Alec was super energized too! He moved a shelf downstairs, moved my old toy chest to a closet, moved our little TV upstairs and the big TV downstairs and moved the treadmill out the garage. He also ran a new cable line down another wall in our bedroom. This required the weekly trip to Lowes and many trips up to the attic.
Alec redirected the cable in the game room to our bedroom. Then he had to run a new cable for the game room. There were lots of other steps involved, but since I wasn't allowed in the attic, I'm not quite sure what they were nor did I get any pictures. I got to help by pulling cables from the attic down the wall then out the new hole in the bedroom. Now we are able to move the TV in our bedroom to the opposite wall! This opens up the space in front of our bedroom windows for the bassinet and glider.
The nursery will be upstairs. We almost have it all cleared out!
We plan on using the game room as a play room! We've already gotten a ton of stuff from family, friends, garage sales and consignment sales. We love going to garage sales on Saturday mornings and mostly pick up books, games and toys. We bought Dr. Seuss's Oh the Places You'll Go! at a garage same for 50 cents. We then saw it at Barnes and Noble for $18 brand new! That's crazy!!!
I like classic toys and books like See and Say and Little Golden Books. I'm not a big fan of Disney though. For some reason, Disney got me all riled up a few years ago and I haven't like them ever since. I can't remember the reason, but I'm pretty sure I don't like them! We like Sesame Street (though Elmo is a little annoying) and we've bought a few games like Hungry Hungry Hippo, Operation and Hi Ho Cherry-O (very boring game!). Again,these games go for around $15 or $20 brand new and we got them at garage sales for $1-$3 each!
The nursery won't really have a theme - I'm not about themes. But we did find a fabric that we love. It's a toile and the design is nursery rhymes. I like it because it's neutral and classic and different. Alec's mom has offered to make a bumper and blanket for us - one side toile and the other chenille (really it's called Minky dot, but it's chenille-ish).

Time for dinner before I crash! I LOVE having all this energy! Finally!
Oh - weird pregnancy cravings? I'm kinda on a bratwurst and kraut kick right now. Yum!
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