Though 2008 was full of many wonderful events (new house, marriage, pregnancy), 2009 wasn't too shabby!
In January we began our third trimester of pregnancy! We went from no questions for the doctor to a notebook full of every question imaginable!
February and March drug on forever...who knew a trimester could seem like years?!?! I was very pregnant and I'm pretty sure that sums up those months!
Then in April, we were blessed with the greatest gift - a perfect bouncing baby boy! Getting Tucker here wasn't the easiest, but 19 hours of labor and a 1/2 gallon of blood is a small price to pay for such a precious wonder.
May was full of the trials and tribulations of new parenthood. What an adjustment to every second of every day! We spent our first anniversary eating Pei Wei at home and holding our sweet boy.
In June our garden began to show some good signs of a bountiful harvest! Alec was in full yard/garden mode. Tucker and I spent many an afternoon watching Alec mow and take care our home.
The tomatoes came in July - and boy did they come in! Some evenings we would pick up to 50 tomatoes from our little suburban garden. We had fresh caprese salad and gave homemade spaghetti sauce a whirl - who knew 30 pounds of tomatoes and 6 hours over a hot stove would yield only 7 pints of sauce?!?
By August we were finally getting into the swing of things with Tucker. Our daily routine took shape as best it could with a new baby.
Tucker got his first teeth in September (he now has 7)! The garden began to wind down and we were ready to settle in and snuggle up!
In October, Tucker moved upstairs to his crib in his bedroom. Of course we had to move upstairs too and stayed in the bedroom by Tucker's for a couple of weeks...just to make sure he (I) would be ok.
Alec and I went to NYC in November and I was sure I'd die from a broken heart! Leaving Tucker was the absolute hardest thing I ever had to do. I cried for a week before our trip and each day of our trip. I was sooooo happy to finally get back home and see our sweet boy!
December was full of making new family traditions! Though work was crazy and over-the-top stressful, all the worries of the world melt away when Tucker smiles at us.
Now we have a precious baby boy and our life is full and complete. 2009 has some pretty big shoes to fill and I'm looking forward to it!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
A Merry Little Christmas
What a difference a baby makes! Normally I'm in total Martha mode striving for some holiday magic that is way unrealistic, but this year, it was all about Tucker! Of course I realize he's too young to really get a grasp about what we were doing or what Christmas is all about, but it was nice to start working on some of our family traditions.
Each weekend in December, I baked a new batch of cookies - always a recipe I've never tried. We had to make sure Santa was getting the best cookies possible! I also made my famous peanut butter balls - always a favorite of family, friends and coworkers!
My side of the family stayed with the tradition of exchanging gifts with everyone. On Alec's side, we drew names at Thanksgiving and only had to buy for 1 person. We each filled out a Secret Santa questionnaire and no one could tell who they got until all of the gifts were open on Christmas. I totally lucked out - Alec drew my name!
I was kinda bummed though because we agreed not to exchange gifts with each other this year but he got to get something for me anyway. Our gift to ourselves was our new dining table and chairs. But since he drew my name, Alec got me a pink and purple toolbox (looks very similar to a Caboodle!), a gardening tote, a jewelry box (fingers more lost diamond earrings!) and new bird salt and pepper shakers (I had these before, but salt was dropped behind the stove and broke). Though not an actual Christmas gift, he also got me a new Frankoma 1975 Democratic donkey mug. I had found one of these at an antique store during our first Bixby Green Corn Festival. A couple of weeks ago, I was holding Tucker in the kitchen...he grabbed the mug...he dropped the more donkey mug. So I was very excited and very overcome with emotion when just 2 days later, our friendly post lady delivered a "new" donkey mug to me!
I continued the tradition of adding 1 new ornament to our tree - something to symbolize an important event in our lives for the year. I found a Hallmark Keepsake ornament called Sweet Pea that was just perfect for Tucker's first Christmas! But alas, the Hallmark I went to only had black babies. They called the store across town and the one white baby they had was put on hold for me! WooHoo!
On Christmas Eve, Tucker and I wrote his letter to Santa and put it in his stocking. He only asked for 3 things - a rocking horse, a teddy bear and some blocks.

We set out peanut butter kiss cookies, gingerbread men, Cheerios and milk for Santa.

Before Tucker went to sleep that night, Alec read The Night Before Christmas to us. We started this tradition last year when Tucker was still in my belly.
Then on Christmas morning, before we brought Tucker downstairs to see if Santa had come, Alec read the real Christmas story from the Bible. Hopefully we'll continue this tradition so we can always remember the true meaning of Christmas!
And then it was time to see if Santa had made it to our house despite the crazy weather! And lo and behold he did! Our stockings overflowed with candy, toothbrushes and underwear! Even the furkids got treats and toys! We must have all been on Santa's nice list this year!

