I've read about how my nesting instincts will kick in, but I didn't think I could nest more than I already do! I normally clean and organize on a regular basis, but last Sunday, I cleaned the house for 4 hours! And that was just downstairs!
I think my nuturing instincts are starting up too. Last week, we had a chocolate cake incident - Berman took a big ol' bite of my made-from-scratch chocolate cake! I had to rush him to the animal ER where they made him throw up everthing he had eaten. Then this week, he had another seizure. Our vet decided it's time to put him on Phenobarital to help keep the seizures at bay. Needless to say, I can't stop kissing or snuggling my baby boy! I think he's absolutely exhausted from my all my mothering!
This morning, I found a yellowjacket buzzing around our dining room window. I wasn't scared for me - I was scared for the furkids! I mustered up all the courage I had and killed it with a flyswatter! Normally when I try to kill a spider or wasp, I shake so bad that I usually miss whatever it is altogether! But today I was brave - like a momma bear protecting her cubs!
Oh - and it still hasn't hit me that I'm pregnant and we're having a baby. I'm hoping that realization will hit me once the baby starts kicking...which should be any time now!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Adios, Flu Bug!
At our last appointment, my OB/GYN was adamant about me getting a flu shot. Now, I've never ever had the flu and I've never ever had a flu shot. In fact, I'm rarely sick at all. I told her all of this, but she didn't care - I HAVE to get a flu shot!
After we left, I got to thinking - I can get a flu shot, but I can't have a bologna sandwich?!?! I Googled flu shots and pregnancy and found quite a few sites that mentioned something called Thimerosal. Basically, Thimerosal is mercury and it's used in immunizations as a preservative. I checked both the FDA and CDC websites and neither said there was a risk to get a good ol' fashioned flu shot with Thimerosal. However, I found several other sites that linked Thimerosal to autism in children. I also found out that when I get a flu shot, the immunization carries over to our baby and our baby is actually safe against the flu for up to 6 months after it's born. I found out that children should receive Thimerosal-free vaccines and pregnant women should request Thimerosal-free flu shots.
I called my OB/GYN's nurse and asked her if I should get a Thimerosal-free shot and she said that was an excellent question and yes I should! So I scheduled an appointment with my regular doctor then called back today to make sure they have Thimerosal-free flu shots. They do not nor did they know anyone who did. They suggested the Visiting Nurses Association, but didn't have a phone number for them. I called the health department. They have Thimerosal-free shots, but only for children - for for adults - not even pregnant adults! Now if my flu shot carries over to my baby, wouldn't that be the same as giving a baby a Thimerosal contained flu shot?!?!
So I had to decide - no flu shot at all and risk my health and our baby's health or get a regular flu shot and risk our child having complications. Rock & hard place!
I called my OB/GYN's nurse again and asked if she knew anyone who offered Thimerosal-free shots. She read to me the findings of the FDA that there is very little evidence that Thimerosal can cause problems with unborn babies and that there was a much larger risk with getting the flu. She even told me how she used to break open thermometers when she was little and play with the mercury and she's ok. What the heck?!?! Yeah - and I used to steal my dad's beers when I was little and drink them, but just because I turned out ok, doesn't mean I'm going to drink beer when I'm pregnant! I was not a happy camper.
I finally found the phone number for the VNA and they offer Thimerosal-free shots! For pregnant women! Yea! So Alec took me to get my flu shot and then to Braum's for a hot fudge shake! The flu shot hurt, but I have peace of mind and a fully belly now!
After we left, I got to thinking - I can get a flu shot, but I can't have a bologna sandwich?!?! I Googled flu shots and pregnancy and found quite a few sites that mentioned something called Thimerosal. Basically, Thimerosal is mercury and it's used in immunizations as a preservative. I checked both the FDA and CDC websites and neither said there was a risk to get a good ol' fashioned flu shot with Thimerosal. However, I found several other sites that linked Thimerosal to autism in children. I also found out that when I get a flu shot, the immunization carries over to our baby and our baby is actually safe against the flu for up to 6 months after it's born. I found out that children should receive Thimerosal-free vaccines and pregnant women should request Thimerosal-free flu shots.
I called my OB/GYN's nurse and asked her if I should get a Thimerosal-free shot and she said that was an excellent question and yes I should! So I scheduled an appointment with my regular doctor then called back today to make sure they have Thimerosal-free flu shots. They do not nor did they know anyone who did. They suggested the Visiting Nurses Association, but didn't have a phone number for them. I called the health department. They have Thimerosal-free shots, but only for children - for for adults - not even pregnant adults! Now if my flu shot carries over to my baby, wouldn't that be the same as giving a baby a Thimerosal contained flu shot?!?!
So I had to decide - no flu shot at all and risk my health and our baby's health or get a regular flu shot and risk our child having complications. Rock & hard place!
I called my OB/GYN's nurse again and asked if she knew anyone who offered Thimerosal-free shots. She read to me the findings of the FDA that there is very little evidence that Thimerosal can cause problems with unborn babies and that there was a much larger risk with getting the flu. She even told me how she used to break open thermometers when she was little and play with the mercury and she's ok. What the heck?!?! Yeah - and I used to steal my dad's beers when I was little and drink them, but just because I turned out ok, doesn't mean I'm going to drink beer when I'm pregnant! I was not a happy camper.
I finally found the phone number for the VNA and they offer Thimerosal-free shots! For pregnant women! Yea! So Alec took me to get my flu shot and then to Braum's for a hot fudge shake! The flu shot hurt, but I have peace of mind and a fully belly now!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Maternity Jeans Hurt!
So all of my maternity jeans have this 2 inch elastic waist band that hits just below my belly button. Well anytime I sit or bend over or move, the band rolls in half or in thirds and squeezes the begeezus out of me! I ordered some belly bands - these tube things that fit over your maternity pants that help smooth out your belly and (hopefully) keeps everything in place!
We didn't have an ultrasound today because the doctor thought it would be too early so now we have to wait till November 20 to find out if we're having a boy or girl!
I used the bathroom before we left for our appointment then realized I needed to give a "sample" so I gulped down a bunch of water. Needless to say, I was able to provide more than enough for a sample and was not quite as neat as I would've liked to have been in the bathroom!
Oh and our doctor is ademate about me getting a flu shot! First of all, I've never had a flu shot and second of all, I've never had the flu. But now I have to have a stupid flu shot! Great!
We did finally get to hear the baby's heartbeat so that was nice. Except for that, today is not a good pregnant day. I want comfy pants and a couch. STAT!
We didn't have an ultrasound today because the doctor thought it would be too early so now we have to wait till November 20 to find out if we're having a boy or girl!
I used the bathroom before we left for our appointment then realized I needed to give a "sample" so I gulped down a bunch of water. Needless to say, I was able to provide more than enough for a sample and was not quite as neat as I would've liked to have been in the bathroom!
Oh and our doctor is ademate about me getting a flu shot! First of all, I've never had a flu shot and second of all, I've never had the flu. But now I have to have a stupid flu shot! Great!
We did finally get to hear the baby's heartbeat so that was nice. Except for that, today is not a good pregnant day. I want comfy pants and a couch. STAT!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Daddy's Little Girl or Mama's Boy?
Tomorrow we may find out if we're having a boy or a girl! We're not scheduled for an ultrasound, but we may try to sweet talk the doctor into giving us one so we can find out what we're having! If we can't find out tomorrow, we'll have to wait for our 20 week appointment toward the end of November!
At first, I really thought we were having a boy. Then I had 3 different dreams that we had a girl. Alec also dreamed we had a girl. The 3 other people in my office who are expecting are all having boys so that made me think we're having a girl.
We tried a couple of at old wives's tales tricks to determine the sex, but one told us one thing and the other said the opposite!
We went to Eureka Springs for the day on Saturday to do a little shopping and to take in the Ozark fall foliage. I was hoping to pick up a few baby things like a quilt and some toys but everything is so gender specific! All we ended up getting was a t-shirt for me and a few Arkansas black apples.

