Dear sweet baby Thatcher-
You're one year old today! My how time has flown...what's a momma to do when her baby is growing up so fast?
The first few months of your life were tough. Not only was it a nasty, cold winter, but you had cradle cap, eczema and I'm sure a little bit of colic. You cried and cried for hours on end. I cried and cried because I knew you felt miserable...and I felt helpless. All I could do was kiss you and promise things would get better. Every now and then you would smile...and oh baby, when you smiled, the world stopped. It was as if nothing else existed in that moment - just you and happiness.
Eventually the cradle cap and eczema went away and there were a lot less tears and a lot more smiles.
My sweet Bubba, you taught me compassion. I always thought I was a pretty compassionate person, but when I looked in your deep blue eyes and saw nothing but your love and innocence even though you didn't feel well, my heart would almost burst.
I've always felt this bond with you that I can't really explain. I don't know if it's because I was the baby growing up so I know what it's like to play second fiddle or if it's because Daddy had to stay home with Tucker when we were in the hospital so it was just the two of us. But whatever it is, you are my saving grace.
And now when I tickle your belly or kiss your ears and you laugh - that deep belly laugh that has you doubled over - I'm ecstatic that we made it through this first year!
I can't promise life will be easy, but I can promise you the moon and I'll do everything in my power to give it to you.
From one baby to another, I love you!
Love, Momma
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
My Hero
My grandpa is my hero. There's never been a doubt in my mind. I've never known someone so respected and loved by his family, friends and community. He's a WWII vet so I'm pretty sure he's a hero to many other people too.
Until I married Alec, my grandpa was the one loving and dependable man in my life. I hold him pretty high and haven't really been able to find any faults.
So for my grandpa and everything he's done for me, I'm thankful.
Thank you for teaching me how to bait a hook - though I always preferred to weave on worms than to spear a little minnow.
Thank you for not giving me money when I asked for it after my college trip to Cancun. I never took you for granted again.
Thank you for the countless times you changed the oil in my car and making me drive up those ramp things! I was always so scared!
Thank you for hauling me back and forth to my first job at Sonic when I was 15. I'll never forget listening to your tape recorded fiddle music and Armor Alling the inside of your pick-up.
Thank you for "taking care of" that turtle the last time I went fishing with you. He'll never steal someone else's bait.
Thank you for always answering back when I'd say into the radio "Base to unit 1, come in Carl."
Thank you for letting us grandkids play in your chicken coop.
Thank you for never telling me I was playing in a chicken coop.
Thank you for always having mini candy bars in the fridge and ice cream in the freezer.
Thank you for the endless supply of catfish and pecans.
Thank you for telling me to register to vote and then to actually vote! I think of you every time I do.
Thank you for marrying and loving Grandma for 67+ years. You're the inspiration for my marriage.
Thank you for being proud of me and for believing in me.
My grandpa had a stroke last Monday. He had a stent put in his carotid artery and is slowly recovering.
What do you do when your hero becomes mortal? You thank God for giving you the time you've had and for the faith you have.
Until I married Alec, my grandpa was the one loving and dependable man in my life. I hold him pretty high and haven't really been able to find any faults.
So for my grandpa and everything he's done for me, I'm thankful.
Thank you for teaching me how to bait a hook - though I always preferred to weave on worms than to spear a little minnow.
Thank you for not giving me money when I asked for it after my college trip to Cancun. I never took you for granted again.
Thank you for the countless times you changed the oil in my car and making me drive up those ramp things! I was always so scared!
Thank you for hauling me back and forth to my first job at Sonic when I was 15. I'll never forget listening to your tape recorded fiddle music and Armor Alling the inside of your pick-up.
Thank you for "taking care of" that turtle the last time I went fishing with you. He'll never steal someone else's bait.
Thank you for always answering back when I'd say into the radio "Base to unit 1, come in Carl."
Thank you for letting us grandkids play in your chicken coop.
Thank you for never telling me I was playing in a chicken coop.
Thank you for always having mini candy bars in the fridge and ice cream in the freezer.
Thank you for the endless supply of catfish and pecans.
Thank you for telling me to register to vote and then to actually vote! I think of you every time I do.
Thank you for marrying and loving Grandma for 67+ years. You're the inspiration for my marriage.
Thank you for being proud of me and for believing in me.
My grandpa had a stroke last Monday. He had a stent put in his carotid artery and is slowly recovering.
What do you do when your hero becomes mortal? You thank God for giving you the time you've had and for the faith you have.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
On This Day
On this day last year, I was about 200 weeks pregnant - well ok maybe 35. I was worried my days of traveling out of town were numbered. Soon I would be way too pregnant to go anywhere and then I'd have a newborn so we loaded up Tucker and headed to Wynona to visit my family.
On this day, I saw my grandma as my full of life, young at heart, grandma for the last time. A few days after this visit, she became sick and we lost her in just a couple of weeks.
On this day last year, we first visited my mom and step dad then headed over to my grandparents house. I remember being very impatient and frustrated as an 18-month old Tucker tore through my grandma's kitchen - getting into anything and everything he could! Why wasn't my grandma helping me?!? I obviously couldn't move around very well to chase Tucker and I was getting very flustered. I now realize she wasn't worried. She was only enjoying the joy, mischievousness and orneriness of this sweet little boy - just like his mama at that age and his mama's mama.
That evening, Wynona had their trick-or-treating. We sat on the front porch with Grandma and Grandpa. Grandma gave out little bags of candy that she had made up. She always went above and beyond and made sure something as simple as Halloween candy was a little more special. My grandma knew each kid that jumped up on her porch - no matter how good their Halloween disguise! We sat and laughed and visited and ate candy. When the little bags of candy were gone, she went inside & filled her bowl with a Tootsie Roll mix of candy. And then the orneriness in my grandma came out! While she passed out the off-flavored Tootsie Rolls to the kids, she would hold back the chocolate ones for herself! We even called her out on it and she just laughed. After all, it was her candy to do with what she pleased!
And so now on this day, I'm so thankful for that day and the precious memories I'll always have.
On this day, I saw my grandma as my full of life, young at heart, grandma for the last time. A few days after this visit, she became sick and we lost her in just a couple of weeks.
On this day last year, we first visited my mom and step dad then headed over to my grandparents house. I remember being very impatient and frustrated as an 18-month old Tucker tore through my grandma's kitchen - getting into anything and everything he could! Why wasn't my grandma helping me?!? I obviously couldn't move around very well to chase Tucker and I was getting very flustered. I now realize she wasn't worried. She was only enjoying the joy, mischievousness and orneriness of this sweet little boy - just like his mama at that age and his mama's mama.
