Tucker was quite the busy boy yesterday. First we went to Wynona's Founders Day celebration. This year marked Wynona's 100th birthday so there were lots of people there and of course everyone ooh'd and ahh'd over Tucker!
Tucker watched the parade with Daddy.

Then Tucker was
in the parade when Daddy jumped in the golf cart with Grandma Carol and cousin Laney!

After Grandma Carol showed off her new grandson to everyone, Tucker snugged up with Grandpa Walter.

Tucker was all tuckered out and took a little nap on the way home.

Tucker ate and freshened up then it was off to the zoo with Gram and Tink!
Momma gets Tucker all settled for his first zoo trip.

At the zoo, Tucker saw a rhinoceros!

Then we rode the train and Tucker saw some elephants!

After monkeying around, it was time to go home!

Tucker slept 7 straight hours last night, got up to eat, then slept for 2 more hours! Momma and Daddy vote for more fun filled days!