The dog days of summer are upon us and our air conditioner is on the fritz! It's really not that bad though...just a little sticky. Hopefully we can get it fixed this week! The heat doesn't seem to have phased Tucker or the furkids though.
Tucker chills out in his bouncy seat.
Lucy soaks up the sun!
Mango hangs out on the patio. This year we planted our herbs (cilantro, rosemary and basil) in pots.
Berman prefers the cool living room floor!
We have some sort of bird sanctuary in our front yard! Here's a baby bird that was just sitting in one of the bushes in the front flower bed:
Alec trimmed some of the branches on our trees in the front yard but found a robin's nest in one so we have to wait till the babies move out before we can hack that branch:
Here's the momma keeping watch (I planted those flowers last weekend!):
Our garden is doing great! We have a lot of little green tomatoes, a couple of bell peppers and a jalapeno!
Since our squash and zucchini have taken over one half of the garden, Alec built a trellis so hopefully the cucumbers will go vertical:
Tucker is growing like a weed and is smiling in response to real things now (not just silly toots)!
Lots of happy healthy babies at the Davis home!