That evening, Wynona had their trick-or-treating. We sat on the front porch with Grandma and Grandpa. Grandma gave out little bags of candy that she had made up. She always went above and beyond and made sure something as simple as Halloween candy was a little more special. My grandma knew each kid that jumped up on her porch - no matter how good their Halloween disguise! We sat and laughed and visited and ate candy. When the little bags of candy were gone, she went inside & filled her bowl with a Tootsie Roll mix of candy. And then the orneriness in my grandma came out! While she passed out the off-flavored Tootsie Rolls to the kids, she would hold back the chocolate ones for herself! We even called her out on it and she just laughed. After all, it was her candy to do with what she pleased!
And so now on this day, I'm so thankful for that day and the precious memories I'll always have.
Tucker Joe and his Grandma Violet
Monday, September 19, 2011
Our fall garden is thriving! We planted acorn squash, butternut squash and spaghetti squash. I tried planting pumpkins but after the 3rd failed attempt, I put beans in their place.
Here is a blossom turning into...well some sort of squash! Alec thinks it's butternut, but I'm not ready to identify it just yet.
The vines are all over the place and I'm not sure with which plant the blossoms are associated.
Our basil is giant and out of control. I was going to harvest it this past weekend and make some pesto to freeze but...I have this little pest:
Here it is with a trapped locust:
My fearless boys are working on a game plan to rid garden of said pest.
So until that happens, the pesto will have to wait. Maybe I'll work on some delicious winter squash recipes!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Silly Little Boys
I sometimes try to remember life before my silly little boys. I honestly can't remember much but I'm sure I had way more time on my hands. I remember meeting friends for happy hour, going out with the girls, long phone calls with Alec, working late, sleeping in....
But now my days are filled with silly little boys asking questions like "Mommy have wiener?" and saying things like "I pee in grass!" Silly little boys splashing like crazy in the bathtub and wanting to be wherever we are. I asked Alec why we have a 2200 square foot house when our silly little boys and 3 crazy dogs want to be on top of us at all times.
I lose my patience and have given up on anything close to a sparkling home, a nice hairstyle, stylish clothes and sleep. But when my silly little boys grin ear to ear at each other and make each other laugh. Who needs anything else in the world?
They are angels, they are little devils, they are monkeys and bean-faced filthy monsters. But they're our silly little boys.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Choosing Our Religion
**Note: This blog is not meant to offend or upset anyone. It's written from a pure though naive heart searching for the reason why we are so blessed. Also, I sometimes just say what ever is on my mind without I apologize in advance.
Now that we are parents, we decided it's time to introduce our boys to religion. Neither of us are over the top religious but we do believe there is something greater than ourselves and we have been blessed beyond our comprehension. We weren't comfortable about leaving our boys with complete strangers (church nursery) but now that Tucker has been in daycare for almost a year, we're kinda okay with the idea.
So our search for a church began. At the first church we attended, we went to the contemporary service at a Baptist church. Given my only true recollection of church was the Wynona First Baptist Church, this was a huge awakening for me. The scripture was shown on big screens on the walls. The music was modern and nothing I had ever heard. People were raising their arms and swaying.
When I went to church as a child, the only thing you heard from the congregation was a quiet "Amen". That was it. There was no clapping, no "Hallaluah'ing", not a peep out of anyone. This is what I thought church was. So needless to say, I wasn't comfortable with this church. I don't know if it was the contemporary service or just the church itself. By the time we got home after church service, there was a welcome note with a bag of popcorn and a 2 liter of pop on our doorstep. And as anyone who knows us knows...we're not a pop house. The week following this service, we were called, emailed and mailed information. Overkill. I felt more like a customer than a parishioner. Like they just wanted our business.
When I went to church as a child, the only thing you heard from the congregation was a quiet "Amen". That was it. There was no clapping, no "Hallaluah'ing", not a peep out of anyone. This is what I thought church was. So needless to say, I wasn't comfortable with this church. I don't know if it was the contemporary service or just the church itself. By the time we got home after church service, there was a welcome note with a bag of popcorn and a 2 liter of pop on our doorstep. And as anyone who knows us knows...we're not a pop house. The week following this service, we were called, emailed and mailed information. Overkill. I felt more like a customer than a parishioner. Like they just wanted our business.
Alec grew up Methodist so we decided to try out a Methodist church the following Sunday. We dropped the boys off at the nursery and attended the traditional service. The Methodist do things a little different than this girl is used to but I liked it. So we went again. And again. And again. And now this is my church of choice.
We sing songs I don't know - the ones I do know, I call "Baptist songs": Leaning on the Everlasting Arms, Just As I Am, Up From the Grave He Arose...And although I cry every time we sing one of these songs because they remind me of my grandma, they make me happy and I feel like I belong. We say the Apostle's Creed which I sure was called the Apollo's Creed. And we say the Lord's Prayer (I read from the bulletin because I still don't have it down!). All of these things are new to me, but I like them. We're the youngest people at the particular service we go too. That's okay. I like being surrounded by grandmas and grandpas. It's comforting.
One line of my sorority's creed is "To find the peace and serenity of a Divine faith". As I sit next to Alec in the sanctuary, our boys safely playing with the other kids in the nursery, I can't help but feel peace and serenity wash over me.
We signed up for a Wednesday night parenting class and a dinner-for-8 monthly social event. And now when it's time to walk around and shake hands, we actually step out into the aisle and move up and back a few rows!
The few Sundays when we've played hooky, I felt empty. Like I missed something. Even Tucker would ask if we're going to church. Uh...nothing like a 2 year old calling you out!
Going to church as an adult is completely different than as a child or teenager. I understand the messages. I feel the community and faith of the church around me. As a kid, I was just ready to get over to the cafe and eat my chicken fried steak! During Just As I Am when the preacher asked for "every eye closed and every head bowed" my sister and I would sneak out to get in line at the cafe.
I'm sure our boys will be challenging, but I hope we're instilling in them a good start to their spirituality. I hope they will be grateful for their many blessings. I hope they go above and beyond what's right and wrong and have hearts full of compassion, grace and forgiveness. I hope we give them the knowledge and choice to make good decisions. I hope we are setting a good example for them.
I'm excited to begin this new journey with my family. I think I'm finally at a place to appreciate and understand faith. And I like our church. I feel comfortable and welcomed. I think I'm getting what all the hubbub is about!