Despite missing one of our three gatherings on Christmas Eve due to the weather, it was a perfect Christmas! I hope we continue with the traditions we've begun and add even more family traditions in the years to come.
Each weekend in December, I baked a new batch of cookies - always a recipe I've never tried. We had to make sure Santa was getting the best cookies possible! I also made my famous peanut butter balls - always a favorite of family, friends and coworkers!
My side of the family stayed with the tradition of exchanging gifts with everyone. On Alec's side, we drew names at Thanksgiving and only had to buy for 1 person. We each filled out a Secret Santa questionnaire and no one could tell who they got until all of the gifts were open on Christmas. I totally lucked out - Alec drew my name!
I was kinda bummed though because we agreed not to exchange gifts with each other this year but he got to get something for me anyway. Our gift to ourselves was our new dining table and chairs. But since he drew my name, Alec got me a pink and purple toolbox (looks very similar to a Caboodle!), a gardening tote, a jewelry box (fingers more lost diamond earrings!) and new bird salt and pepper shakers (I had these before, but salt was dropped behind the stove and broke). Though not an actual Christmas gift, he also got me a new Frankoma 1975 Democratic donkey mug. I had found one of these at an antique store during our first Bixby Green Corn Festival. A couple of weeks ago, I was holding Tucker in the kitchen...he grabbed the mug...he dropped the more donkey mug. So I was very excited and very overcome with emotion when just 2 days later, our friendly post lady delivered a "new" donkey mug to me!
I continued the tradition of adding 1 new ornament to our tree - something to symbolize an important event in our lives for the year. I found a Hallmark Keepsake ornament called Sweet Pea that was just perfect for Tucker's first Christmas! But alas, the Hallmark I went to only had black babies. They called the store across town and the one white baby they had was put on hold for me! WooHoo!
On Christmas Eve, Tucker and I wrote his letter to Santa and put it in his stocking. He only asked for 3 things - a rocking horse, a teddy bear and some blocks.
We set out peanut butter kiss cookies, gingerbread men, Cheerios and milk for Santa.
Before Tucker went to sleep that night, Alec read The Night Before Christmas to us. We started this tradition last year when Tucker was still in my belly.
Then on Christmas morning, before we brought Tucker downstairs to see if Santa had come, Alec read the real Christmas story from the Bible. Hopefully we'll continue this tradition so we can always remember the true meaning of Christmas!
And then it was time to see if Santa had made it to our house despite the crazy weather! And lo and behold he did! Our stockings overflowed with candy, toothbrushes and underwear! Even the furkids got treats and toys! We must have all been on Santa's nice list this year!
Despite missing one of our three gatherings on Christmas Eve due to the weather, it was a perfect Christmas! I hope we continue with the traditions we've begun and add even more family traditions in the years to come.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Our lives will never be the same
Six months ago today, our lives changed forever...this is the day we met the sweetest baby in the world.

I can't believe it's been six months! Alec and I still talk about my pregnancy and Tucker's big arrival like it was just six days ago.
We've been so blessed to have such a healthy and happy baby. I can't really remember what our life was like before Tucker joined us. I just know it wasn't nearly as full and complete and it is now.

I can't believe it's been six months! Alec and I still talk about my pregnancy and Tucker's big arrival like it was just six days ago.
We've been so blessed to have such a healthy and happy baby. I can't really remember what our life was like before Tucker joined us. I just know it wasn't nearly as full and complete and it is now.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
My Wynona Now
On Saturday we loaded up and headed to my hometown of Wynona to visit my grandparents and mom (Mom had to work so we only saw her for just a little bit). It was one of those long visits that centered me and filled me with peace.
Before we could get Tucker and his barrage of stuff out of the car, Grandpa was out the door, off the front porch and welcoming us with hugs. Grandma was in the kitchen already getting everything ready for lunch. I snuck in and sat Tucker on the kitchen floor to surprise Grandma and it was so cute hearing her laugh and be so tickled to see our sweet boy just sitting in the middle of the kitchen!
Grandma and Grandpa were happy to cook us a big lunch of fried catfish (caught by Grandpa), fried potatoes, corn, tomatoes, onions (all from their garden - except the corn. Grandma uses Del Monte canned corn because she's never had corn better than Del Montes!).
While lunch cooked, Alec, Tucker and I went out to Grandpa's shop to see his latest sweet potato crop. I've never seen such huge sweet potatoes! One was so big that Grandpa had to get out the scale so we could weigh it (almost 5 pounds)!
After lunch, Grandpa whisked Alec away ("Only those who can grow facial hair can go" Alec announced) while Grandma and I tried our darndest to get Tucker down for a nap.
The most endearing moment was watching Grandma rock Tucker and sing to him. My eyes kept tearing up and I blamed it on allergies (I get my soft heart from Grandpa - not Grandma). It was just so sweet! Grandma is 84 years old, but she played with Tucker - lifting him up over her head and walking around swinging with him - like she had all the strength in the world.
Grandma is at the stage in her life where she wants to give us things - just little things - a deviled egg tray, some little hors d'oeuvre dishes and some crystal salt and pepper shakers ("When you put out your crystal, you can use these!"). Grandma is a firm believer that everyone should have a little bit of crystal (she's also given me a crystal vase and crystal pickle dish).
Grandma showed me some of her favorite necklaces and her other favorite jewelry. She always remembers when "Daddy" got her this ring or these earrings ("They're real diamonds!").
After Alec and Grandpa got back from checking things out around town (and digging up more sweet potatoes), Grandma asked that they take us riding around town. So we all loaded up in our car and headed out on the big Wynona tour!
Alec drove and turned down each street Grandpa instructed with just the slightest point of his finger. Grandma and Grandpa offered commentaries as we crept along the crumbling streets of my hometown - "This is the house where we were married!" Grandma said; "87 years ago, I was born right here...well there used to be a house there..." Grandpa points out; "When I was in high school, we lived here." Grandma tells us. It was a bit of a challenge keeping up with them - our heads turning left and right like we were watching a tennis match!
It was one of those nice long visits where time just gets away - talking about sweet potatoes and flowers and all the simple things in life. It's nice to go back home to remind you of the importance of family and marriage and to clear your head...even if it's just for an afternoon.
Before we could get Tucker and his barrage of stuff out of the car, Grandpa was out the door, off the front porch and welcoming us with hugs. Grandma was in the kitchen already getting everything ready for lunch. I snuck in and sat Tucker on the kitchen floor to surprise Grandma and it was so cute hearing her laugh and be so tickled to see our sweet boy just sitting in the middle of the kitchen!
Grandma and Grandpa were happy to cook us a big lunch of fried catfish (caught by Grandpa), fried potatoes, corn, tomatoes, onions (all from their garden - except the corn. Grandma uses Del Monte canned corn because she's never had corn better than Del Montes!).
While lunch cooked, Alec, Tucker and I went out to Grandpa's shop to see his latest sweet potato crop. I've never seen such huge sweet potatoes! One was so big that Grandpa had to get out the scale so we could weigh it (almost 5 pounds)!
After lunch, Grandpa whisked Alec away ("Only those who can grow facial hair can go" Alec announced) while Grandma and I tried our darndest to get Tucker down for a nap.
The most endearing moment was watching Grandma rock Tucker and sing to him. My eyes kept tearing up and I blamed it on allergies (I get my soft heart from Grandpa - not Grandma). It was just so sweet! Grandma is 84 years old, but she played with Tucker - lifting him up over her head and walking around swinging with him - like she had all the strength in the world.
Grandma is at the stage in her life where she wants to give us things - just little things - a deviled egg tray, some little hors d'oeuvre dishes and some crystal salt and pepper shakers ("When you put out your crystal, you can use these!"). Grandma is a firm believer that everyone should have a little bit of crystal (she's also given me a crystal vase and crystal pickle dish).
Grandma showed me some of her favorite necklaces and her other favorite jewelry. She always remembers when "Daddy" got her this ring or these earrings ("They're real diamonds!").
After Alec and Grandpa got back from checking things out around town (and digging up more sweet potatoes), Grandma asked that they take us riding around town. So we all loaded up in our car and headed out on the big Wynona tour!
Alec drove and turned down each street Grandpa instructed with just the slightest point of his finger. Grandma and Grandpa offered commentaries as we crept along the crumbling streets of my hometown - "This is the house where we were married!" Grandma said; "87 years ago, I was born right here...well there used to be a house there..." Grandpa points out; "When I was in high school, we lived here." Grandma tells us. It was a bit of a challenge keeping up with them - our heads turning left and right like we were watching a tennis match!
It was one of those nice long visits where time just gets away - talking about sweet potatoes and flowers and all the simple things in life. It's nice to go back home to remind you of the importance of family and marriage and to clear your head...even if it's just for an afternoon.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
What a Whirlwind Week!
Tucker turned 5 months old last Sunday and it's been a whirlwind week since! Not only did our big boy turn 5 months old, he also had his first taste of sweet potatoes!
We mixed the sweet potatoes with a little bit of rice cereal and he gobbled all of it right up! For the most part, he seemed to like the taste, but there were a couple of bites that didn't sit very well with him!

