I had 3 Revelations this weekend:
1. There's a baby in my belly. I think I finally felt the baby moving on Saturday. It was a weird feeling in my stomach that I've never felt before. Books call it quickening, my sister said fluttering and a friend said like snakes in my belly. I didn't feel it today, but I was busy painting my living room so I didn't have time to really focus.
2. I'm pregnant. I was reading one of Alec's "dad" books last night. The section I was reading was about dads connecting with their baby for the first time. At first, I was a little teary eyed then I was full blown bawling - I mean I was ugly crying! I was wailing and everything. Alec just said "Is this it?" meaning the moment it hits me that I'm pregnant. I told him I thought it was. He hugged me and I moved on to a different section of the book.
3. I'm wearing my mother's bra. Okay - this is more of a fact rather than a revelation, but still...I'm wearing my mother's bra! I didn't want to buy a new (bigger) bra because I'm not sure when these things are gonna stop growing (if ever)! So mom offered up a couple of bras she doesn't wear. Luckily, I don't completely fill them out, but they are a lot more comfortable than my old bras!
I'm over the weirdness of being pregnant - I'm gassy, stupid and wearing my mother's bra. But I'm also glowing, happy and excited to see what lies ahead!