Monday, August 22, 2011
So Far...So Good!
Sunday was a busy busy day for this momma! I was so excited to check out Sunday's coupons, that I almost got out of bed when I woke up at 4:30! Almost.
The coupons were pretty slim pickin's this week but I was able to match up a couple of things. After Alec got back from grocery shopping, I matched up my coupons with this week's sales and headed out! At Walgreens, I bought $22 worth of stuff for only $3! Then at Target, I got a prescription filled and received a $10 gift card. I used this to by myself a fancy new coupon binder!
Here's my new binder!

It zips all the way around and has 1 1/2 inch rings. On the left side, there is an expandable file. This is where I stash my inserts/circulars (Walgreens, Target, Reasors, Food Pyramid, WalMart, CVS). I have a pencil pouch which holds my scissors and pens. I added a spiral notebook so I can jot down who has what on sale and what coupon I have to match that sale item. Then there are my coupons! I found another couponer's website and she had a table of contents and divider pages which I printed on thick paper. I'm using baseball card holder sheets to hold my coupons.
So I think I'm all set as far as couponing is concerned. Oh - lesson learned? Discuss with dear hubby what is on sale and what I have coupons for. Target had fruit cups on sale for $2 this week. I have a .75/2 coupon. Said coupon did not make it to the store with dear hubby. We totally could've owned those fruit cups for $1.63 each! ARGH!
As far as meal planning goes...well, today was better than yesterday! First of all, I have never dealt with a whole raw chicken. Let me say....I probably never will again. After I cut open the packaging, that poor bird flopped out into my sink. I picked it up and immediately had the heebie jeebies. I think I even gagged a few times. I had all sorts of plans about shoving a lemon where the sun don't shine and seasoning the heck out of that thing! Well, I rinsed it, patted it dry, threw on some salt, pepper and garlic powder and tossed it in the crock pot with some potatoes, sweet potatoes and carrots. About an hour or 2 before it was finished, I added a few sprigs of fresh rosemary from our garden. The chicken turned out kinda dry and the veggies were a little soggy. Alec had to tear that bird apart. I was so done with it.
I also whipped up some meatloaf muffins and mashed potatoes (both in the freezer for Thursday night).
Tonight, I shredded some of the chicken from Sunday, added a little water and some spices (I forgot to get taco seasoning) and simmered with a few scoops of black beans. I made a package of Spanish rice and added some frozen corn at the end. I have to say that was a pretty good dinner!
I have enough chicken left over to make a little chicken & rice casserole with mixed veggies for tomorrow night. Then on Wednesday, we should have plenty of leftovers!
Lesson learned? Buy the rotisserie chicken or stick with the frozen skinless/boneless breasts.
So far so good! Hopefully I can stick with this couponing thing and menu planning so my family can enjoy fast, healthy and cheap meals!
The coupons were pretty slim pickin's this week but I was able to match up a couple of things. After Alec got back from grocery shopping, I matched up my coupons with this week's sales and headed out! At Walgreens, I bought $22 worth of stuff for only $3! Then at Target, I got a prescription filled and received a $10 gift card. I used this to by myself a fancy new coupon binder!
Here's my new binder!
It zips all the way around and has 1 1/2 inch rings. On the left side, there is an expandable file. This is where I stash my inserts/circulars (Walgreens, Target, Reasors, Food Pyramid, WalMart, CVS). I have a pencil pouch which holds my scissors and pens. I added a spiral notebook so I can jot down who has what on sale and what coupon I have to match that sale item. Then there are my coupons! I found another couponer's website and she had a table of contents and divider pages which I printed on thick paper. I'm using baseball card holder sheets to hold my coupons.
So I think I'm all set as far as couponing is concerned. Oh - lesson learned? Discuss with dear hubby what is on sale and what I have coupons for. Target had fruit cups on sale for $2 this week. I have a .75/2 coupon. Said coupon did not make it to the store with dear hubby. We totally could've owned those fruit cups for $1.63 each! ARGH!
As far as meal planning goes...well, today was better than yesterday! First of all, I have never dealt with a whole raw chicken. Let me say....I probably never will again. After I cut open the packaging, that poor bird flopped out into my sink. I picked it up and immediately had the heebie jeebies. I think I even gagged a few times. I had all sorts of plans about shoving a lemon where the sun don't shine and seasoning the heck out of that thing! Well, I rinsed it, patted it dry, threw on some salt, pepper and garlic powder and tossed it in the crock pot with some potatoes, sweet potatoes and carrots. About an hour or 2 before it was finished, I added a few sprigs of fresh rosemary from our garden. The chicken turned out kinda dry and the veggies were a little soggy. Alec had to tear that bird apart. I was so done with it.
I also whipped up some meatloaf muffins and mashed potatoes (both in the freezer for Thursday night).
Tonight, I shredded some of the chicken from Sunday, added a little water and some spices (I forgot to get taco seasoning) and simmered with a few scoops of black beans. I made a package of Spanish rice and added some frozen corn at the end. I have to say that was a pretty good dinner!
I have enough chicken left over to make a little chicken & rice casserole with mixed veggies for tomorrow night. Then on Wednesday, we should have plenty of leftovers!
Lesson learned? Buy the rotisserie chicken or stick with the frozen skinless/boneless breasts.
So far so good! Hopefully I can stick with this couponing thing and menu planning so my family can enjoy fast, healthy and cheap meals!
Saturday, August 20, 2011
OK! I can do this!
So I clip coupons now and then and save 25 cents here and there. I try to be optimistic and think - well, that's 25 cents more in our pockets! But who are we kidding? That's not a whole lot of savings on a $100 grocery bill.
With prices of everything going up, up, up, I feel like the only thing we have any control over is our weekly grocery bill. And I'm a control freak out grocery bill!
I've been watching these Extreme Coupon shows and I thought - OK! I can do this! Let me clarify. I'm not looking to buy $2000 worth of groceries for 25 cents. That's crazy! And I don't have the space to stockpile. But it would be nice to save maybe $20 or so.
I researched different couponer websites and I'm in the beginning stages. Let me tell you - this could easily be an addiction. I actually feel this rush when I find a coupon for something on sale. I get nervous when I'm at the register - out of control if I don't know exactly what my total should be after all of my savings. And if the store is out of stock or I misread the fine print, I kinda feel depressed! But the rush of saving - well more than 25 cents - it's so worth it!
I made a binder. It's kinda sad but I'm going to fine tune it. Right now it's a 1" 3 ring binder with baseball card holder sheets for my coupons. I printed a table of contents and divider pages from another couponer's website. I love organization! I want to get a bigger binder, add a spiral notebook, a pencil pouch for my scissors and pens and maybe tabs to my divider pages.
I sorted through my pile of coupons and asked my coworkers to bring coupons they weren't using. I scour the weekly grocery store circulars and match up things on sale with my coupons.
Here's my theory - I'm not buying things I need right now, but I'm buying things I use. Do I need 2 bottles of contact solution right now? No. Does CVS have a sale on contact solution and do I have a coupon for it? Yes. I bought the contact solution. Do I need 8 cans of soup right now? No. Does Walgreens have a sale and do I have a coupon? Yes. I bought the soup.
I don't think I'm necessarily stockpiling. I'm simply buying things we use when they are at the best price I can buy them. I will use the 2 bottles of contact solution and I will eat the 8 cans of soup eventually (Alec doesn't like soup. I'm a little addicted to chicken noodle soup).
I found Food Pyramid doubles coupons. So when they had their $1 sale on many things that we eat, I cleaned house! For example, not only did I get 2 cans of crescent rolls for a $1 each, but I also had 40 cents off 2 so actually I bought 2 cans of crescent rolls for 1.20 or 60 cents each! Score!
Oh - and I'm not brand loyal so I think that helps - except deodorant. I will be sooooo glad when I run out of this Lady Mitchum! Ugh! I need my Secret solid! Lady Mitchum is so not Ph balanced!
My other struggle is meal planning. I'm determined to plan out each week's meals and do as much prep work as I can on Sunday. So here's what we have coming up:
Sunday: Crock pot chicken (whole chickens on sale at Food Pyramid for .79/lb) with potatoes, sweet potatoes and carrots.
Monday: Chicken tacos (left over from Sunday's chicken) and Spanish Rice (on sale at Food Pyramid for $1)
Tuesday: Chicken and rice casserole (I really think this chicken on Sunday is going to stretch!) made with mixed veggies (on sale at Food Pyramid for $1 and cream of chicken soup on sale at Walgreens for .79)
Wednesday: Leftovers (we are starting a class at church on Wednesday nights - limited dinner time)
Thursday: Meatloaf (thanks, Edwards Ranch!), mashed potatoes (maybe left over from Sunday?) and corn
Friday: Meatloaf sandwiches & mac & cheese (on sale at Walgreens for .69)
Saturday: Maybe a nice dinner out using the money I saved from using coupons!
Since we usually sit down for dinner around 6:30 every night, I want to get home and get dinner on the table in 30 minutes or less. I plan to take about 1 hour on Sunday to prep/precook as much as I can.
I really thing if I take a little time each week (maybe my lunch break that I never take?), I can help our family save a little of money and have better dinners each night. My goal is to get this system down before our boys get big and eat us out of house and home! I can do this!
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Our Neck of the Woods
Big things and not so big things happening in our neck of the woods lately...
Thatcher "Bubba" now has 4 teeth and he's diligently working on more!