We decided to try making our own baby food which is actually pretty easy to do. We peeled and chunked up the potatoes, boiled them and then pureed them in the food processor. Then we filled ice trays with sweet potatoes (1 oz serving each)and placed the frozen cubes in freezer bags. I think we're saving a little $$ making our own but I think it's really about peace of mind.
Sunday evening we went out to dinner with Alec's parents and Tucker wore some boots his Aunt Kim had given him. He hadn't napped all day so he konked out as soon as he got in the car and slept all through dinner. At the end of dinner, Tucker was awake and we had him standing on the table in his boots. Well he got a little attitude and stomped his feet! Whoa! Where did that come from?!?!

On Monday we bought our new dining room set and it was delivered on Tuesday! Our first dinner at our new grown up table? Barbecue sandwiches! It was really nice to sit down as a family (Tucker hung out in his high chair) and only focus on our meal and each other! We didn't have place mats or anything so Alec laid down burp rags which worked perfectly fine.

Then...Tucker decided to take everything next level...we're talking BIG TIME! Saturday morning we went to Target (looking for place mats) and Alec said "Look at Tucker." I looked and he just sat there so I smiled and tickled his gobbler (that's his triple chin) and he smiled. And lo and behold, that child has 2 teeth! I'm sure we looked like idiots squealing and laughing in the middle of Target but I can't believe Tucker has teeth! They weren't there Friday...they just popped up overnight! That poor baby has been cutting teeth this whole time and never once was super fussy or anything! Of course we just had to keep pulling down his lip to look at them and we just had to jab our fingers in his mouth to have a feel. I haven't felt his teeth (in the breastfeeding momma kind of way) yet, but I tense up a little each time he eats, preparing myself for the big bite!
We tried to take pictures, but that's impossible so here's Tucker trying to eat his toes. Careful, Baby! You'll bite off your toe!

