We decided this is the weekend that we'd work on letting Tucker "cry it out" for naps and bedtime. He's pretty good at falling asleep on his own at night, but nap time is a different story!
Apparently during the week, Tucker takes pretty good naps during the day. However, on the weekends, he rarely takes naps. If he does, it's when we're driving somewhere or they only last maybe an hour.
Tucker ready to take a nap!

I didn't realize "crying it out" is an actual method, but it is! http://www.sleep-baby-sleep.com/ferber-method.htm
Saturday mid-morning Alec put Tucker down in his play yard and Tucker began to cry. Ten minutes later, he was asleep! Who knew it would be that easy?!?! So later that afternoon, after we ran our errands, we tried to put Tucker down again. Well he cried and cried and cried. Then I cried and cried and cried. I gave in and so began our long afternoon. Tucker finally decided to take a nap...at 8pm! Of course by then it was bedtime so I woke him up to eat at 10 then back to bed!
Today was a little better. He took a couple small naps and luckily there wasn't much crying involved!
On another note, we've decided to revamp our garden! The tomatoes are just about finished and we already pulled up the squash and zucchini. We're hoping to plant some things that Tucker can eat in a couple of months - carrots, peas and green beans.
Just when we decided to pull up our cucumbers, they finally decided to come in!

We still have a ton of pickles left over from last year! Luckily, I found a recipe online for PF Chang's Shanghai Cucumbers. Maybe after a few batches of those, we'll have our fill of cucumbers and we'll be ready to pull them up!