So hopefully tomorrow we'll know what our baby is made of - sugar and spice and everything nice or snips and snails and puppydog tails! I told Alec we'd have to go back to Eureka Springs after we find out the sex to do some real shopping. I think once a year is enough Eureka Springs for him!
At first, I really thought we were having a boy. Then I had 3 different dreams that we had a girl. Alec also dreamed we had a girl. The 3 other people in my office who are expecting are all having boys so that made me think we're having a girl.
We tried a couple of at old wives's tales tricks to determine the sex, but one told us one thing and the other said the opposite!
We went to Eureka Springs for the day on Saturday to do a little shopping and to take in the Ozark fall foliage. I was hoping to pick up a few baby things like a quilt and some toys but everything is so gender specific! All we ended up getting was a t-shirt for me and a few Arkansas black apples.
So hopefully tomorrow we'll know what our baby is made of - sugar and spice and everything nice or snips and snails and puppydog tails! I told Alec we'd have to go back to Eureka Springs after we find out the sex to do some real shopping. I think once a year is enough Eureka Springs for him!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
We Have Energy!
We walked around all day yesterday at Oktoberfest in Ponca City then went to the TU game last night. I was so exhuasted by the time my head hit my pillow! I was sure I'd be on the couch all day today. I'm not sure if it was Alec's big Sunday breakfast or being in the 2nd trimester, but I started out with a ton of energy! I cleaned both downstairs bathrooms, dusted, vacuumed and swept. I managed to go to a couple of stores then it hit me. I was so tired and drained! I had to mosey on home, have a cheese and veggie sandwich and sit for a minute.
Alec was super energized too! He moved a shelf downstairs, moved my old toy chest to a closet, moved our little TV upstairs and the big TV downstairs and moved the treadmill out the garage. He also ran a new cable line down another wall in our bedroom. This required the weekly trip to Lowes and many trips up to the attic.

