Tucker will be 1 year old in 3 weeks! Holy cow that's crazy! It's almost time to retire the old baby car seat and step up to the big boy car seat! We've been looking around for a couple of months now and decided to make our final selection yesterday.
We checked out the car seats at Target first. Their prices seem to be a little bit lower than Babies R Us, but they don't have quite the selection.
After narrowing down to 3 seats that we liked the best, we called upon a BRU employee for his expert advice. He basically just read the features off of the little cards posted in front of the seats. Sooo...it was up to us to make the big decision!
And the winner is...the Evenflo Symphony 65 - sounds fancy doesn't it? The things we liked best about this seat is that it's rear facing up to 35 pounds, forward facing up to 65 pounds and forward facing without a harness up to 100 pounds. So basically Tucker can use this seat for a looonnnnggg time...unless he has a major growth spurt!
The price was about middle of the road - not the least expensive, but not the most expensive either. And lucky us...we had a 20% off coupon - woohoo!
Now Tucker needs to gain about 1 more pound and in 3 weeks, he'll be riding in style in his very own big boy car seat!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
What's for dinner?
I'm always curious about what people eat for dinner - do they go out to eat? do they eat a lot of microwave dinners? do they make sure to include all food groups?
I'm amazed when I call my sister and she tells me she's making something like a roast or chicken fried steak or a roasted chicken...for dinner...on a WEEKNIGHT!
I have 3 requirements when planning dinner (I try to hit at least 2 of the 3!):
1. Easy
2. Healthy (or at least not horribly bad for you)
3. Inexpensive
Two weeks ago, our grocery bill left me speechless...I know! Me - speechless! This is a rare occasion. So I thought - meal planning - that's the key. We need to start planning our meals for the week and really working with what we have.
So I feel compelled to share with you what we had for dinner this week (so far). Oh and: breakfast= Pop Tart & coffee / lunch= sandwich & salad or leftovers
Also, I try to make something Tucker can eat...and I have an endless supply of beef.
Monday - Hamburger Helper & green beans
Tuesday - Hamburger Helper leftovers
Wednesday - Chicken parmesan & peas
Here ares some sure fire helpers:
French bread - you can buy these for like $2 (on sale this week for $1.79-woohoo!) and they last for 2 or 3 weeks in your 'fridge.
"Cream of____" soups - really easy and quick recipes on the can - usually includes stuff you already have on hand.
Easily pleased hubby - will eat anything you put in front of him. This really helps with all of my experimental recipes!
I also always have all sorts of seasonings on hand. I feel very grown up when a recipe calls for something and I just so happen to have it! Corriander? Right in the cabinet. Rice wine vinegar? Let me get the bottle out of the pantry.
Anyway, I will start including some of my own recipes and tips to hopefully help others keep the grocery bill down and the belly full!
I'm amazed when I call my sister and she tells me she's making something like a roast or chicken fried steak or a roasted chicken...for dinner...on a WEEKNIGHT!
I have 3 requirements when planning dinner (I try to hit at least 2 of the 3!):
1. Easy
2. Healthy (or at least not horribly bad for you)
3. Inexpensive
Two weeks ago, our grocery bill left me speechless...I know! Me - speechless! This is a rare occasion. So I thought - meal planning - that's the key. We need to start planning our meals for the week and really working with what we have.
So I feel compelled to share with you what we had for dinner this week (so far). Oh and: breakfast= Pop Tart & coffee / lunch= sandwich & salad or leftovers
Also, I try to make something Tucker can eat...and I have an endless supply of beef.
Monday - Hamburger Helper & green beans
Tuesday - Hamburger Helper leftovers
Wednesday - Chicken parmesan & peas
Here ares some sure fire helpers:
French bread - you can buy these for like $2 (on sale this week for $1.79-woohoo!) and they last for 2 or 3 weeks in your 'fridge.
"Cream of____" soups - really easy and quick recipes on the can - usually includes stuff you already have on hand.
Easily pleased hubby - will eat anything you put in front of him. This really helps with all of my experimental recipes!
I also always have all sorts of seasonings on hand. I feel very grown up when a recipe calls for something and I just so happen to have it! Corriander? Right in the cabinet. Rice wine vinegar? Let me get the bottle out of the pantry.
Anyway, I will start including some of my own recipes and tips to hopefully help others keep the grocery bill down and the belly full!
hamburger helper,
weekly menu,
what do families eat
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Tucker's Latest Accomplishments
Tucker has been super busy lately showing off his new accomplishments!