Today it was time to switch vegetables so Alec popped a butternut squash in the oven. Tucker seemed to really like it so he'll have that the rest of the week. We were giving him veggie and cereal twice a day, but I think we'll try cereal in the morning then a veggie at lunch and dinner. And he'll still have mother's milk for every other feeding.
Oh - and we got Tucker's Halloween costume...but that'll have to wait till the next blog!
We mixed the sweet potatoes with a little bit of rice cereal and he gobbled all of it right up! For the most part, he seemed to like the taste, but there were a couple of bites that didn't sit very well with him!
We decided to try making our own baby food which is actually pretty easy to do. We peeled and chunked up the potatoes, boiled them and then pureed them in the food processor. Then we filled ice trays with sweet potatoes (1 oz serving each)and placed the frozen cubes in freezer bags. I think we're saving a little $$ making our own but I think it's really about peace of mind.
Sunday evening we went out to dinner with Alec's parents and Tucker wore some boots his Aunt Kim had given him. He hadn't napped all day so he konked out as soon as he got in the car and slept all through dinner. At the end of dinner, Tucker was awake and we had him standing on the table in his boots. Well he got a little attitude and stomped his feet! Whoa! Where did that come from?!?!
On Monday we bought our new dining room set and it was delivered on Tuesday! Our first dinner at our new grown up table? Barbecue sandwiches! It was really nice to sit down as a family (Tucker hung out in his high chair) and only focus on our meal and each other! We didn't have place mats or anything so Alec laid down burp rags which worked perfectly fine.
Then...Tucker decided to take everything next level...we're talking BIG TIME! Saturday morning we went to Target (looking for place mats) and Alec said "Look at Tucker." I looked and he just sat there so I smiled and tickled his gobbler (that's his triple chin) and he smiled. And lo and behold, that child has 2 teeth! I'm sure we looked like idiots squealing and laughing in the middle of Target but I can't believe Tucker has teeth! They weren't there Friday...they just popped up overnight! That poor baby has been cutting teeth this whole time and never once was super fussy or anything! Of course we just had to keep pulling down his lip to look at them and we just had to jab our fingers in his mouth to have a feel. I haven't felt his teeth (in the breastfeeding momma kind of way) yet, but I tense up a little each time he eats, preparing myself for the big bite!
We tried to take pictures, but that's impossible so here's Tucker trying to eat his toes. Careful, Baby! You'll bite off your toe!
Today it was time to switch vegetables so Alec popped a butternut squash in the oven. Tucker seemed to really like it so he'll have that the rest of the week. We were giving him veggie and cereal twice a day, but I think we'll try cereal in the morning then a veggie at lunch and dinner. And he'll still have mother's milk for every other feeding.
Oh - and we got Tucker's Halloween costume...but that'll have to wait till the next blog!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Our Table
We're on a quest to find a new dining room table. We have one but it's small and would fit better in our kitchen.
The table we have was Alec's grandparents table. It was the first piece of furniture his grandpa bought when he came home from the war (WW II). With history like that, there's no way we would part with it!
Now that Tucker is able to sit up and eat, I have this dream of having family meals at our dining table - breakfast on Saturday mornings (pass the biscuits please), big Sunday afternoon lunch (complete with fried chicken & all the fixin's) and of course dinner each evening when we can talk about the good things that happened that day.
Growing up, I rarely had meals at a table. My mom was a single mom and worked 2 or 3 jobs so my sister and I could have nice things. So that left us to fend for ourselves and meals consisted of grilled cheese sandwiches or Spaghetti-Os or a variety of Schwann's deep fried goodness cooked in our death trap of a Fry Daddy! Every now and then we'd have a big breakfast at our table, but mostly, we ate in the living room in front of the TV.
I look forward to turning off the TV, setting the table and presenting my feeble attempts at home cooking to my family. I want to have family gatherings and holiday parties with our friends at our home. I want to linger over a cup of coffee and the Sunday paper with Alec at our dining table. I want Tucker to grow from his highchair, to a booster seat to his very own chair all at our dining table.
That may seem like a lot to expect from a simple piece of furniture, but there's a quiet niceness to simplicity that reminds us of the important things in life. And it all begins with family.
The table we have was Alec's grandparents table. It was the first piece of furniture his grandpa bought when he came home from the war (WW II). With history like that, there's no way we would part with it!
Now that Tucker is able to sit up and eat, I have this dream of having family meals at our dining table - breakfast on Saturday mornings (pass the biscuits please), big Sunday afternoon lunch (complete with fried chicken & all the fixin's) and of course dinner each evening when we can talk about the good things that happened that day.
Growing up, I rarely had meals at a table. My mom was a single mom and worked 2 or 3 jobs so my sister and I could have nice things. So that left us to fend for ourselves and meals consisted of grilled cheese sandwiches or Spaghetti-Os or a variety of Schwann's deep fried goodness cooked in our death trap of a Fry Daddy! Every now and then we'd have a big breakfast at our table, but mostly, we ate in the living room in front of the TV.
I look forward to turning off the TV, setting the table and presenting my feeble attempts at home cooking to my family. I want to have family gatherings and holiday parties with our friends at our home. I want to linger over a cup of coffee and the Sunday paper with Alec at our dining table. I want Tucker to grow from his highchair, to a booster seat to his very own chair all at our dining table.
That may seem like a lot to expect from a simple piece of furniture, but there's a quiet niceness to simplicity that reminds us of the important things in life. And it all begins with family.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Reasons I Love My Husband
*This is an ongoing series*
Note: I was going to number these but I'm horrible at counting. One year, my sole job when working cattle was to count the calves as they came out of the chute. I made it to about 13 or 14 then got distracted and...well who knows how many cattle my dad actually has!
*Today was his day off...and by the time I was ready, he had:
let out the dogs and fed them
made and packed up my lunch
made me breakfast
put my pump, purse, lunch and hot cup of coffee in the car
*His vacation day consisted of taking care of Tucker all day and doing all of the laundry
*When I got home he had a glass of wine chilling in the fridge and he led me to the patio for a little post-work wind down.
*I subscribe to Parents and American Baby magazines which are usually "bathroom reads". I came home to find American Baby on the coffee table. He actually reads this stuff!
So that's 4 reasons so far. More to come, perhaps the next reason will be number 5, but don't hold me to that!
Note: I was going to number these but I'm horrible at counting. One year, my sole job when working cattle was to count the calves as they came out of the chute. I made it to about 13 or 14 then got distracted and...well who knows how many cattle my dad actually has!
*Today was his day off...and by the time I was ready, he had:
let out the dogs and fed them
made and packed up my lunch
made me breakfast
put my pump, purse, lunch and hot cup of coffee in the car
*His vacation day consisted of taking care of Tucker all day and doing all of the laundry
*When I got home he had a glass of wine chilling in the fridge and he led me to the patio for a little post-work wind down.
*I subscribe to Parents and American Baby magazines which are usually "bathroom reads". I came home to find American Baby on the coffee table. He actually reads this stuff!
So that's 4 reasons so far. More to come, perhaps the next reason will be number 5, but don't hold me to that!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
A Quiet Weekend
Things have been pretty quiet in our little corner of the world...and that's how we like it! The weather was so nice this weekend that we turned off the TV and sat out on the back patio for hours on end. Tucker hung out with us in his bouncey seat and exersaucer.
I was able to finish the rocking chair that I got for Tucker a few weeks ago at the flea market. It started out white with little stickers all over it.

