Months old, that is! He had his check up and shots yesterday. Dr. Freed said he looks great! He weighs 13 lbs and 5 oz (25th percentile) and he's 25" long (55th percentile). AND Tucker gets to start cereal! Not the good stuff (Peanut Butter Captain Crunch), but still - I think it's kind of a big deal! He'll keep having mother's milk and we'll add 2 feedings of rice cereal each day. We're really excited to see how he'll react!
Big boy Tucker ready to see Dr. Freed.

Oh - and I finally wore non-maternity jeans today! WooHoo! Now they are stretch denim and they weren't zipped and buttoned, but they were on!
1 comment:
Love your Tucker updates! BTW, Bryan and his wife take their son to Dr. Freed, too! (They live in Broken Arrow, too!)
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