pans!
I ran into the kitchen to find...Alec..on the floor...grinning ear to ear as Tucker pulled out each of our brand new (ok - a few months old) stainless steel pots and banged them on the floor.
I guess boys will be boys - no matter their age!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
The Woes of a Weaning Mama
Before Tucker was born, I really could not wrap my head around the concept of breastfeeding. But I decided to give it a whirl - not only for financial reasons but because I think of myself of a traditionalist and this is what mamas do. I bought a couple of nursing bras, some nursing pads and a pump and I was all set. Oh how little I knew then!
First there was the pain. I had heard breastfeeding could be painful, but I wasn't ready for the pinching that came with each time Tucker would latch on nor was I prepared for the clogged duct. Holy cow! Clogged ducts HURT! I quickly purchased a tube of Lansinoh ointment which soothed my raw and tender boobies. And thank goodness Alec paid attention in our breastfeeding class! He noticed I wasn't holding Tucker just right and after a few pointers, I made adjustments and I'm forever grateful that one of us didn't have pregnant brain during class!
And when my milk finally came in..hello wet t-shirt contest! There was no turning back at that point! But, not only did breastfeeding sometimes give me sore and engorged boobs, but neck pain too! When Tucker nursed, I would watch him and soon my neck was all jacked up! But soon enough as Tucker was planted to my boob, I was planted to the boob tube. TV saved me from the pain in the neck of breastfeeding!
Oh and the fun of lactating! My boobs could hear a baby a mile away and they were front and center - ready at a moment's notice! Down girls! That's not our baby!
It was near time for me to return to work, so one day, I faced this foreign contraption all working mamas must endure at some point - the breast pump! Talk about nervous! I was sure I would get some sort of electrical shock from having something plugged into the wall that was pulling liquid from my body. I only tried it for a few minutes at first but it worked and it didn't kill me! That which doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Indeed!
Along my breastfeeding journey, I discovered all sorts of breastfeeding friends! The Boppy - a must have for all breastfeeding moms! On July 4th, I used these fun strips that can tell if your boobs have had too much beer (they did!). I also found that when everyone recommends the big (expensive) industrial (expensive) double-pump (expensive) Medela (expensive)pumps are the way to go, they are! I burned through 2 lesser pumps before succumbing to the big mamma-jamma Medela Pump In Style double pump. Let me say that again. I burned up the motors in 2 pumps. Yes - I'm on my third pump! I also used my Macgyver skills to turn 4 simple pony tail holders into hands-free contraptions for my pump!
Not only do I have mad MacGyver skills, I'm also quite Boy Scout-ish in that I believe you should always be prepared! In preparation for our trip to New York in November, I froze several bags of milk so Tucker could still have mama's milk without the mama. I called the hotel ahead of time and asked for a mini-fridge in our room. I bought extra bags and a found little insulated cases in which to transport my precious cargo home on the plane. And I bought batteries for my pump's battery adapter.
On our last day in NYC, we checked out of the hotel, hopped on a tour bus and took a day long tour of the Big Apple! I told myself I'd pump before we got in the taxi to the airport. That didn't happen. Then I said I'd pump when we got to the airport. That didn't happen. Ok - I'll pump on the plane. I had my kick ass teddy bear nursing cover and the plane is loud - no one would know! We boarded the plane and at this point, it had been 10 hours since my last pumping - about 7 hours overdue! Then the captain came on, we were 23rd in line to take off. Are you kidding me?!?! So I told Alec that I would have to pump right then and right there! As we're sitting on the tarmac, I threw on my cover, got "them" out, locked and loaded pumping. The batteries were in wrong - I'm notorious for this. But alas, I only had 2 batteries not 4. We asked the flight attendant for more batteries. She didn't have any. With tears in my eyes and milk starting to flow, I told her what I was trying to do. Sorry - no batteries. My boobs were engorged and I was sure they would explode! Then...just when I was sure I would die, she had 2 batteries from an old CD player she found! By that time, we were ready to take off, but the flight attendant, bless her heart, said I could use my electronic device! The heavens opened up...either because I was finally getting the sweet relief I desperately needed or because I was about to take down the plane with my pump.
But I persevered - through the pain, sleeplessness and inconveniences. Because it wasn't about me. It was all for Tucker. Ok - a little for me. There's something about knowing that the first few months of Tucker's life, his only nutrition came from me. And I'm sure he has been as healthy and as happy as he is because of me. I'm so proud of myself for making this sacrifice!
I'm not sure how the next couple of months will go for us. I'll probably delete LC's number from my cell phone. No, that isn't my celebrity friend from The Hills. LC is the lactation consultant at St. Johns whom I've called on several occasions!
I suppose our bedtime feeding will soon be replaced with reading a book or just snuggling close. But I'm pretty sure we're both going to miss our little mama-Tucker special time together. Hopefully potty training will be just as endearing!