Alec redirected the cable in the game room to our bedroom. Then he had to run a new cable for the game room. There were lots of other steps involved, but since I wasn't allowed in the attic, I'm not quite sure what they were nor did I get any pictures. I got to help by pulling cables from the attic down the wall then out the new hole in the bedroom. Now we are able to move the TV in our bedroom to the opposite wall! This opens up the space in front of our bedroom windows for the bassinet and glider.
The nursery will be upstairs. We almost have it all cleared out!

We plan on using the game room as a play room! We've already gotten a ton of stuff from family, friends, garage sales and consignment sales. We love going to garage sales on Saturday mornings and mostly pick up books, games and toys. We bought Dr. Seuss's Oh the Places You'll Go! at a garage same for 50 cents. We then saw it at Barnes and Noble for $18 brand new! That's crazy!!!

I like classic toys and books like See and Say and Little Golden Books. I'm not a big fan of Disney though. For some reason, Disney got me all riled up a few years ago and I haven't like them ever since. I can't remember the reason, but I'm pretty sure I don't like them! We like Sesame Street (though Elmo is a little annoying) and we've bought a few games like Hungry Hungry Hippo, Operation and Hi Ho Cherry-O (very boring game!). Again,these games go for around $15 or $20 brand new and we got them at garage sales for $1-$3 each!
The nursery won't really have a theme - I'm not about themes. But we did find a fabric that we love. It's a toile and the design is nursery rhymes. I like it because it's neutral and classic and different. Alec's mom has offered to make a bumper and blanket for us - one side toile and the other chenille (really it's called Minky dot, but it's chenille-ish).

Time for dinner before I crash! I LOVE having all this energy! Finally!
Oh - weird pregnancy cravings? I'm kinda on a bratwurst and kraut kick right now. Yum!
Alec was super energized too! He moved a shelf downstairs, moved my old toy chest to a closet, moved our little TV upstairs and the big TV downstairs and moved the treadmill out the garage. He also ran a new cable line down another wall in our bedroom. This required the weekly trip to Lowes and many trips up to the attic.
Alec redirected the cable in the game room to our bedroom. Then he had to run a new cable for the game room. There were lots of other steps involved, but since I wasn't allowed in the attic, I'm not quite sure what they were nor did I get any pictures. I got to help by pulling cables from the attic down the wall then out the new hole in the bedroom. Now we are able to move the TV in our bedroom to the opposite wall! This opens up the space in front of our bedroom windows for the bassinet and glider.
The nursery will be upstairs. We almost have it all cleared out!
We plan on using the game room as a play room! We've already gotten a ton of stuff from family, friends, garage sales and consignment sales. We love going to garage sales on Saturday mornings and mostly pick up books, games and toys. We bought Dr. Seuss's Oh the Places You'll Go! at a garage same for 50 cents. We then saw it at Barnes and Noble for $18 brand new! That's crazy!!!
I like classic toys and books like See and Say and Little Golden Books. I'm not a big fan of Disney though. For some reason, Disney got me all riled up a few years ago and I haven't like them ever since. I can't remember the reason, but I'm pretty sure I don't like them! We like Sesame Street (though Elmo is a little annoying) and we've bought a few games like Hungry Hungry Hippo, Operation and Hi Ho Cherry-O (very boring game!). Again,these games go for around $15 or $20 brand new and we got them at garage sales for $1-$3 each!
The nursery won't really have a theme - I'm not about themes. But we did find a fabric that we love. It's a toile and the design is nursery rhymes. I like it because it's neutral and classic and different. Alec's mom has offered to make a bumper and blanket for us - one side toile and the other chenille (really it's called Minky dot, but it's chenille-ish).

Time for dinner before I crash! I LOVE having all this energy! Finally!
Oh - weird pregnancy cravings? I'm kinda on a bratwurst and kraut kick right now. Yum!
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