Our garden is coming along quite nicely! All but the lettuce seeds have sprouted and the plants are getting bigger and bigger. There's one patch of sprouts that we aren't sure what they are. We didn't exactly label everything because we thought we had a system. I guess we'll have a mystery vegetable/fruit for now - may be a watercumber!
We for sure know we planted: yellow squash, zuchinni, cucumbers, tomatoes, red bell peppers, jalapenos, beans (3 kinds!), peas, lettuce, watermelon, cilantro, rosemary and basil.
We water our garden each evening and on every Sunday, I give it a good dose of Miracle Grow. I sprayed it with Sevin spray (the dust is too messy!) the other day though we haven't had evidence of bugs. The bunnies haven't been by either. We're going to add a little fence around just in case they do decide to visit. Hopefully a fence will keep the furkids out too. They've been pretty good about staying away, but sometimes Mango
accidently flops her tennis ball in the middle of the garden.

Alec's mom brought by a sewing machine that's been in her family for a few decades. Now, I've never ever ever used a sewing machine. I can reattach buttons or fix stiches that have fallen out - all by hand, but I have no idea how to use a sewing machine. I think they stopped offering Home Ec about 2 years before it was my time!
But Marge cleaned up and fixed up the old machine so I could give it a try. She was VERY patient with me and I think I have it down now. After she left, I sat down to try a few stiches on my own. That ended badly. Luckily the thread did not become "unthreaded", but somehow the thread from the bobbin and the thread from the spool weren't cooperating. I had to Google how to fix this, which I did, so now I'm ready to get started! I have many projects in mind...curtains, patio chair covers, maybe a nice pant set for Berman...I think I'm more excited to go buy all my notions and start my little sewing kit! Hobby Lobby's having a sale!

Another project we're working on is adding a brick path from the patio to our awesome hot tub. We found a pile of bricks behind our shed (leftover from the flower beds?)so they match our house perfectly. We're going to dig up the grass and transplant it (hopefully that'll be the last of our bare spots!). Then we'll lay the bricks down in a pattern. We want the grass to grow up between the bricks and through the holes so they won't be slick.

Alec's been working really hard on the hot tub - adding chemicals and what not. Last night we soaked while we watched all the fireworks going off around us. A lot nicer than sitting out in the yard and getting attacked by mosquitos!
And finally, Alec got our flag in place just in time for Independence Day! We'll probably fly it as often as we can. After all, we
are living the American dream!