The boys are taking baths together now - serious fun for everyone!
Thatcher is also on the move - scooting around all over the place! This makes him much more entertaining to Tucker.

They also watch cartoons together!

We've had a few run-ins with wildlife too!
Who knew squirrels liked hen and chickies? My big pot of hen and chickies with only a couple of hens left - that's who! Jerk squirrel!

We also have these feathered friends in a hanging basket. I'm so in love with these fur headed babies!

Our garden is just about done. The only thing thriving is our basil, rosemary and a tomato every now and then which a furkid will devour. That's Mango with a Roma.

Our winter squash is ready to plant! Just needing the temperature to drop 10-20 degrees.

Life is good at Davisville. Babies are growing, love is thriving and blessings are abundant.
Thatcher "Bubba" now has 4 teeth and he's diligently working on more!
The boys are taking baths together now - serious fun for everyone!
Thatcher is also on the move - scooting around all over the place! This makes him much more entertaining to Tucker.
They also watch cartoons together!
We've had a few run-ins with wildlife too!
Who knew squirrels liked hen and chickies? My big pot of hen and chickies with only a couple of hens left - that's who! Jerk squirrel!
We also have these feathered friends in a hanging basket. I'm so in love with these fur headed babies!
Our garden is just about done. The only thing thriving is our basil, rosemary and a tomato every now and then which a furkid will devour. That's Mango with a Roma.
Our winter squash is ready to plant! Just needing the temperature to drop 10-20 degrees.
Life is good at Davisville. Babies are growing, love is thriving and blessings are abundant.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Not a baby. Not yet a big boy.
My friend Sara asked for my blog site because she likes keeping up with our family. I hesitantly gave it to her knowing I hadn't blogged in a month of Sundays. For shame! So here I am. The babies are all snug in their beds and I have a few free minutes to blog away!
Today was a big day for us! Tucker finally had his first haircut! Everyone has been on me for some time now to chop off his little mullet and there were certainly times when I was like - whoa...uhm...he needs a haircut! But then when he was sweet and snuggly and his mullet transformed into sweet baby curls, there was no way I could cut that baby's hair!
My mother -in-law told me when he gets his hair cut, to be prepared. He was now going to look like a little boy. I thought she meant as opposed to a girl. She meant as opposed to a baby. And boy was she right!
We decided to have his first hair cut done at Kuts 4 Kids by Mr. Will. On Saturdays, it's walk-ins only and first come first served so we got there and had some waiting to do. Luckily they had all sorts of toys so we were all pretty preoccupied. Then they called "Tucker!"
My heart stopped. This is it. This is when my baby turns into a little boy. This is is the last thing (besides big boy underwear) that I have to remind me of this precious precious creature that changed my world forever 2 years, 2 months, 26 days ago. I can do this. He can do this. We can all do this.
Then he got in the chair and cried. I cried. I didn't cry because of the symbolism of my baby becoming a boy. I cried because of this:
He was absolutely petrified. I'm sure my crying wasn't helping things. I just held his hands tight, kissed him, wiped away his tears and mine and just kept telling him (and myself) that everything was going to be alright.
I noticed the lady waiting with her little girl was wiping away her own tears. Perhaps remembering her baby's first hair cut? Or maybe just so overwhelmed by Tucker's distress. Anyway, I'm sure we were quite the site! And I hope all the other kids waiting had already had their first haircut or we may have scarred them for life with our drama!
So I think we're on the down slope as far as the baby to boy transition goes. There's only one major thing left...potty training. Tucker did peepee in the potty 5 times today! Thank God he went to sleep in a diaper! This Momma desperately trying to hold onto her baby can't take anymore growing up today!
Friday, May 20, 2011
I Did. I Do. I Always Will.
Excerpts from our marriage ceremony. May 20, 2008. Brant Point Lighthouse. Nantucket, Massachusetts.
Marriage is an honorable estate, and therefore, not to be entered into lightly, but with careful reflection and reverence, for this is a lifetime union of love, honor and, most importantly, trust between this man and this woman. Today, as you join yourselves in marriage, you stand apart from all others as you pledge your love and commitment to one another.

No matter how your paths have brought you here today, it is your love that sustains the moment. In marriage, you marry a mystery. It is someone you know you love, but who you will continue to learn about for the rest of your life. In this sense, marriage is an act of faith, of absolute trust in one another. In marriage you promise not only to give of yourself, but also to accept the other. You promise to love them not only for today, but to extend that love to include whatever may come tomorrow.

As each day passes, may you gain love and strength from each other and may your hearts become one. If difficult times arise, remember to be open to communication in order to exchange your anger for joy and tears for smiles. Always listen to each other's unspoken words and understand each other's meaning. Always love, help and respect each other and then know truly that you are one in the eyes of all. It is no weakness to admit a wrong; it is a strength and a sign of learning. Always strive to see the beauty that first touched your love.

These promises will change you. They will shape you. You will live differently because of them. For you have chosen each other, and you have made and received the most important vow of all: you have chosen each other and you have promised each other the future.

In marriage, walk the path together, side by side whenever possible.
Remember to hold each other when it is cold.
If the air becomes too close, make a little space so each other can breathe.
When the path is narrow, pick one to go first.
Always be willing to follow; don't be afraid to lead.
Trust your partner; trust yourself, for marriage is a journey that leads to great love.

(A passage of advice on marriage written in 1886):
Let your love be stronger than your anger. Learn the wisdom of compromise for it is better to bend a little than to break. Believe the best rather than the worst; for people have a way of living up or down to your opinion of them. Remember that true friendship is the basis for any lasting relationship. The person you choose to marry is deserving of the courtesies and kindness you bestow on your friends.

(Native American Wedding Blessing):
Now for you there is no rain, for one is shelter to the other.
Now for you there is no pain, for each is comfort to the other.
Now you will feel no cold, for each of you will be warmth to the other.
Now for you the snow has ended always, your fears, your wants, your needs are at rest.
Now you are two persons, but there is only one life before you.
May beauty surround you both in the journey ahead and through all the years together.
Go now into your dwelling place to enter the days of your togetherness.
May your days be good and long upon the earth. Amen.