He's a full time walker now, sometimes even standing still in the middle of his treks. He's also able to change directions with only a slight wobble in his step. He reverts to crawling every now and then - usually when he has fallen and doesn't want to mess with standing back up.
Tucker is also mastering the art of imitation! He has a funny monster (demon?) voice that he sometimes uses during his babbling rants. If he's babbling normally and you say something to him in a monster voice, he starts using his monster voice too! It's so funny!
We're working on not only weaning Tucker from nursing (only 2-a-days now!), but also weaning him from the bottle. He has really taken to the sippy cup which we now use for all formula and juice. I even sanitized all of his bottles and whatnots so they can be put away.
On Sunday, Tucker started clapping! So when we wanted him to clap, we would clap and he would just clap away! He would drop whatever he was playing with just so he could clap!
He's still working on waving bye-bye. Last Saturday, we were having breakfast and he started waving really big so I waved back. We did this for a good 2 or 3 minutes!
And yesterday, Tucker showed us he's quite the Casanova! He decided it was time to start giving kisses! He won't kiss on demand - only on his terms. But he opens his mouth and kinda just touches his face to yours. It's the sweetest kiss I've ever received!
Tucker continues to amaze us. It's like one day, he's doing this, and the next, he's doing the complete opposite! He'll be 11 months old on Saturday. He's accomplished so much in 11 months, I wonder what he'll do in the next 11?
He's a full time walker now, sometimes even standing still in the middle of his treks. He's also able to change directions with only a slight wobble in his step. He reverts to crawling every now and then - usually when he has fallen and doesn't want to mess with standing back up.
Tucker is also mastering the art of imitation! He has a funny monster (demon?) voice that he sometimes uses during his babbling rants. If he's babbling normally and you say something to him in a monster voice, he starts using his monster voice too! It's so funny!
We're working on not only weaning Tucker from nursing (only 2-a-days now!), but also weaning him from the bottle. He has really taken to the sippy cup which we now use for all formula and juice. I even sanitized all of his bottles and whatnots so they can be put away.
On Sunday, Tucker started clapping! So when we wanted him to clap, we would clap and he would just clap away! He would drop whatever he was playing with just so he could clap!
He's still working on waving bye-bye. Last Saturday, we were having breakfast and he started waving really big so I waved back. We did this for a good 2 or 3 minutes!
And yesterday, Tucker showed us he's quite the Casanova! He decided it was time to start giving kisses! He won't kiss on demand - only on his terms. But he opens his mouth and kinda just touches his face to yours. It's the sweetest kiss I've ever received!
Tucker continues to amaze us. It's like one day, he's doing this, and the next, he's doing the complete opposite! He'll be 11 months old on Saturday. He's accomplished so much in 11 months, I wonder what he'll do in the next 11?
baby walking,
monster voice,
sippy cup,
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Spring is in the air!
I woke up Sunday morning expecting the sky to be overcast and a little chill in the air. I was very pleasantly surprised to learn that was not the case! When we realized we were in for a glorious springlike afternoon, we rushed to get our Sunday morning chores out of the way so we could soak up as much sun and fresh air as possible.
I was chomping at the bit to start on whatever yard work needed to be done! Now I realize that there is a chance for one more winter weather storm. I remember last year when I was 5 million years pregnant, we had a huge snow storm the last weekend in March. I clearly remember this because I was sure I would go into labor and it would be a nightmare trying to drive in that crazy weather!
Anyway, I realize doing yard work this early in March is probably all for nothing, but I was determined to do something! Last year at this time, I was 5 billion years pregnant and could only sit on the sidelines with my glass of water and watch Alec do everything. I know this doesn't sound like a bad gig, but I like doing yard work!
So I got my gardening bucket (thanks, Santa!), slipped on my purple gloves I won at the Bixby Green Corn Festival Bingo 2 years ago and set out to clear all leaves from the flower beds! I worked feverishly and methodically to remove every single leaf! At the end I had 2 1/2 huge bags full of leaves and arms covered in scrapes, cuts and a rash. They seriously looked like I had stuck my arms in a box full of crazed cats!
After we finished our projects (Alec changed the oil in my car), we just enjoyed the sun and the warmth! Tucker hasn't really spent much time outside, but he seemed to like walking around and checking things out.