I first painted it glossy red but that looked too girly. I changed it to a darker shade in a satin finish then added a little navy blue star.

Alec worked on the garden. He weeded it then laid down some hay to help keep the weeds away. The peas, green beans and carrots are looking good but we haven't seen anything from the pumpkins yet.

We seem to be leaning toward a slower and simpler life. We work so hard and get so stressed at work. When we're home, we just want to disconnect from the world. I'm feeling this urge to purge - to just get rid of so much stuff and really get down to the basics so we can focus more on our family and a lot more time on the patio.
I was able to finish the rocking chair that I got for Tucker a few weeks ago at the flea market. It started out white with little stickers all over it.
I first painted it glossy red but that looked too girly. I changed it to a darker shade in a satin finish then added a little navy blue star.
Alec worked on the garden. He weeded it then laid down some hay to help keep the weeds away. The peas, green beans and carrots are looking good but we haven't seen anything from the pumpkins yet.
We seem to be leaning toward a slower and simpler life. We work so hard and get so stressed at work. When we're home, we just want to disconnect from the world. I'm feeling this urge to purge - to just get rid of so much stuff and really get down to the basics so we can focus more on our family and a lot more time on the patio.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
In My Red High Heels
We went out last night for our friend Brea's birthday. This was our 2nd time going out since Tucker's arrival and I think we held it together pretty good!
I had a whole outfit planned out in my head but when I got ready, the jeans were a little tight, the shirt a little wrinkled and my hair was not cooperating whatsoever. I finally decided I had done all I could do and was going to play the "new mom" card. I cried to Alec that I felt like an old frumpy mom and that all the other girls were so skinny and would be in cute shoes. He said "Go put on your red high heels." I said my jeans weren't long enough and I wasn't sure I could even walk in them. But I put them on. And I didn't feel frumpy. From my ankles down, I was young and sexy again. I walked in them just fine and so we were off!
We dropped Tucker off at our friends Joe and Rachel's house. They have a 6-month old so they are fully qualified to watch Tucker. Of course I cried on the way to their house (not to mention crying all the way home from work). Tucker was so sweet and good when we left which made me cry as soon as we walked out of their front door. But I pulled myself together and kept telling myself that everything would be fine.
I had decided before the night began that I wasn't going to bore everyone with my Tucker stories. I was sure everyone was assuming that I would be all about Tucker talk. But it's funny because most people started the conversations about Tucker and babies and parenthood. And when I felt myself missing Tucker (along with feeling a little lactation - yea!) and when I felt down about the other girls being so cute, Alec would grab my hand and I would look down at my red high heels and everything was ok.
We only stayed for dinner then it was time to high-tail it back to Tucker. Crying on the way there, I wondered how he did - did he get fussy? did he miss us? He was so sweet when we picked him up. He was sleeping and just so peaceful.
When we got home, I just held him and kissed him and whispered "I love you" over and over. And then I got to do my most favorite thing - I held Tucker tight and fed him one last time for the day...all the while wearing my red high heels.
I had a whole outfit planned out in my head but when I got ready, the jeans were a little tight, the shirt a little wrinkled and my hair was not cooperating whatsoever. I finally decided I had done all I could do and was going to play the "new mom" card. I cried to Alec that I felt like an old frumpy mom and that all the other girls were so skinny and would be in cute shoes. He said "Go put on your red high heels." I said my jeans weren't long enough and I wasn't sure I could even walk in them. But I put them on. And I didn't feel frumpy. From my ankles down, I was young and sexy again. I walked in them just fine and so we were off!
We dropped Tucker off at our friends Joe and Rachel's house. They have a 6-month old so they are fully qualified to watch Tucker. Of course I cried on the way to their house (not to mention crying all the way home from work). Tucker was so sweet and good when we left which made me cry as soon as we walked out of their front door. But I pulled myself together and kept telling myself that everything would be fine.
I had decided before the night began that I wasn't going to bore everyone with my Tucker stories. I was sure everyone was assuming that I would be all about Tucker talk. But it's funny because most people started the conversations about Tucker and babies and parenthood. And when I felt myself missing Tucker (along with feeling a little lactation - yea!) and when I felt down about the other girls being so cute, Alec would grab my hand and I would look down at my red high heels and everything was ok.
We only stayed for dinner then it was time to high-tail it back to Tucker. Crying on the way there, I wondered how he did - did he get fussy? did he miss us? He was so sweet when we picked him up. He was sleeping and just so peaceful.
When we got home, I just held him and kissed him and whispered "I love you" over and over. And then I got to do my most favorite thing - I held Tucker tight and fed him one last time for the day...all the while wearing my red high heels.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
It's Hard Being a Farmer!
What a week we had!
Tucker had his 4-month check up & shots on Wednesday. He cried only during the shots then was so over them by the time we left the doctor's office. He ran a little fever for the next couple of days but that was it. He's 25" long and weighed in at 13lbs and 5oz! We can't believe how big he's getting!
Then Thursday was Tucker's 4-month birthday! He's mastered rolling from his back to his belly but hasn't quite figured out belly to back. He can sit up and stand with help. Oh and he finally decided to grow hair this week!
On Friday we bought rice cereal for the first time ever! Tucker had his first taste of "solids" Saturday morning.

