I'm a horribly modest person and am absolutely mortified at the thought of anyone seeing me not appropriately covered up. I decided that everyone who's in the delivery room with me has to be naked - the doctors, nurses, Alec - everyone! If I'm gonna be all on display and what not, then everyone else needs to feel just as exposed! The fear of being scantly clad has me more worried than the actual birthing stuff!
We can't help but wonder what little Tucker will look like! I already think he has my nose and Alec's lips. We both have hazel eyes so that's a done deal. But will he be tall like his daddy or short like his momma? We both had straight hair - mine brown and Alec's bright red - when we were little! We thought he may look like Sam from Different Strokes:

Alec even does a pretty good Sam impersonation to boot!
I still haven't found anything to relieve the pain I have at the top of my abnomen. I even tried to go without a bra today! I thought maybe my bra was too small and causing the pain, but alas, I still had pain. Alec said I was dangerously close to crossing the line and becoming a hippie! I think I'll wear a bra tomorrow.
Oh and apparently Alec wakes up around 5 am every morning and he and Tucker play while I'm still asleep! Alec moves his hand around my belly and Tucker kicks and flips around - all while I'm sound asleep!
I finally got real excited yesterday when I was making our appointment for our maternity photos. I told Alec it was like when we were on the ferry to Nantucket. It hit me all at once and I got super excited! I can't believe we have just about 2 months to go! The first trimester seemed to drag on forever but my 2nd and 3rd trimesters have just flown by! I still think we'll have Tucker early, but who knows?!? We're very excited to meet him and I hope he feels the same!
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