We loaded up Tucker in his stroller and walked down to the park. I think he liked watching all of the kids much more than this crazy swing! Alec swung him pretty high - especially when he did an underdog!

Just kidding!
When we got home, we opened all the windows to give the house a good airing out. Tucker found the perfect spot to enjoy some graham crackers!

We ended the day with what else, burgers on the grill! It was the kind of day we just needed to re energize and to get us super excited for spring waiting just around the corner!
I was chomping at the bit to start on whatever yard work needed to be done! Now I realize that there is a chance for one more winter weather storm. I remember last year when I was 5 million years pregnant, we had a huge snow storm the last weekend in March. I clearly remember this because I was sure I would go into labor and it would be a nightmare trying to drive in that crazy weather!
Anyway, I realize doing yard work this early in March is probably all for nothing, but I was determined to do something! Last year at this time, I was 5 billion years pregnant and could only sit on the sidelines with my glass of water and watch Alec do everything. I know this doesn't sound like a bad gig, but I like doing yard work!
So I got my gardening bucket (thanks, Santa!), slipped on my purple gloves I won at the Bixby Green Corn Festival Bingo 2 years ago and set out to clear all leaves from the flower beds! I worked feverishly and methodically to remove every single leaf! At the end I had 2 1/2 huge bags full of leaves and arms covered in scrapes, cuts and a rash. They seriously looked like I had stuck my arms in a box full of crazed cats!
After we finished our projects (Alec changed the oil in my car), we just enjoyed the sun and the warmth! Tucker hasn't really spent much time outside, but he seemed to like walking around and checking things out.

We loaded up Tucker in his stroller and walked down to the park. I think he liked watching all of the kids much more than this crazy swing! Alec swung him pretty high - especially when he did an underdog!

Just kidding!
When we got home, we opened all the windows to give the house a good airing out. Tucker found the perfect spot to enjoy some graham crackers!

We ended the day with what else, burgers on the grill! It was the kind of day we just needed to re energize and to get us super excited for spring waiting just around the corner!
flower beds,
green corn festival,
park swings,
yard work
Friday, March 5, 2010
Until We Meet Again
This morning as we were pulling in to work, I told Alec that I think I may be just about finished with pumping my mama's milk for sweet Tucker. Over the past couple of weeks, I went from 3 pumpings per day to just 1. I barely get 2 ounces a day now. I still have in my head that any little tiny amount of mama's milk is better than none at all! But alas, it's time to retire the pump...for now.
I'll clean up my fancy pump real good - maybe even replace the power cord that has a little snag in it. Better remember to take out the batteries - I think I still have the ones that nice flight attendant gave me in New York! I'll take down my temporary blinds in my office...hello co-workers! Time to pack everything away. Until we meet again, fancy pants pump!
I think Tucker and I will keep on keepin' on for at least another month. Right now we're just doing "good morning, Sunshine" and "good night, sleep tight" feedings. I'm not sure Tucker is even getting anything from me, but oh what I get from him! (I was sure I wouldn't cry writing this! Boo!).
But I did it. I didn't think I could, but I did. And I'll do it again!
I'll clean up my fancy pump real good - maybe even replace the power cord that has a little snag in it. Better remember to take out the batteries - I think I still have the ones that nice flight attendant gave me in New York! I'll take down my temporary blinds in my office...hello co-workers! Time to pack everything away. Until we meet again, fancy pants pump!
I think Tucker and I will keep on keepin' on for at least another month. Right now we're just doing "good morning, Sunshine" and "good night, sleep tight" feedings. I'm not sure Tucker is even getting anything from me, but oh what I get from him! (I was sure I wouldn't cry writing this! Boo!).
But I did it. I didn't think I could, but I did. And I'll do it again!
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