He ate over half of the cereal then had a little mother's milk then a long nap!
Saturday morning we went to the flea market and found Tucker a rocking chair!

I'm going to paint it red and add a couple of stars to match his bedroom.
Later Saturday, Alec pulled up our old summer crops and cleaned out the garden. It turned out to be a much bigger job than he anticipated!

Later that evening when we were relaxing on the patio he said "It's hard being a farmer." And I agreed! It's also hard being a farmer's wife - with all the canning and what not. Speaking of, when Alec pulled up the cucumber plant, I made a batch of pickles.
I've learned that canning isn't hard - when you only process using a hotbath. I'm petrified of using a pressure cooker. I admit that I'm not the culinary master that I like to think I am. Only the grace of God would keep a pressure cooker from exploding and our house burning to the ground!
Our current inventory:

Sunday Alec planted our fall garden. Hopefully we'll have as much luck as we did with our Spring garden! He planted peas, carrots, green beans and pumpkins. Our bell pepper and jalapeno plants are still looking good so we didn't pull those up yet.

All in all, a pretty busy weekend on the farm. It takes a lot of work to live so simply!
Tucker had his 4-month check up & shots on Wednesday. He cried only during the shots then was so over them by the time we left the doctor's office. He ran a little fever for the next couple of days but that was it. He's 25" long and weighed in at 13lbs and 5oz! We can't believe how big he's getting!
Then Thursday was Tucker's 4-month birthday! He's mastered rolling from his back to his belly but hasn't quite figured out belly to back. He can sit up and stand with help. Oh and he finally decided to grow hair this week!
On Friday we bought rice cereal for the first time ever! Tucker had his first taste of "solids" Saturday morning.
He ate over half of the cereal then had a little mother's milk then a long nap!
Saturday morning we went to the flea market and found Tucker a rocking chair!
I'm going to paint it red and add a couple of stars to match his bedroom.
Later Saturday, Alec pulled up our old summer crops and cleaned out the garden. It turned out to be a much bigger job than he anticipated!
Later that evening when we were relaxing on the patio he said "It's hard being a farmer." And I agreed! It's also hard being a farmer's wife - with all the canning and what not. Speaking of, when Alec pulled up the cucumber plant, I made a batch of pickles.
I've learned that canning isn't hard - when you only process using a hotbath. I'm petrified of using a pressure cooker. I admit that I'm not the culinary master that I like to think I am. Only the grace of God would keep a pressure cooker from exploding and our house burning to the ground!
Our current inventory:
Sunday Alec planted our fall garden. Hopefully we'll have as much luck as we did with our Spring garden! He planted peas, carrots, green beans and pumpkins. Our bell pepper and jalapeno plants are still looking good so we didn't pull those up yet.
All in all, a pretty busy weekend on the farm. It takes a lot of work to live so simply!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Today Tucker Turns Four!
Months old, that is! He had his check up and shots yesterday. Dr. Freed said he looks great! He weighs 13 lbs and 5 oz (25th percentile) and he's 25" long (55th percentile). AND Tucker gets to start cereal! Not the good stuff (Peanut Butter Captain Crunch), but still - I think it's kind of a big deal! He'll keep having mother's milk and we'll add 2 feedings of rice cereal each day. We're really excited to see how he'll react!
Big boy Tucker ready to see Dr. Freed.

Oh - and I finally wore non-maternity jeans today! WooHoo! Now they are stretch denim and they weren't zipped and buttoned, but they were on!
Big boy Tucker ready to see Dr. Freed.
Oh - and I finally wore non-maternity jeans today! WooHoo! Now they are stretch denim and they weren't zipped and buttoned, but they were on!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Don't Blink!
This weekend we put away Tucker's bassinet. He hasn't slept in it in a few weeks because he's just way too big now. I didn't think putting away his bassinet would be such an emotional thing to do, but it was. I can't believe how big he's getting!
Honestly, when I was pregnant I thought time was standing still. I seriously could not remember what it was like to not be pregnant! It felt like I was pregnant FOREVER! And now that we have Tucker, time is flying by!
When I was putting away some clothes that he's too big for, I didn't think how that was it - last time he'll ever wear that little sheep onesie or the one that says Beep! Beep! I just felt like I was putting them away for now and that he'd eventually wear them again.
I tear up thinking how soon he'll be too old to breastfeed or too big for Daddy to carry around. Every new milestone for him is another chapter closing for us.
I think of our friends who have babies that are getting ready for preschool or even regular school. I cannot imagine being in their shoes. I'd be a complete wreck!
Somehow if I could just keep having babies, then I could always have one picking up where the last left off. Now I just need to convince Alec that this is the most brilliant idea ever!
Honestly, when I was pregnant I thought time was standing still. I seriously could not remember what it was like to not be pregnant! It felt like I was pregnant FOREVER! And now that we have Tucker, time is flying by!
When I was putting away some clothes that he's too big for, I didn't think how that was it - last time he'll ever wear that little sheep onesie or the one that says Beep! Beep! I just felt like I was putting them away for now and that he'd eventually wear them again.
I tear up thinking how soon he'll be too old to breastfeed or too big for Daddy to carry around. Every new milestone for him is another chapter closing for us.
I think of our friends who have babies that are getting ready for preschool or even regular school. I cannot imagine being in their shoes. I'd be a complete wreck!
Somehow if I could just keep having babies, then I could always have one picking up where the last left off. Now I just need to convince Alec that this is the most brilliant idea ever!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Tucker is Being Ferberized!
We decided this is the weekend that we'd work on letting Tucker "cry it out" for naps and bedtime. He's pretty good at falling asleep on his own at night, but nap time is a different story!
Apparently during the week, Tucker takes pretty good naps during the day. However, on the weekends, he rarely takes naps. If he does, it's when we're driving somewhere or they only last maybe an hour.
Tucker ready to take a nap!