May you love, honor and cherish one another, keeping the covenant and vows made between you today. May your home and your family always be filled with the blessings of patience, wisdom, happiness and peace.
Marriage is an honorable estate, and therefore, not to be entered into lightly, but with careful reflection and reverence, for this is a lifetime union of love, honor and, most importantly, trust between this man and this woman. Today, as you join yourselves in marriage, you stand apart from all others as you pledge your love and commitment to one another.
No matter how your paths have brought you here today, it is your love that sustains the moment. In marriage, you marry a mystery. It is someone you know you love, but who you will continue to learn about for the rest of your life. In this sense, marriage is an act of faith, of absolute trust in one another. In marriage you promise not only to give of yourself, but also to accept the other. You promise to love them not only for today, but to extend that love to include whatever may come tomorrow.
As each day passes, may you gain love and strength from each other and may your hearts become one. If difficult times arise, remember to be open to communication in order to exchange your anger for joy and tears for smiles. Always listen to each other's unspoken words and understand each other's meaning. Always love, help and respect each other and then know truly that you are one in the eyes of all. It is no weakness to admit a wrong; it is a strength and a sign of learning. Always strive to see the beauty that first touched your love.
These promises will change you. They will shape you. You will live differently because of them. For you have chosen each other, and you have made and received the most important vow of all: you have chosen each other and you have promised each other the future.

In marriage, walk the path together, side by side whenever possible.
Remember to hold each other when it is cold.
If the air becomes too close, make a little space so each other can breathe.
When the path is narrow, pick one to go first.
Always be willing to follow; don't be afraid to lead.
Trust your partner; trust yourself, for marriage is a journey that leads to great love.

(A passage of advice on marriage written in 1886):
Let your love be stronger than your anger. Learn the wisdom of compromise for it is better to bend a little than to break. Believe the best rather than the worst; for people have a way of living up or down to your opinion of them. Remember that true friendship is the basis for any lasting relationship. The person you choose to marry is deserving of the courtesies and kindness you bestow on your friends.

(Native American Wedding Blessing):
Now for you there is no rain, for one is shelter to the other.
Now for you there is no pain, for each is comfort to the other.
Now you will feel no cold, for each of you will be warmth to the other.
Now for you the snow has ended always, your fears, your wants, your needs are at rest.
Now you are two persons, but there is only one life before you.
May beauty surround you both in the journey ahead and through all the years together.
Go now into your dwelling place to enter the days of your togetherness.
May your days be good and long upon the earth. Amen.

