Apparently, Tucker is in some sort of one-man tough man competition. His latest thing is to pick up and carry his toys, buckets, baskets, whatever is available. And these things are least to him! He sometimes grunts when lifting them up. He drug his rocking horse, Prickly Pete, across the living room, grunting and whining the whole time. No one is asking him to do this. Does he expect praise - maybe a "Way to go!" or "What a strong boy!" or maybe a treat (i.e. California Cuties - his current favorite thing to eat)? I'm not sure, but it's pretty funny to watch. And he's not only doing this at home. In music class, he will pick up the basket that the different instruments come in and carry it around. At our friends homes, he's picked up buckets and golf clubs and pushed around an ice chest. Now if we could only harness this new skill for something putting away toys, pushing a vacuum, doing laundry...hmmm...I think I may be on to something here!
A month or so ago, I asked Tucker where his toes were and low and behold, he hunkered down and grabbed his toes! But he can only show you his toes. He's not sure where anyone else's toes are - only his. I think maybe the key word is "where" and not "toes" because if you ask him where anything else is, he grabs his toes.
Me: Where are Daddy's toes?
Tucker grabs his own toes.
Me: Where are your ears?
Tucker grabs his toes.
Me: Where is the dog?
Tucker grabs his toes.
But...a few days ago, Tucker found his belly! When you ask him - where is your belly, he's able to show you exactly where! This entails pulling his shirt high up, patting his bare belly and grinning. It's very exciting! This weekend, he was able to show us where Daddy's belly was too. Again, he had to pull Alec's shirt up and pat his belly. When I asked where Mama's belly was, he just grinned at me. Obviously, I know where my own belly is - why am I so silly?
Monday, April 26, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Thank You?
I'm not really sure what to say when people compliment Tucker - he has the prettiest eyes, he's so cute, etc. I feel weird saying thank you. I mean - we really didn't have much to do with any of that. I think the big man upstairs took the best of both of us and made Tucker. So he got Alec's nose, mouth, height, slenderness, light hair...and he got my stinky ticklish feet and my wit and charm! We're not sure where those blue eyes came from...but I'm glad he has them and not our plain ol' hazel eyes.
As far as his demeanor and personality, I think we can take a little credit. With the exception of our crazy-out-of-control furkids, we have a pretty calm household. Things don't get too loud and wild in our little suburbia cul-de-sac. So I will say thank you when people tell me how good he is. But when he starts getting ornery...that's not our fault!
As far as his demeanor and personality, I think we can take a little credit. With the exception of our crazy-out-of-control furkids, we have a pretty calm household. Things don't get too loud and wild in our little suburbia cul-de-sac. So I will say thank you when people tell me how good he is. But when he starts getting ornery...that's not our fault!
Monday, April 19, 2010
It's Not Raining! It's Not Pouring!
This past weekend was a cool (freezing) and damp (sopping wet) weekend so we were indoor bound (hello, cabin fever!). I had all sorts of intentions of doing a whole lot of organizing and cleaning but the weather put me in a lazy mood. All I could really do was lay on the couch under a blanket!
Saturday wasn't so bad so we were able to hit a couple of neighborhood garage sales. I picked up a small vacuum for our upstairs. I also got Tucker a little booster seat which he's picked up and carried around more than he's sat in. Alec grilled out some barbeque chicken which was D-E-LICIOUS!
Sunday was the day I didn't leave the was just that nasty outside. I had no energy to do any gross-weather-baking either. I managed to thaw some old cookie dough and make a dozen peanut butter cookies, but that was about it!
Tucker has really taken to the cow's milk though his diapers have been very interesting! He also hasn't fussed at all about no more bedtime nursing. After Alec changes Tucker into his jammies, he passes him off to me. Tucker and I cuddle in the rocking chair and I read a book to him. He just lays there and looks at the pictures - it's super sweet! He even gave a couple of laughs when I read Mr. Brown Can Moo.
And today the sun finally came out! Hopefully our yard will dry out so next weekend, we can enjoy some time outside!
Saturday wasn't so bad so we were able to hit a couple of neighborhood garage sales. I picked up a small vacuum for our upstairs. I also got Tucker a little booster seat which he's picked up and carried around more than he's sat in. Alec grilled out some barbeque chicken which was D-E-LICIOUS!
Sunday was the day I didn't leave the was just that nasty outside. I had no energy to do any gross-weather-baking either. I managed to thaw some old cookie dough and make a dozen peanut butter cookies, but that was about it!
Tucker has really taken to the cow's milk though his diapers have been very interesting! He also hasn't fussed at all about no more bedtime nursing. After Alec changes Tucker into his jammies, he passes him off to me. Tucker and I cuddle in the rocking chair and I read a book to him. He just lays there and looks at the pictures - it's super sweet! He even gave a couple of laughs when I read Mr. Brown Can Moo.