I didn't realize "crying it out" is an actual method, but it is!
Saturday mid-morning Alec put Tucker down in his play yard and Tucker began to cry. Ten minutes later, he was asleep! Who knew it would be that easy?!?! So later that afternoon, after we ran our errands, we tried to put Tucker down again. Well he cried and cried and cried. Then I cried and cried and cried. I gave in and so began our long afternoon. Tucker finally decided to take a 8pm! Of course by then it was bedtime so I woke him up to eat at 10 then back to bed!
Today was a little better. He took a couple small naps and luckily there wasn't much crying involved!
On another note, we've decided to revamp our garden! The tomatoes are just about finished and we already pulled up the squash and zucchini. We're hoping to plant some things that Tucker can eat in a couple of months - carrots, peas and green beans.
Just when we decided to pull up our cucumbers, they finally decided to come in!

We still have a ton of pickles left over from last year! Luckily, I found a recipe online for PF Chang's Shanghai Cucumbers. Maybe after a few batches of those, we'll have our fill of cucumbers and we'll be ready to pull them up!
Apparently during the week, Tucker takes pretty good naps during the day. However, on the weekends, he rarely takes naps. If he does, it's when we're driving somewhere or they only last maybe an hour.
Tucker ready to take a nap!
I didn't realize "crying it out" is an actual method, but it is!
Saturday mid-morning Alec put Tucker down in his play yard and Tucker began to cry. Ten minutes later, he was asleep! Who knew it would be that easy?!?! So later that afternoon, after we ran our errands, we tried to put Tucker down again. Well he cried and cried and cried. Then I cried and cried and cried. I gave in and so began our long afternoon. Tucker finally decided to take a 8pm! Of course by then it was bedtime so I woke him up to eat at 10 then back to bed!
Today was a little better. He took a couple small naps and luckily there wasn't much crying involved!
On another note, we've decided to revamp our garden! The tomatoes are just about finished and we already pulled up the squash and zucchini. We're hoping to plant some things that Tucker can eat in a couple of months - carrots, peas and green beans.
Just when we decided to pull up our cucumbers, they finally decided to come in!
We still have a ton of pickles left over from last year! Luckily, I found a recipe online for PF Chang's Shanghai Cucumbers. Maybe after a few batches of those, we'll have our fill of cucumbers and we'll be ready to pull them up!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Happy Birthday!
This past Wednesday was Alec's birthday. He celebrated the day by...mowing! Yeah, he's kinda crazy like that!
Here's his beautiful lawn after his birthday mow:

Then he fixed the problem we were having with our gate not staying shut during super windy days. He decided to dig a hole, pour some concrete, and add a pipe that the latch on the bottom of the gate would fit in. After he dug up the dirt, he found someone else had this idea but didn't quite execute it very well. Here's what he dug up:

So now he has to break this thing up with a sledgehammer so we can put it in the trash.
Alec poured the concrete and added a little decorative touch:

And now the gate latches perfectly!
We went to Chuck E Cheese that evening - Mine and Tucker's first time! The pizza was pretty good and we were able to buy 6 Laffy Taffys with the tickets we won from the games!

This weekend was pretty low key. I had to work from home so we were pretty much homebodies all weekend. Which was good for Alec...he just got finished mowing!
Here's his beautiful lawn after his birthday mow:
Then he fixed the problem we were having with our gate not staying shut during super windy days. He decided to dig a hole, pour some concrete, and add a pipe that the latch on the bottom of the gate would fit in. After he dug up the dirt, he found someone else had this idea but didn't quite execute it very well. Here's what he dug up:
So now he has to break this thing up with a sledgehammer so we can put it in the trash.
Alec poured the concrete and added a little decorative touch:
And now the gate latches perfectly!
We went to Chuck E Cheese that evening - Mine and Tucker's first time! The pizza was pretty good and we were able to buy 6 Laffy Taffys with the tickets we won from the games!
This weekend was pretty low key. I had to work from home so we were pretty much homebodies all weekend. Which was good for Alec...he just got finished mowing!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Mama Mia!
Since our garden has been so plentiful, I decided to give homemade spaghetti sauce a whirl. The recipe Alec found online called for 30 pounds of tomatoes! I was sure there was no way we had that many, but Alec weighed all that he picked on Tucker's baby scale and sure enough - 30 pounds!
The first step was to peel the tomatoes...all 30 pounds!

After coring and quartering the tomatoes, it was time to boil them.

I then added chopped onions and green peppers, minced garlic and parsley, oregano, salt and pepper.

After the sauce simmered and reduced down by 1/2, we poured into jars and put them in a hot bath to seal.

And voila! Homemade spaghetti sauce!

Alec was so excited that he decided to decorate the patio!

I thought that was sweet so I made a banana cream pie - complete with shaved chocolate!


And Tucker took a loooonnnnngggg nap!
The first step was to peel the tomatoes...all 30 pounds!
After coring and quartering the tomatoes, it was time to boil them.
I then added chopped onions and green peppers, minced garlic and parsley, oregano, salt and pepper.
After the sauce simmered and reduced down by 1/2, we poured into jars and put them in a hot bath to seal.
And voila! Homemade spaghetti sauce!
Alec was so excited that he decided to decorate the patio!
I thought that was sweet so I made a banana cream pie - complete with shaved chocolate!
And Tucker took a loooonnnnngggg nap!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Tucker is A Quarter Year Old!
Today is Tucker's 3 month birthday! WooHoo! We can't believe it's already been 3 months! I still can't believe I was pregnant!?!?!
In Tucker's first three months, he has learned to roll over from his back to his belly (right side) and is starting to roll from his left side. He can stand when you hold his hands and he can hold his head pretty steadily. He smiles, laughs and "talks" quite a bit too!
He has outgrown his newborn clothes and most of his 0-3 month clothes. He's even outgrown his bassinet!
He lost all of his hair but it's growing back into an awesome baby mullet. His baby acne has cleared up but he still has his stork bites on his nose and the nape of his neck.
We constanty hear what a good boy he is - rarely fussy (unless he's hungry or wants to be held). We're not around other babies so we just know he's sweet and super snuggly.
We're amazed at how much he's changed in such a short time and can't wait to see what's next!

