When we woke up the next morning, Alec took the furkids outside while I took the test. The 2nd pink line showed up so fast and so clear. I just stood there staring at the test. When I heard Alec come in, I hollered at him to come here! I showed him the test and he just started laughing then I started laughing then we both cried and laughed at the same time. All I could say was "How did this happen?" I'm not sure what I meant by that. I mean...I know how it happened, but I was just in shock that it FINALLY happened!
We got ready for work and could barely contain ourselves all day. We finally broke down and told my friend and our boss, Dana. We were hoping to not tell anyone till after our first appointment or after the first trimester, but we're just too excited!
I took another test when we got home just to make sure (and we bought a 2-pack so no sense in wasting!). It was positive too!
So now our days are filled with deciding baby names, rearranging our furniture to make room for baby and trying to figure out how this whole parenting thing works! We are determined to make our furkids into perfect angels before the baby comes, but we'll see what happens!
I haven't been sick - just a little nauseous now and then. I've been tired and get worn out easily. I haven't had any weird cravings either. So far not a lot has changed except now I get up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night which is super frustrating.
Alec has been very supportive and makes me feel as comfortable as possible. He's been sympathy eating - indulging in a nightly hot fudge sundae with me. We find ourselves tearing up every time we see a baby on TV or hear a song about babies.
Other than being totally consumed with babies, we haven't been up to much of anything else. Alec has decided he wants to start catfishing at the dam each weekend. He even helped my grandpa clean fish a couple of weeks ago! As long as he cleans them before he brings them home, then I'm perfectly fine with the idea!
My mom's garden is out of control so she gave us a ton of tomatoes, some canning jars and her salsa recipe.
We also had some okra from my Grandma and decided to pickle it!
So if I get any cravings for catfish, pickles, salsa or pickled okra, I'm set!