And today the sun finally came out! Hopefully our yard will dry out so next weekend, we can enjoy some time outside!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Uh-Oh! Weaning is harder than I thought!
So I had decided a few months ago to breastfeed Tucker as much as I could until he turned 1. Well he turned 1 on Tuesday and...he's still nursing at night. I know it's only been a couple of days, but still, I think this may be harder than I thought!
I haven't really given Tucker the opportunity to get upset over the whole thing - I'm the one who's throwing a fit! I can't seem to wean myself off of nursing!
Usually while Alec is changing Tucker into his jammies, I'm hanging out in the rocking chair waiting to soothe Tucker to sleep. Well on Tuesday, as Alec was changing Tucker into his jammies, I stood there - helpless - with tears streaming down my face. I had no idea what to do! What was my role in the bedtime process now? There was nothing else to do! So Alec decided that since it was Tucker's birthday, I didn't need to stop nursing that night so Tucker and I climbed into the rocking chair and my tears dried right up.
Yesterday Tucker had his 1 year appointment and shots. He didn't feel very good by the time we got home last night. There was no question in my mind on whether or not to nurse Tucker before bed last night. That poor baby needed it!
So now bedtime looms before me. I thought maybe instead of nursing, I could rock Tucker to sleep and maybe read a book to him. Hopefully it'll be an easy transition for him. I just hope Alec is ready to hold me and read a book to me...cause I'm gonna need it!
I haven't really given Tucker the opportunity to get upset over the whole thing - I'm the one who's throwing a fit! I can't seem to wean myself off of nursing!
Usually while Alec is changing Tucker into his jammies, I'm hanging out in the rocking chair waiting to soothe Tucker to sleep. Well on Tuesday, as Alec was changing Tucker into his jammies, I stood there - helpless - with tears streaming down my face. I had no idea what to do! What was my role in the bedtime process now? There was nothing else to do! So Alec decided that since it was Tucker's birthday, I didn't need to stop nursing that night so Tucker and I climbed into the rocking chair and my tears dried right up.
Yesterday Tucker had his 1 year appointment and shots. He didn't feel very good by the time we got home last night. There was no question in my mind on whether or not to nurse Tucker before bed last night. That poor baby needed it!
So now bedtime looms before me. I thought maybe instead of nursing, I could rock Tucker to sleep and maybe read a book to him. Hopefully it'll be an easy transition for him. I just hope Alec is ready to hold me and read a book to me...cause I'm gonna need it!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Bring on the food!
We've been given the green light to give Tucker just about anything his little stomach desires! Tonight he starts cows milk - yum! He can also have citrus, honey, eggs, just about everything - well, except shellfish and nuts/peanut butter. That stinks! No peanut butter? His pediatrician said we have to wait till he's at least 18 months or 2 years before we try peanut butter. Poor baby - he has no idea what he's missing!
I really don't know what's up with all these food allergies with kids these days. When I was growing up, I didn't know anyone who was allergic to anything - well except cats - but you don't eat cats. I sound old. Dagnabit!
I'm probably going to still be pretty (over)protective about what goes in his sweet belly. I think preparing healthy meals and snacks for Tucker will get us to eating better too. We could all stand to be a wee bit healthier...though I'm not giving up my peanut butter!
I really don't know what's up with all these food allergies with kids these days. When I was growing up, I didn't know anyone who was allergic to anything - well except cats - but you don't eat cats. I sound old. Dagnabit!
I'm probably going to still be pretty (over)protective about what goes in his sweet belly. I think preparing healthy meals and snacks for Tucker will get us to eating better too. We could all stand to be a wee bit healthier...though I'm not giving up my peanut butter!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
One is Fun (so far)!
Today is Tucker's 1 year birthday so we rushed upstairs to his room and sang Happy Birthday to our sweet boy first thing this morning! And I don't think I cried! It's a miracle!
Tucker was so engaged in music class. He laughed and sang and danced! At the end of class, we all sang Happy Birthday to him. I think he was kinda like - what's up with this song I'm hearing all of a sudden?
After music class, we picked up Daddy and headed to the zoo! Tucker had been to the zoo when he was about 2 months old so really this was his first time to take it all in.
It was so cool to see him really checking out the animals. When he got one in his sites, he would pull on the front of his stroller and try to get as close as he could. Of course if the animal didn't really move (alligator, giant tortoise, etc), Tucker didn't notice it and wasn't interested.
By the time we got to the elephants, Tucker was all tuckered out. We stopped in the souvenier shop for a reminder of our special day and Tucker slept the whole time.
When we got home, Momma and Daddy were all tuckered out too! What a perfect day for our sweet baby's first birthday!
Tucker reaches for a turkey!