In Tucker's first three months, he has learned to roll over from his back to his belly (right side) and is starting to roll from his left side. He can stand when you hold his hands and he can hold his head pretty steadily. He smiles, laughs and "talks" quite a bit too!
He has outgrown his newborn clothes and most of his 0-3 month clothes. He's even outgrown his bassinet!
He lost all of his hair but it's growing back into an awesome baby mullet. His baby acne has cleared up but he still has his stork bites on his nose and the nape of his neck.
We constanty hear what a good boy he is - rarely fussy (unless he's hungry or wants to be held). We're not around other babies so we just know he's sweet and super snuggly.
We're amazed at how much he's changed in such a short time and can't wait to see what's next!

Sunday, July 5, 2009
Tucker's First Independence Day!
We decided to take off work Friday and make this weekend a long holiday weekend.
We bought Tucker a Bumbo so he can work on sitting up. He did pretty good except he kept leaning to his right. The Bumbo came with tray and detachable toy. Tucker seems to favor his left hand when playing - perhaps he'll be a southpaw?

Tucker celebrated his first Independence Day in style as Captain Adorable!

A guy on our street threw a big party Saturday night and lots of our neighbors were there. It was a nice way to finally meet everyone! We had a cookout with all sorts of yummy things to eat. Tucker slept through most of the evening, but he did get to enjoy some fireworks.

The fireworks were a little loud for a baby so we moved inside and watched them through the front door.
On Sunday, we went to see Papa Bill and now Tucker is all tuckered out from his long holiday weekend!
We bought Tucker a Bumbo so he can work on sitting up. He did pretty good except he kept leaning to his right. The Bumbo came with tray and detachable toy. Tucker seems to favor his left hand when playing - perhaps he'll be a southpaw?
Tucker celebrated his first Independence Day in style as Captain Adorable!
A guy on our street threw a big party Saturday night and lots of our neighbors were there. It was a nice way to finally meet everyone! We had a cookout with all sorts of yummy things to eat. Tucker slept through most of the evening, but he did get to enjoy some fireworks.
The fireworks were a little loud for a baby so we moved inside and watched them through the front door.
On Sunday, we went to see Papa Bill and now Tucker is all tuckered out from his long holiday weekend!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk?!?!
I've been very very careful about making sure not to ruin any of my...well..."mother's milk". I make sure to keep any that I've pumped in my bottle cooler bag and I'm very careful when handling open bottles. This stuff is a precious commodity - liquid gold if you will!
Well today I had my first casualty. I finished pumping and was quickly detaching all the parts so I could stash them in my sleek pump bag. Wouldn't you know it, I knocked over a bottle - a FULL bottle - all over my desk, keyboard, mouse and me!
Needless to say, I cried over spilled milk! Honestly! I was so furious and upset that I ruined a whole bottle. Those who have not produced mother's milk or who have not been around a mother's milk producer, may not understand the magnitude of the time, pain and utter frustration involved with this "simple" process.
Every time I don't produce 4 full bottles, I feel like a failure and that I'm neglecting Tucker. It's not unusual for me to shed a few tears when I'm only a 1/2 ounce away from a full bottle. And of course just when I've mastered meeting my quota for the day, Tucker decides he would like just a little bit more at each feeding.
But I keep reading about the benefits of breast milk so I trudge on... at least for another month or 6 months or a year.
Well today I had my first casualty. I finished pumping and was quickly detaching all the parts so I could stash them in my sleek pump bag. Wouldn't you know it, I knocked over a bottle - a FULL bottle - all over my desk, keyboard, mouse and me!
Needless to say, I cried over spilled milk! Honestly! I was so furious and upset that I ruined a whole bottle. Those who have not produced mother's milk or who have not been around a mother's milk producer, may not understand the magnitude of the time, pain and utter frustration involved with this "simple" process.
Every time I don't produce 4 full bottles, I feel like a failure and that I'm neglecting Tucker. It's not unusual for me to shed a few tears when I'm only a 1/2 ounce away from a full bottle. And of course just when I've mastered meeting my quota for the day, Tucker decides he would like just a little bit more at each feeding.
But I keep reading about the benefits of breast milk so I trudge on... at least for another month or 6 months or a year.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Tucker's Big Weekend!
We started off the weekend by going to the Bixby Green Corn Festival. By the time the parade started, we were all getting hot and fussy. After having some corn, browsing the craft tables and a couple rounds of bingo, we were headed home.
Daddy and Tucker with Sky News 6 and meteorologist Travis Meyer

Then on Saturday night...Tucker rolled over!

He did it a couple more times Saturday night and a few times on Sunday!
He's quite the traveler! When he's put down to sleep at night, he lays like this:

When he wakes up in the morning, he's completely turned around!

We had a couple of photo shoots today. Tucker is quite the poser!

Daddy and Tucker with Sky News 6 and meteorologist Travis Meyer
Then on Saturday night...Tucker rolled over!
He did it a couple more times Saturday night and a few times on Sunday!
He's quite the traveler! When he's put down to sleep at night, he lays like this:
When he wakes up in the morning, he's completely turned around!
We had a couple of photo shoots today. Tucker is quite the poser!
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