We watched a lot of video - mostly computer generated graphics - but there was some actual footage of birth, getting an epidural and a c-section! Alec just about lost his lunch during the epidural video and I couldn't watch the c-section stuff.
I told Alec to please promise me that if I make any ugly faces like some of the girls on the video, to gently let me know so I can attempt a pretty face. I mean, I know it's the most exhausting and excruciating thing a girl can go through, but I'm sure you can still look a little pretty. Oh except I found out I can't wear my contacts so I'll have to wear my glasses. Lord, if they make me wear my retainer, I'll have no hope whatsoever!
Oh and after watching all the videos, I'm more determined than ever to somehow have this child while being fully clothed. Good gosh! I can't just be laying there half naked for the world to see!
They fed us lunch of Mazzio's pizza and salad - yum! After I polished off my plate, I really wanted more, but no girls were making the move to get more. Was I the only one who was still hungry after 1 plate of food?!?! Alec said to just go up there and get whatever I wanted - who cares what anyone else thought. And sure enough, as soon as I got up there, 3 other girls came up and started loading up on seconds too!
Alec was 1 of 3 guys who volunteered to wear the empathy belly! After he put everything on, he had to pick some things up off the floor and take off his shoes and put them back on. I think it was quite a challenge for him!
The instructor made him wear it for 1 hour and it happened to be the last hour when we were down on the floor practicing breathing. He was struggling quite a bit! I could hear him breathing a little harder and grunting a bit when he tried to move around. Also, he couldn't lay on his back - pregnant girls have to lay on their sides! When he'd try to set up or change positions, he used me as leverage! Hello! I'm the one who's actually pregnant! You can't push off of my side to help yourself stand up!
Alec did like his new boobs. I don't think he knew what to do with them and I kept seeing him touch them. I had to tell him to stop touching his boobs!
I'm not sure we learned a lot of new stuff from the class, but I think the breathing techniques will come in handy. After we practiced breathing for a bit, the instructor had the coaches sit behind us and squeeze our arm to simulate a contraction - no pressure, a little pressure, a lot of pressure, etc. We were supposed to adjust our breathing technique depending on the type of pain/pressure we were feeling. Alec was giving me contractions with multiple peaks so I was all over the place! After the "contraction" was over, the instructor had the coaches squeeze our arm without us focusing on our breathing. It was crazy how hard Alec had been squeezing my arm, but my focused breathing completely made me not notice!
Our next class is SafeStart which includes infant first aid and CPR and basic stuff like how to bath a baby and properly use a car seat. After that class, this child rearing stuff should be smooth sailing...right?
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