Tucker was so engaged in music class. He laughed and sang and danced! At the end of class, we all sang Happy Birthday to him. I think he was kinda like - what's up with this song I'm hearing all of a sudden?
After music class, we picked up Daddy and headed to the zoo! Tucker had been to the zoo when he was about 2 months old so really this was his first time to take it all in.
It was so cool to see him really checking out the animals. When he got one in his sites, he would pull on the front of his stroller and try to get as close as he could. Of course if the animal didn't really move (alligator, giant tortoise, etc), Tucker didn't notice it and wasn't interested.
By the time we got to the elephants, Tucker was all tuckered out. We stopped in the souvenier shop for a reminder of our special day and Tucker slept the whole time.
When we got home, Momma and Daddy were all tuckered out too! What a perfect day for our sweet baby's first birthday!
Tucker reaches for a turkey!
Hanging out with a goat.
Outside the rain forest
Daddy, Tucker, Tiger
A rhino
Birthdays are exhausting!
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