May you love, honor and cherish one another, keeping the covenant and vows made between you today. May your home and your family always be filled with the blessings of patience, wisdom, happiness and peace.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
On Your Second Birthday
Dear Tucker-
On your second birthday, I thought I'd take a minute to tell you just how much I love you.
I can't believe it's been 2 whole years since God graced us with such a blessing!
You're kind, generous, charming, silly, smart..all of the traits I prayed God would give you. I remember praying so hard for a healthy and beautiful baby and my prayers came true!
You amaze me and fill my heart with so much joy each and every day. Your smile is absolutely infectious and my heart breaks when you're sad.
You have such a sweet soul. You're an excellent big brother - always looking out for baby Thatcher.
When you hug me, kiss me, tell me "I loo, Mommy", I can't help but smile ear to ear!
You have humbled me and have taught me how precious time and family are. You have forced me to see the world through a parent's eyes. Wow!
I'm so proud of you and can't wait to see what the next year brings us! Hopefully more "terrific twos" than "terrible twos"!
I loo, Tucker!
Love, Mommy
On your second birthday, I thought I'd take a minute to tell you just how much I love you.
I can't believe it's been 2 whole years since God graced us with such a blessing!
You're kind, generous, charming, silly, smart..all of the traits I prayed God would give you. I remember praying so hard for a healthy and beautiful baby and my prayers came true!
You amaze me and fill my heart with so much joy each and every day. Your smile is absolutely infectious and my heart breaks when you're sad.
You have such a sweet soul. You're an excellent big brother - always looking out for baby Thatcher.
When you hug me, kiss me, tell me "I loo, Mommy", I can't help but smile ear to ear!
You have humbled me and have taught me how precious time and family are. You have forced me to see the world through a parent's eyes. Wow!
I'm so proud of you and can't wait to see what the next year brings us! Hopefully more "terrific twos" than "terrible twos"!
I loo, Tucker!
Love, Mommy
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
The Simple Life
**Something to keep in mind...I began this particular post over 2 weeks ago. No lie. 2+ weeks ago. enjoy...
Today I Googled on my Blackberry "how to live more simply." Uhm...there are so many things wrong with that. I asked Alec how people got answers before Google. He said they called other people...ah the lost art of conversation.
But I digress.
I'm on a quest to figure out how to slow things waaayyy down and have at least one freakin' second to smell the roses! I never knew how very valuable and precious time is until I had a family. Now every minute I work late is one less minute I can spend with my babies. Every second I'm stuck in rush hour traffic is one less second I can dance with Alec in the kitchen. Time has become a rare treasure that I feel is slowly slipping through my fingers. Perhaps like sands through an hourglass?
So I Googled...and found a couple of interesting things - like how to live like a monk. Not that I plan on becoming a monk - not at this time anyway. I did pick up a few ideas like doing things one at a time and completing them fully. I think multitasking is overrated. You don't give 100% to one thing - you just give a little bit to several things. I've been trying to focus on one task at a time this week and I think it's calmed my ADD mind.
I also found a blog about living simply. I was relaxed just by reading this blog!
Alec says I'm addicted to relaxation. I don't think that's the case at all. I'm constantly trying to relax but can never achieve pure relaxation. I'm always worried or stressed out about something. Perhaps I should get more pedicures, facials, massages, wine...just a thought.
Here's what I want to simple life wish list:
I want to take fiddle lessons again.
I want to enjoy the daily newspaper over a fresh cup of coffee each morning - and actually finish the paper and coffee in 1 swoop. (side note: Thatcher woke up starving at 4:30 this morning. I almost stayed up just so I could have a good 30 minutes of peace and quiet to read the paper and have some coffee. Almost. I mean - it is Saturday for Pete's sake!)
I want to sit down and have dinner every night with my family.
I want to dry and fix my hair every morning.
Alec would probably like me to shave my legs a little more often.
I'd like to blog more than once every blue moon.
And (yeah - I'll admit it)I'd like 10 minutes each day that doesn't revolve around babies, work, dogs, husband...just me.
I'm not sure how to achieve this simple life - or how to even get close. I'm trying to see the bigger picture and appreciate things more. Do I want to clean the kitchen or be silly with Tucker? Do I want to veg in front of the TV or read a book with Thatcher? Do I want to pick up the house or play fetch with Berman?
I don't want much and I think I'm pretty easy to please. So my goal at this time in life is to just slow down and smell the roses. Achieving this goal may be my biggest life challenge, but I really think I can get there...even more so with the help of a housekeeper!
Today I Googled on my Blackberry "how to live more simply." Uhm...there are so many things wrong with that. I asked Alec how people got answers before Google. He said they called other people...ah the lost art of conversation.
But I digress.
I'm on a quest to figure out how to slow things waaayyy down and have at least one freakin' second to smell the roses! I never knew how very valuable and precious time is until I had a family. Now every minute I work late is one less minute I can spend with my babies. Every second I'm stuck in rush hour traffic is one less second I can dance with Alec in the kitchen. Time has become a rare treasure that I feel is slowly slipping through my fingers. Perhaps like sands through an hourglass?
So I Googled...and found a couple of interesting things - like how to live like a monk. Not that I plan on becoming a monk - not at this time anyway. I did pick up a few ideas like doing things one at a time and completing them fully. I think multitasking is overrated. You don't give 100% to one thing - you just give a little bit to several things. I've been trying to focus on one task at a time this week and I think it's calmed my ADD mind.
I also found a blog about living simply. I was relaxed just by reading this blog!
Alec says I'm addicted to relaxation. I don't think that's the case at all. I'm constantly trying to relax but can never achieve pure relaxation. I'm always worried or stressed out about something. Perhaps I should get more pedicures, facials, massages, wine...just a thought.
Here's what I want to simple life wish list:
I want to take fiddle lessons again.
I want to enjoy the daily newspaper over a fresh cup of coffee each morning - and actually finish the paper and coffee in 1 swoop. (side note: Thatcher woke up starving at 4:30 this morning. I almost stayed up just so I could have a good 30 minutes of peace and quiet to read the paper and have some coffee. Almost. I mean - it is Saturday for Pete's sake!)
I want to sit down and have dinner every night with my family.
I want to dry and fix my hair every morning.
Alec would probably like me to shave my legs a little more often.
I'd like to blog more than once every blue moon.
And (yeah - I'll admit it)I'd like 10 minutes each day that doesn't revolve around babies, work, dogs, husband...just me.
I'm not sure how to achieve this simple life - or how to even get close. I'm trying to see the bigger picture and appreciate things more. Do I want to clean the kitchen or be silly with Tucker? Do I want to veg in front of the TV or read a book with Thatcher? Do I want to pick up the house or play fetch with Berman?
I don't want much and I think I'm pretty easy to please. So my goal at this time in life is to just slow down and smell the roses. Achieving this goal may be my biggest life challenge, but I really think I can get there...even more so with the help of a housekeeper!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
A Letter
Dear Brad Paisley-
I'm quite certain my husband writes the songs you sing. Much like Barry Manilow and the Whole World, but much much better! After all, how is it that you sing lines that are obviously about me like "she's a one glass of wine and she's feeling kinda tipsy" and "she's the giver I wish I could be and the stealer of the covers" and what about "to the world you may be just another girl but to me baby, you are the world."
Anywho...last spring after hearing you sing one of my husband's songs, I declared "If Brad Paisley comes to town, we must see him!" Now I have to let you know that at the time, I was a few weeks pregnant with our 2nd boy. And I must also let you know that we played around with the idea of naming our boy Huck - we thought you wouldn't mind sharing your baby's name.
Well low and behold, not too long after this declaration, I read in the paper that you would be in town...on November 20...2 days before I was to birth our sweet baby via c-section. This in no way hampered my original plan so my dear husband proceeded to purchase concert tickets.
Now not only would I be very very VERY pregnant when you were in town, but hearing you sing live the words my husband wrote about me, well...I knew I'd be a blubbering mess. And the only thing worse than a girl crying is a ginormously pregnant girl crying - no - blubbering. And let's be honest, my husband is quite...uhm...well...frugal. So we opted for the cheap seats. I just needed to wedge myself in a seat somewhere way up high in the dark and I'd be on cloud 9!
I need to let you know Mr. Paisley - Brad if I may - my first baby boy was overdue - 1 whole week to be exact! So we were in no way worried that second baby boy was going to budge. Boy were we wrong!
On the very morning of your concert, I began cleaning like a maniac (can you say nesting?). That afternoon, we were going back and forth about the concert. I had used up my daily allotted energy cleaning and was all kinds of swollen. We decided this was probably the last time we'd be a part of society for quite a while so we may as well partake in the concert going!
I finished up some work then got on the BOK Center website to try and figure out parking. Lord knows I needed something super close as my feet were swollen into giant clubs. After navigating around and realizing my silly pregnant brain wasn't getting us anywhere, my beloved told me to get up so he could take a stab at this parking situation.
Brad, it was at this moment the decision to not go to the concert was made for us. My water broke! I said this to my husband " water just broke". I had been playing "girl who cries amniotic sack rupture" for about a month now so he's all - yeah right. "Uhm. No. Look". He looks...then..."OK. OK. OK. OK. Uhm...what do we do? OK. OK. OK."
Fast forward to the hospital. In the c-section room, I told everyone how we were missing the Brad Paisley (your) concert. Everyone agreed it was probably for the best that we weren't there. A nurse turned on the radio to a local country station. I don't remember what songs we heard, but I do remember one - "Little Moments". I cried. My husband cried. It was perfect. Oh and I heard "Hillbilly Bone" when they were putting me back together and I thought that was pretty funny.
So there you have it! You will forever be a part of our son's birth story. Oh and his name is Thatcher (from my mind) and Rippy (after his great grandpa). He's going to be a star lineman for his high school football team and an astounding scientist!
Yours Truly,

