Alec has been amazing - helping with everything from tying my shoes to rubbing my back. Since his massage technique doesn't quite work on me (he's pinchy!), he bought a hand held massager thing and uses it. He props my feet up and always makes sure I have a fresh glass of water where ever I am! He also takes care of the dogs, does laundry and dishes and picks up stuff I drop.
Instead of having our crib bedding custom made, we found a very cute one of a kind set at a very exclusive boutique - Target! I figured if I had something made, then I'll wanna keep it forever and I'm trying to ween myself from my pack rat ways. Anyway the sage, chocolate brown, cream color scheme is out the window. Now we're focusing on red, navy and khaki:

I like it because it's quilted and patchwork and not too "babyish". I think Tucker will be able to use it when he's a little older too.
We still haven't picked a middle name. It may just come down to when we see him and just saying the first thing we think of!
This week we have our 7 month (eek!) appointment on Thursday. I'll take my glucose tolerance test to see if I have the dreaded gestational diabetes! Lord I hope I don't have GD! I LOVE my sweets! It's funny - the closer we get to our due date, the more questions we have! This time, I have a whole page of questions for Dr. Hubbard! After this appointment, we'll start going in every 2 weeks.
We're also touring Hillcrest and St. Johns this week. Those are the 2 hospitals where my doctor delivers. After we pick which hospital we want to use, we'll sign up for classes - childbirth, basic child care, infant first aid & CPR, breastfeeding - and anything else we can find! I love learning and if there's a class about something, I want to take it!
On a sad note, Alec's Granny passed away last Sunday. Her body had just lived its fullest life and could not go on. We had her funeral on Thursday. I wasn't privileged to know Granny during her younger years - only recently. There was a video montage at her funeral and I got to see who Granny was. She had 5 children, 16 grandchildren and 26 great grandchildren! She seemed to be the kind of lady that I look up to (just like my grandmothers) - devoted mother, dedicated wife, loyal friend and just a little bit ornery! I'm so thankful that Tucker will be surrounded by so many amazing women - both living and those who have left us. It will only make him a stronger man.
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