Hanging out with a goat.

Outside the rain forest


Daddy, Tucker, Tiger

A rhino

Birthdays are exhausting!
Tucker was so engaged in music class. He laughed and sang and danced! At the end of class, we all sang Happy Birthday to him. I think he was kinda like - what's up with this song I'm hearing all of a sudden?
After music class, we picked up Daddy and headed to the zoo! Tucker had been to the zoo when he was about 2 months old so really this was his first time to take it all in.
It was so cool to see him really checking out the animals. When he got one in his sites, he would pull on the front of his stroller and try to get as close as he could. Of course if the animal didn't really move (alligator, giant tortoise, etc), Tucker didn't notice it and wasn't interested.
By the time we got to the elephants, Tucker was all tuckered out. We stopped in the souvenier shop for a reminder of our special day and Tucker slept the whole time.
When we got home, Momma and Daddy were all tuckered out too! What a perfect day for our sweet baby's first birthday!
Tucker reaches for a turkey!
Hanging out with a goat.
Outside the rain forest
Daddy, Tucker, Tiger
A rhino
Birthdays are exhausting!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Has it really been a year?
Tucker turns the big ONE tomorrow! I can't believe it's already been a year! I was browsing through our old blogs - back when I was still BFP (big fat and pregnant) and all of the memories came rushing back to me.
I remember toward the end of my pregnancy, I would cry after each doctor's appointment because I hadn't progressed whatsoever. I remember being so bored out of my mind that all I could do was cry and nap. I remember being absolutely miserable the last month. I remember my due date coming and going and with each passing day praying that my water would break. I remember being so disappointed that I had to be induced.
I remember laying in the hospital watching this one commercial over and over. I remember my water finally breaking...believe me, no one can forget that! I remember the nurse giving me an Ambian so I could rest but I just laid there watching that same commercial all through the night. And after 19 hours of labor, I remember my doctor telling me I had dilated to a 4 and I would need a C-section.
I remember being so scared and just laying in my bed crying while Alec tried to comfort me and all our family sat around just talking. I remember seeing a nun peek her head in and later, when I was on the operating table, I remember wishing I had asked that nun to come in and pray with me.
I remember laying on the operating table with my arms strapped down and some scrubs hat thing barely sitting on my head. I remember asking for Alec over and over and everyone kept telling me he'd be right in - it seemed like an eternity! I remember Alec telling me to look at him. Look at him. And I remember I did - through streams of tears, I just looked at him.
Then I remember pressure on my stomach and the sweetest sound I've ever heard. I remember Tucker's cry. I remember hearing 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10, 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 as they counted Tucker's fingers and toes. Then I remember the nurse holding Tucker next to me so I could see my baby for the first time. He was perfect! Simply perfect.
I remember after our family and friends had gone home and we had like 5 seconds without a nurse in the room, we sang Happy Birthday for the first time to our sweet baby.
We've stumbled and bumbled along the way. There have been countless frustrating sleepless nights. Our patience has been tested again and again and our worries as expectant parents have quadrupled as parents of a baby. But it's been worth it - every single second has been worth it.
And I wouldn't mind if time would not fly quite so fast while we're having fun!
I remember toward the end of my pregnancy, I would cry after each doctor's appointment because I hadn't progressed whatsoever. I remember being so bored out of my mind that all I could do was cry and nap. I remember being absolutely miserable the last month. I remember my due date coming and going and with each passing day praying that my water would break. I remember being so disappointed that I had to be induced.
I remember laying in the hospital watching this one commercial over and over. I remember my water finally breaking...believe me, no one can forget that! I remember the nurse giving me an Ambian so I could rest but I just laid there watching that same commercial all through the night. And after 19 hours of labor, I remember my doctor telling me I had dilated to a 4 and I would need a C-section.
I remember being so scared and just laying in my bed crying while Alec tried to comfort me and all our family sat around just talking. I remember seeing a nun peek her head in and later, when I was on the operating table, I remember wishing I had asked that nun to come in and pray with me.
I remember laying on the operating table with my arms strapped down and some scrubs hat thing barely sitting on my head. I remember asking for Alec over and over and everyone kept telling me he'd be right in - it seemed like an eternity! I remember Alec telling me to look at him. Look at him. And I remember I did - through streams of tears, I just looked at him.
Then I remember pressure on my stomach and the sweetest sound I've ever heard. I remember Tucker's cry. I remember hearing 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10, 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 as they counted Tucker's fingers and toes. Then I remember the nurse holding Tucker next to me so I could see my baby for the first time. He was perfect! Simply perfect.
I remember after our family and friends had gone home and we had like 5 seconds without a nurse in the room, we sang Happy Birthday for the first time to our sweet baby.
We've stumbled and bumbled along the way. There have been countless frustrating sleepless nights. Our patience has been tested again and again and our worries as expectant parents have quadrupled as parents of a baby. But it's been worth it - every single second has been worth it.
And I wouldn't mind if time would not fly quite so fast while we're having fun!
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