Guess which one cost more?
I'm quite certain my husband writes the songs you sing. Much like Barry Manilow and the Whole World, but much much better! After all, how is it that you sing lines that are obviously about me like "she's a one glass of wine and she's feeling kinda tipsy" and "she's the giver I wish I could be and the stealer of the covers" and what about "to the world you may be just another girl but to me baby, you are the world."
Anywho...last spring after hearing you sing one of my husband's songs, I declared "If Brad Paisley comes to town, we must see him!" Now I have to let you know that at the time, I was a few weeks pregnant with our 2nd boy. And I must also let you know that we played around with the idea of naming our boy Huck - we thought you wouldn't mind sharing your baby's name.
Well low and behold, not too long after this declaration, I read in the paper that you would be in town...on November 20...2 days before I was to birth our sweet baby via c-section. This in no way hampered my original plan so my dear husband proceeded to purchase concert tickets.
Now not only would I be very very VERY pregnant when you were in town, but hearing you sing live the words my husband wrote about me, well...I knew I'd be a blubbering mess. And the only thing worse than a girl crying is a ginormously pregnant girl crying - no - blubbering. And let's be honest, my husband is quite...uhm...well...frugal. So we opted for the cheap seats. I just needed to wedge myself in a seat somewhere way up high in the dark and I'd be on cloud 9!
I need to let you know Mr. Paisley - Brad if I may - my first baby boy was overdue - 1 whole week to be exact! So we were in no way worried that second baby boy was going to budge. Boy were we wrong!
On the very morning of your concert, I began cleaning like a maniac (can you say nesting?). That afternoon, we were going back and forth about the concert. I had used up my daily allotted energy cleaning and was all kinds of swollen. We decided this was probably the last time we'd be a part of society for quite a while so we may as well partake in the concert going!
I finished up some work then got on the BOK Center website to try and figure out parking. Lord knows I needed something super close as my feet were swollen into giant clubs. After navigating around and realizing my silly pregnant brain wasn't getting us anywhere, my beloved told me to get up so he could take a stab at this parking situation.
Brad, it was at this moment the decision to not go to the concert was made for us. My water broke! I said this to my husband " water just broke". I had been playing "girl who cries amniotic sack rupture" for about a month now so he's all - yeah right. "Uhm. No. Look". He looks...then..."OK. OK. OK. OK. Uhm...what do we do? OK. OK. OK."
Fast forward to the hospital. In the c-section room, I told everyone how we were missing the Brad Paisley (your) concert. Everyone agreed it was probably for the best that we weren't there. A nurse turned on the radio to a local country station. I don't remember what songs we heard, but I do remember one - "Little Moments". I cried. My husband cried. It was perfect. Oh and I heard "Hillbilly Bone" when they were putting me back together and I thought that was pretty funny.
So there you have it! You will forever be a part of our son's birth story. Oh and his name is Thatcher (from my mind) and Rippy (after his great grandpa). He's going to be a star lineman for his high school football team and an astounding scientist!
Yours Truly,
Guess which one cost more?
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Remembering Grandma
I can't believe it's been 3 months today that we lost our dear sweet grandma. I miss her everyday and even more so when I have trying times with the boys. When they are being more than I can handle, I just know my grandma would've known what to do. I cry because I can't reach out to her for advice.
I'm so lucky to have so many precious memories that I think about often like...
When I was little, my grandma used to wash my hair at the kitchen sink then comb it out while I watched TV.
Grandma always said to chew a 1/2 stick of gum so you wouldn't smack...though this never stopped her from smacking her gum!
Grandma always had bananas (my favorite!) and cookies on hand.
When Grandma would call Grandpa on the CD radio, she always said "Base to unit 1, come in Carl". I even got to call him from time to time and I would say it just like she did!
Grandma would always turn down your bed when you stayed the night with her.
Grandma always had her fingernails painted and took care in how she looked.
Grandma was your biggest fan. No matter what you chose to do, she was proud and showed genuine interest.
And one of my very last memories that is so precious to me is watching my grandma rock my sweet baby Tucker to sleep.
There are a million more memories that I hope never fade away.
I hope when my babies have babies, I can be half the grandma to them that mine was to me. I hope in my hugs and kisses, they find the love, strength and wisdom that I feel she's passed on to me.
God I miss her.
I'm so lucky to have so many precious memories that I think about often like...
When I was little, my grandma used to wash my hair at the kitchen sink then comb it out while I watched TV.
Grandma always said to chew a 1/2 stick of gum so you wouldn't smack...though this never stopped her from smacking her gum!
Grandma always had bananas (my favorite!) and cookies on hand.
When Grandma would call Grandpa on the CD radio, she always said "Base to unit 1, come in Carl". I even got to call him from time to time and I would say it just like she did!
Grandma would always turn down your bed when you stayed the night with her.
Grandma always had her fingernails painted and took care in how she looked.
Grandma was your biggest fan. No matter what you chose to do, she was proud and showed genuine interest.
And one of my very last memories that is so precious to me is watching my grandma rock my sweet baby Tucker to sleep.
There are a million more memories that I hope never fade away.
I hope when my babies have babies, I can be half the grandma to them that mine was to me. I hope in my hugs and kisses, they find the love, strength and wisdom that I feel she's passed on to me.
God I miss her.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
So Proud.
I seem to keep hearing the same thing:
You are lucky you have a husband like Alec who helps you with _____________ (fill in the blank).
I know I am.
When he says "I love you." I say "I know" because only love can make him put up with all he puts up with.
Those who love me love him. My grandma would always tell me to be good to him because he's so good to me.
I hope I'm being good.
Because I love him more than he can ever imagine.
And I'm so very proud he's my husband.
And my babies' daddy.
You are lucky you have a husband like Alec who helps you with _____________ (fill in the blank).
I know I am.
When he says "I love you." I say "I know" because only love can make him put up with all he puts up with.
Those who love me love him. My grandma would always tell me to be good to him because he's so good to me.
I hope I'm being good.
Because I love him more than he can ever imagine.
And I'm so very proud he's my husband.
And my babies' daddy.
Two Under Two Too Much?
Man! What have we gotten ourselves into? This whole idea of having 2 babies under the age of 2 is starting to be way more work than I had anticipated!
When we were pregnant with Thatcher, the term 2 under 2 kept popping up - usually with a few giggles - from our friends and family. I honestly thought the only thing that may be a challenge would be the amount of diapers we were going to go through. Honestly - that was it!
I thought - infants are easy! They just need a full belly, a dry bottom and a cozy little place to nap the day away. While said infant was napping away, we would play with our bouncing of the walls toddler. Boy was I wrong!
Tucker was an easy baby - which now I realize was very deceiving. We thought that's how all babies were. Just happy little bundles of joy. Heck, why not have another? How fun!
Then Thatcher came along. He doesn't seem to be a very happy bundle of joy. He's more like a fussy hot mess. We spend most of our time with him going back and forth - does he not feel well? is it colic? he feels fine. it's colic. no...does he really not feel well? ok. yeah. it's colic.
So now not only do we have a bouncing off the walls toddler, we also have a fussy hot mess of a baby. And our days - well - they stink. They really do.
We've decided the easiest thing to do at this point is just surrender - give up. Instead of waking up on Saturdays with thoughts of accomplishing errands and home projects, one of us holds the baby while the other entertains the toddler. Or if someone must take a shower, then the other has the task of comforting baby and playing with toddler at the same time.
Every now and then, we luck out and they take naps at the same time. During this time, we either throw ourselves down on the couch in complete exhaustion or we speed through chores like laundry and the never ending task of picking up toys - never ending!
I feel like I've lost my body and looks to my sweet boys and now my sanity is slowing going away too. I know things will eventually get better but it's really hard to imagine they ever will. I so look forward to that time. But for now, I'm that sleep deprived half crazed frumpy mama with no make-up wearing sweat pants everywhere. Nice to meet you. Please don't giggle about my 2 under 2.
Oh - now read this all again and throw 3 dogs into the mix. I may cry.
When we were pregnant with Thatcher, the term 2 under 2 kept popping up - usually with a few giggles - from our friends and family. I honestly thought the only thing that may be a challenge would be the amount of diapers we were going to go through. Honestly - that was it!
I thought - infants are easy! They just need a full belly, a dry bottom and a cozy little place to nap the day away. While said infant was napping away, we would play with our bouncing of the walls toddler. Boy was I wrong!
Tucker was an easy baby - which now I realize was very deceiving. We thought that's how all babies were. Just happy little bundles of joy. Heck, why not have another? How fun!
Then Thatcher came along. He doesn't seem to be a very happy bundle of joy. He's more like a fussy hot mess. We spend most of our time with him going back and forth - does he not feel well? is it colic? he feels fine. it's colic. no...does he really not feel well? ok. yeah. it's colic.
So now not only do we have a bouncing off the walls toddler, we also have a fussy hot mess of a baby. And our days - well - they stink. They really do.
We've decided the easiest thing to do at this point is just surrender - give up. Instead of waking up on Saturdays with thoughts of accomplishing errands and home projects, one of us holds the baby while the other entertains the toddler. Or if someone must take a shower, then the other has the task of comforting baby and playing with toddler at the same time.
Every now and then, we luck out and they take naps at the same time. During this time, we either throw ourselves down on the couch in complete exhaustion or we speed through chores like laundry and the never ending task of picking up toys - never ending!
I feel like I've lost my body and looks to my sweet boys and now my sanity is slowing going away too. I know things will eventually get better but it's really hard to imagine they ever will. I so look forward to that time. But for now, I'm that sleep deprived half crazed frumpy mama with no make-up wearing sweat pants everywhere. Nice to meet you. Please don't giggle about my 2 under 2.
Oh - now read this all again and throw 3 dogs into the mix. I may cry.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Please Accommodate Me!
When Tucker was a wee one and I was a bumbling breastfeeding mom, I pretty much stayed holed up in our house. I didn't want to risk being in public with a starving infant.
This time around, I want to get out with our boys and experience life outside our four walls. However, I'm finding those around us are not so accommodating towards breastfeeding mamas.
For instance, today we went to a friend's birthday party and one of those bouncy places. Thatcher slept for a good while and I thought he'd last until we made it back home. But alas, about half way through the party, Thatcher woke up, famished as usual.
We asked an employee if they have a family room or someplace we could tuck away to do our business. The naive teenager said "the bathroom". Really? The bathroom?
So I attempted to give Thatcher an "emergency"premade formula bottle but he refused. Ok. Soooo...we're gonna do this. I grabbed the baby and my diaper bag and went in search of the restroom.
I sat up shop in the handicap stall because I needed all the room I could get. I wasn't about to plop down on the floor so I sat on the toilet seat (no lid), which was nice and loose, and proceeded to feed my starving child. After he finished one side, I stood up and burped him which resulted in a river of spit up all down my back and on the floor. *sigh*
I sat back down on the toilet and rotated Thatcher to the other side all the while rocking back and forth on the loose seat. While he nursed, I attempted to throw toilet paper on the spit up pool and wipe it around with my foot.
When he finished, I again burped him but used a burp rag over my spit up soaked shoulder this time! Smart! Oh but wait! This burp resulted in a nice blowout on the other end. And who didn't pack a change of clothes? Not smart.
So now I'm balancing my poo covered baby on my spit up soaked shoulder while I attempt to pick up the toilet paper mess on the floor.
Really? No family room at all? SERIOUSLY!
I successfully changed the very messy diaper, threw on some lipstick, plastered a smile on my face and went back to the party smelling of spit up and poopy baby. pretty.
I think if I wasn't so modest, I wouldn't be so mortified by the thought of breastfeeding in public. I have a couple of cute cover-ups and have mastered a comfortable Boppy-free position. But the thought of having my boob out and everyone around me conscious of said boob...absolutely mortifying!
This is my plea - just have a nice little family room. Heck, at this point, I'd settle for a folding chair in a bathroom stall. I just think breastfeeding mamas should have the right to a little privacy. Really, is that too much to ask?
This time around, I want to get out with our boys and experience life outside our four walls. However, I'm finding those around us are not so accommodating towards breastfeeding mamas.
For instance, today we went to a friend's birthday party and one of those bouncy places. Thatcher slept for a good while and I thought he'd last until we made it back home. But alas, about half way through the party, Thatcher woke up, famished as usual.
We asked an employee if they have a family room or someplace we could tuck away to do our business. The naive teenager said "the bathroom". Really? The bathroom?
So I attempted to give Thatcher an "emergency"premade formula bottle but he refused. Ok. Soooo...we're gonna do this. I grabbed the baby and my diaper bag and went in search of the restroom.
I sat up shop in the handicap stall because I needed all the room I could get. I wasn't about to plop down on the floor so I sat on the toilet seat (no lid), which was nice and loose, and proceeded to feed my starving child. After he finished one side, I stood up and burped him which resulted in a river of spit up all down my back and on the floor. *sigh*
I sat back down on the toilet and rotated Thatcher to the other side all the while rocking back and forth on the loose seat. While he nursed, I attempted to throw toilet paper on the spit up pool and wipe it around with my foot.
When he finished, I again burped him but used a burp rag over my spit up soaked shoulder this time! Smart! Oh but wait! This burp resulted in a nice blowout on the other end. And who didn't pack a change of clothes? Not smart.
So now I'm balancing my poo covered baby on my spit up soaked shoulder while I attempt to pick up the toilet paper mess on the floor.
Really? No family room at all? SERIOUSLY!
I successfully changed the very messy diaper, threw on some lipstick, plastered a smile on my face and went back to the party smelling of spit up and poopy baby. pretty.
I think if I wasn't so modest, I wouldn't be so mortified by the thought of breastfeeding in public. I have a couple of cute cover-ups and have mastered a comfortable Boppy-free position. But the thought of having my boob out and everyone around me conscious of said boob...absolutely mortifying!
This is my plea - just have a nice little family room. Heck, at this point, I'd settle for a folding chair in a bathroom stall. I just think breastfeeding mamas should have the right to a little privacy. Really, is that too much to ask?
Thursday, February 10, 2011
And We're Back!
I finally got a new computer (YAY!) so hopefully I'll be able to blog a bit more.
Where to begin after being MIA for over a month?!?!
Well I'm back at work - went back on January 3. I stayed pretty caught up during my maternity leave so it wasn't quite so bad going back. I only cried a little bit when I left Thatcher at his grandparents - totally not like when I had to leave Tucker for the first time.
In fact, there are so many things that are totally different this time around.
With Tucker, I was a complete control freak. I know - me? a control freak? It's true. I was so particular about every little thing - when he ate, how much he ate, how much he peed, how much he pooped, how much milk I pumped...the tiniest of details, I fretted over. I remember crying almost daily if I thought I didn't pump enough milk.
But with Thatcher, I've totally thrown all rules and expectations out the window...ok maybe not all, but quite a few! My only concern is that he's a happy and healthy baby - whatever it takes (or doesn't take) to get him there is all I'm worried about.
And on that note, I must go cuddle with my sweet baby boy who is up way past his bedtime.
I have so much to say and so many pictures to post, I'm sooooo very excited to be up and running again....more to come...
Where to begin after being MIA for over a month?!?!
Well I'm back at work - went back on January 3. I stayed pretty caught up during my maternity leave so it wasn't quite so bad going back. I only cried a little bit when I left Thatcher at his grandparents - totally not like when I had to leave Tucker for the first time.
In fact, there are so many things that are totally different this time around.
With Tucker, I was a complete control freak. I know - me? a control freak? It's true. I was so particular about every little thing - when he ate, how much he ate, how much he peed, how much he pooped, how much milk I pumped...the tiniest of details, I fretted over. I remember crying almost daily if I thought I didn't pump enough milk.
But with Thatcher, I've totally thrown all rules and expectations out the window...ok maybe not all, but quite a few! My only concern is that he's a happy and healthy baby - whatever it takes (or doesn't take) to get him there is all I'm worried about.
And on that note, I must go cuddle with my sweet baby boy who is up way past his bedtime.
I have so much to say and so many pictures to post, I'm sooooo very excited to be up and running again....more to come...
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